Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 216 - The Plebeian Leader Versus The Malevolent One.

Just like that, San himself contributed to the death of hundreds of Plebeians and thereby reduced the amount of trouble Melinda and the ladies would have to go through.

The most amazing thing, Emily observed, other than Hal's brilliant diversion was that even when the attack was tossed at them, apart from glancing at it, there was not much more reaction from the ladies or the Emissaries.

Clearly, Hal had told them he would be able to take care of San and in his words, they had total confidence.

Hal landed after striking the Attack, into the part of the field where the dead Plebeians were, His skin now back to normal.

He then looked up at San, 

"So, will you came down here or should I come up there?" He asked.

The Plebeian Family heads looked at San as he gripped his seat handle even tighter and sneered, 

"Bastard! You've made a fool of me multiple times and it is your fault Evian is dead" her said.

Hal's eyes widened in mock surprise, 

"So you finally figured it out huh? You sure took your sweet time.

Not that I'm complaining of course. Your denial helped me put things in place for this moment"

So angry was San that his effeminate face now had uncharacteristic budging veins but he said nothing so Hal continued, 

"I mean, how stupid could you get?

The whole reason you Plebeians even had a chance against the Greats was because they underestimated you. 

They let you run wild and they failed to nip you in the bud.

The one who is to blame the most in this regard is the late Hector Edgar. Not to speak ill of the dead of course.

So it is quite ironic that the very same thing the Greats were guilty of, is what you were guilty of as well.

You underestimated the enemy and despite the obvious signs, you could not bring yourself to believe a teenager could cause you so much trouble.

Heck, I killed so many of your men when you assaulted my home and even then..." At the point, Hal stopped and chuckled before he pointed Executioner at San, 

"What are you waiting for? Let's finish this. The Plebeian Leader versus the Malevolent One.

Does that not sound like the perfect title to the end of a feud"

San stood up and shrugged, 

"Not to me" he said.

Hal chuckled,

"Figures. You're a man out of the times"

San walked over to the edge of the hill and landed with commendable ease while he faced Hal full on and his eyes were red with rage.

But his poise was also one of confidence.

The last time he and Hal had battled, Hal had only managed to survive due to his implementation of Runes.

However, now that he was at the Phenomenon Realm, Rank 3 runes no longer had the same effect on him.

And as for the peculiarities Hal was bound to showcase, he was immune to their fear-inducing abilities. 

And also, impressive as it was to divert that strike, it was not something Hal could do continuously, whereas, he, San Fidwud could dish out much more than that.

Those were some of the perks of being a Cosmic Phenomenon Realm Expert.

Sam stretched his hand and summoned his Saber Cosmic Armament, around which a phenomenon could be observed.

And as he looked at the dreadful-looking Broadsword that was Executioner,  he could not care less if it was a Cosmic Armament of some kind of an Artifact, 

It would not save Hal's life today.

Hal smiled, 

"Know this San, I will not hold back like I did the last time" he said and released the pressure of his Late-stage Cosmic Armament Realm cultivation.

After that, his eyes turned a hybrid of Devil and Fiend as he released Devil energy as well as Fiendish fog. However, he did not take on the Lesser Devil form which, contrary to what he had told San, meant he was still holding back.

And then the battle began.

San sent a massive Cosmic attack at Hal who remained in place and slashed with his Broadsword in a vertical line that released a crescent-shaped attack of Devil Energy which divided San's attack easily.

With the division, Hal dashed forward and engaged San in close combat of Saber clashing on Broadsword where San found out, much to his displeasure that the sturdiness and strength of Hal's body rivaled his.


The Great family heads who had their conjoined forces do as much as they could to assist the Blood Knights and also listen to said Blood Knights were now putting finishing touches to what they were to do which was to take the fight to the Plebeian Family heads.

It was while they were putting those finishing touches that two individuals arrived at the  Camp.

The first was Karon who had been keeping Edgar castle guarded until he was needed for this moment, and he was expected, the Second was Olivia and she was not.

Once Marlon saw her, he moved closer to ask her why she was there and she said she wished to be of assistance, after all, whether or not she remained with Marlon, Hector was her Father in law and his death hurt her deeply.

She wished to have a hand in killing those responsible.

And before Marlon could accuse her, she admitted that it wouldn't hurt to do something that would make Hal notice her and her endeavors which might help her become a Blood Knight.

So far she had not gone to Hal to request an audience because she felt inadequate.

"Stop being obsessed with him!" Marlon said in a loud tone of voice that attracted the attention of many.

Olivia shrugged because while she had never admitted to being obsessed with Hal, she did admit to being obsessed with becoming a Blood Knight and seeing them all fighting so fearlessly only caused the feeling to grow.

"Enough of your Domestic issues. We have bigger fish to fry" Edvard said with growing impatience and the other Great family heads agreed.

Including Darryl.

All being at the Cosmic Armament Realm, they summoned their Cosmic Armaments and became shrouded in Dark fog granted to them by their Devil Marks and it caused Olivia to feel paralyzing fear.

Then they were off.

Not going through the battling forces but by a roundabout route to avoid such and strike at the Plebeian heads.

Or at least Ford and Edvard were after the family heads, Karon, Marlon and Darryl were after the Plebeian Runemasters predominantly.

Olivia looked downcast as she could not follow after them due to the fear they exuded.

Emily watched her for a while and for whatever reason, she shrouded the lady in an Aurora.

"What is this?" Olivia looked shocked.

Emily said with a light smile, 

"It will protect you from the Fear but you'd better hurry 'cause it won't stay on for too long."

Olivia thanked Emily as much as she could before she dashed after the Great family heads.

Amelia chanced a glance at her mother and raised an eyebrow in inquisition.

Emily shrugged, 



The battle had only just begun and San was already bruised and battered and already had numerous cuts on his body and yet Hal remained as immaculate as ever.

San could not believe it.

He had made use of the complete might of his Cultivation base and yet Hal who was only at the Late stage of the Cosmic Armament Realm not only withstood it all, he reciprocated with such force, San was helpless.

There was nothing San had not attempted and yet he remained unsuccessful.

"Give Up, San. Give in to your defeat" Hal said in an ensnaring tone of voice.

The battle between him and San while short had been so explosive that all battling experts gave them a wide berth and once any Plebeian expert paused to watch the battle, he/she would lose their life.

It was quite unlike back at the Mansion where the two became entertainment,  this time any lapse in concentration was met with extreme action.

Hal forced San to his knees and looked him in the eye as he activated his Bloodline ability {Fear!} which he had not used in so long.

However, unlike before, Hal did not simply use fear to intimidate San, he used it as a way into his mind and corrupt it with Devil energy to the extent that the Plebeian became incapable of moving his body.

Nothing was wrong with his body, of course, it was his mind that had been damaged, so much so that he lost the ability to move anything other than his head and was stuck in that kneeling position.

San's eyes were wide with fear as he attempted to be defiant,

"What are you going to do to me now?" He asked and Hal smiled and was about to answer when a familiar voice spoke by his side, 

"My My My, This is quite a scene"

Hal turned towards the voice and came face to face with the Green-eyed Alchemist Arya, 

"I see you made it. Where's your cloak?" He asked in a grim voice and Arya grinned, 

"Terrible fashion statement. It was a necessity at the time though" she said and licked her lips.

At that time, someone yelled from the Great family tent, 


It was Gregory Payne who had still been looking destitute before and he yelled because a long-legged lady with crimson eyes just slashed his midsection.

Lillian turned towards Hal and grinned as though to say, 

"You're Next"

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