A-Qing lowered her head to look at Bai Yuexi. When she was asleep, her eyes were glistening with tears, looking delicate and weak.

Seeing Bai Yuexi like this, the dark light in ah Luo's eyes grew thicker.

After a long while, a-Qing reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Bai Yuexi's eyes.

He then lowered his head and whispered into Bai Yuexi's ear,"Miss, don't be afraid. Ah Zhen is here."

Perhaps it was because she heard ah Luo's voice, but Bai Yuexi's emotions gradually calmed down. No more tears came out from the corners of her eyes and she continued to sleep.

When Bai Yuexi was asleep, she also hugged ah Luo tightly, her entire body clinging to ah Luo like an octopus.

Actually, when Bai Yuexi was sleeping, she used ah Luo as a pillow.

Even so, ah Luo could feel that Bai Yuexi's body was very soft.

It was as if even a light touch would hurt her.

Thus, a 'Mo's body stiffened and he tried not to move. He didn't even know where to put his hands.

Gradually, ah Luo couldn't resist her sleepiness and fell asleep.

This time, ah Luo seemed to have a particularly deep and good sleep.

When a mo woke up the next day, he realized that the sky outside was already bright. The sun shone into the house, making it bright.

Looking at the sun, one would feel comfortable and lazy.

When a mo opened his eyes, he squinted.

Looking at the sun, ah Luo knew that it was already morning.

This was the first time ah Luo had slept so deeply and for so long.

Ah Luo blinked. He clearly understood that he had a good sleep last night.

He lowered his head to look at Bai Yuexi, who was hugging him. His expression changed. He knew that his deep sleep last night had something to do with Bai Yuexi.

He had never slept in before.

Now that she had slept so lazily, ah Luo felt that her body and mind seemed to have relaxed, and her whole person seemed to be very energetic.

A 'mo moved and Bai Yuexi seemed to have sensed something. She opened her eyes in a daze.

Bai Yuexi opened her eyes and saw ah Luo. Her eyes brightened,"ah Luo!"

Although Bai Yuexi was still in a half-asleep state, she was instinctively happy to see ah Luo. She called out his name, her voice filled with joy.

"Miss!" A-Qing said.

Bai Yuexi smiled happily before snuggling into ah Luo's arms.

"Miss, it's almost noon."

"Aiya, ah Zhen, your young miss is frightened. She needs comfort and a good rest."

A-Qing looked at Bai Yuexi's smiling expression and her eyes flickered.

She looked happy, but ah Luo remembered that when Bai Yuexi fell asleep last night, she had been crying.

"Miss, did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes, because ah Zhen was beside me, I slept well."

Bai Yuexi could smell ah Luo's aura at this time. It was a very pleasant and calming aura.

"Miss, ah Zhen should get up!"

Ah Luo wasn't used to lazing around in bed. It would make him feel a little flustered, as if he hadn't done anything.

He felt that he should have been reading last night.

Bai Yuexi looked at ah Luo's expression and felt his body stiffen. She pursed her lips and said,""Ah Luo, get up first. I'll lie down for a while."

"Yes, miss!"

Bai Yuexi lay on the bed and watched ah Luo get dressed.

When he put on his coat, his movements were very slow, but every move was elegant.

According to the book, his status was originally noble.

In fact, even if she did not read the books, just by looking at ah Luo's every move, Bai Yuexi could tell that he exuded a noble aura deep in his bones.

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