Bai Yuexi did not know why, but when she saw the touching scenes in the television series, she could not help but cry.

She didn't even realize that she had just cried.

Bai Yuexi found it very strange. In the past, when she watched television dramas, she did not have such delicate emotions, nor did she cry at will.

What was wrong with her recently?

Bai Yuexi felt that her thoughts had become more meticulous.

She actually cried.

Especially when she cried in front of ah Luo, Bai Yuexi felt embarrassed.

Bai Yuexi wiped her tears haphazardly, not even wiping them clean.

A-Qing looked at the tears at the corners of Bai Yuexi's eyes, her eyes filled with heartache. She wanted to wipe them away for her.

However, he also knew that he was transparent and could not help Bai Yuexi.

At this moment, ah Luo lowered her head and was in a bad mood.

He felt lost and helpless.

It was as if he couldn't help Yue Xi at all.

Although he didn't have any memories, it was very strange that he couldn't bear to see Yue Xi cry.

Seeing Yue Xi cry, Yang Kai suddenly felt at a loss, as well as a trace of panic, not knowing what to do.

Bai Yuexi looked at ah Luo, who had her head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bai Yuexi was a little worried about ah Luo."Ah Luo, what are you thinking about? what's wrong?"

"It's nothing,"

Ah Zhen did not want to bring his own emotions to Bai Yuexi, he did not want her to worry.

Yes, worried.

A-Qing could clearly sense that Bai Yuexi was worried about him.

Seeing that ah Luo did not want to speak, Bai Yuexi did not know how to comfort him. Because at that moment, Bai Yuexi could also feel the loneliness exuding from ah Luo.

Bai Yuexi was determined to help ah Luo regain her memories.

"By the way, ah Luo, you watched the TV series. Did you understand it?"

A mo nodded."En, so this is the time and space you were talking about."

"Yes, yes, that's about it."

Bai Yuexi tried her best to speak, trying to ease the atmosphere and make ah Luo happy.

Bai Yuexi said a lot, but it was only in front of ah Luo that she could speak so much.

After saying so much, she felt that ah Luo's mood had improved a lot and Bai Yuexi heaved a sigh of relief.

It was getting late and Bai Yuexi was reluctant to go to sleep. She wanted to talk more with ah Zhen.

It was a really strange feeling.

It was as if she had once been like this, talking a lot to ah Luo.

A-Qing listened patiently and seriously, and would say a few words to her from time to time.

This made Bai Yuexi very happy.

After Bai Yuexi finished her bath, she got onto the bed and told ah Zhen that she was going to sleep. She then lay down under the covers and fell asleep.

Placing the book by her bed, Bai Yuexi felt a sense of security.

Because this way, she would feel that ah Luo was beside her.

After she fell asleep, a cloud of mist appeared before Bai Yuexi's eyes. She seemed to hear someone calling out to her,"long 'er, long' er ..."

Bai yuechan's brows furrowed. She wanted to clear the fog to take a look because she felt that there seemed to be a familiar voice calling out to her.

It sounded like ah Luo's voice.

However, she couldn't see the scene in front of her clearly. It was all fog.

"Is it ah Zhen? A-Qing?"


In the morning, ah Zhen woke Bai Yuexi up according to the time.

Ah Qing still remembered Bai Yuexi telling him last night that she would wake her up in the morning.

"Yuexi, Yuexi ..."

When Bai yuechan woke up and saw that it was ah Luo, she heaved a sigh of relief."Ah Luo, what did you just call me?"


"But ah Zhen, when I was sleeping, I seemed to have heard you call me Zhen 'er."

When a-Qing heard the two words "Ying 'er," her expression changed, and something seemed to flash through her mind.

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