Ye chen wanted to kill all the palace maids who did not take care of Yun Ruoxi.

Ye chen could hear what the palace maids were discussing.

"It's time for the Empress to have her meal. "

"You're the only one who still regards her as the Empress. Who doesn't know that now that noble Lord na Rong is in power, who would care about the Empress's life and death?

"That's right. The higher-ups only said that the Empress can't die. As for what she eats, who cares?"

"They've all gone crazy, how pitiful. "

"Noble Lord na Rong never treated her as the Empress from the start. He treated her like an enemy. This Empress is really stupid ..."

"Heh, look, she's gone crazy from the shock ... Tsk, tsk, the Empress has gone crazy ..."


The palace maids thought that Yun Ruoxi had gone mad and could not understand their words at all. Therefore, they spoke whatever they wanted to say without any restraint.

Of course, they were not afraid of the Empress, as the Imperial Palace was now under the control of noble Lord na Rong.


Little did he know that when ye chen You heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ye chen was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe, and he suddenly woke up.

When ye chen You woke up, the sky was already bright, but there was no sign of ye Linuo in the room.

Not seeing ye Linuo, ye chen You was about to go crazy, and he started to panic.

"Xi 'er, Xi' er ..."

Realizing that he had called out incorrectly, ye chen You shouted,"li nuo, li nuo ..."

As ye chen spoke, he whirled out like a gust of wind, looking for ye Linuo.

Just at this time, ye Linuo was about to enter the house, and the moment ye chen You came out, the two of them bumped into each other.

When ye chen You lowered his head and saw ye Linuo, he hugged her excitedly and hugged her tightly, almost using all his strength.

Ye Linuo was so tightly bound that she could not breathe at all.

Ye chen You used a lot of strength to hug her, so much so that she felt a little pain.

Ye Li nuo was also a little puzzled. What was wrong with ye chen You?

Ye Linuo felt that this was completely unlike ye chen You.

What was wrong with him?

Without waiting for ye Linuo to think and ask, ye chen You hugged her and said hoarsely,""I'm sorry, I'm sorry ..."

Ye chen You even buried his head in her neck, his voice becoming hoarser and more choked up.

Ye Li nuo felt the moisture on her neck, and her whole body trembled. Was ye chen You crying?

Realizing that ye chen was crying, Ye Li nuo felt that it was a little unbelievable.

Ye Li nuo's eyes widened, and her whole body stiffened, not moving at all. After a long time, she finally came back to her senses."You ... Are you crying?"

Actually, seeing ye chen You like this, Ye Li nuo's heart softened.

That's right, at this time, Ye Li nuo's heart had really softened, and she also felt heartache for ye chen You.

"I'm sorry!"

Ye Li nuo blinked her eyes. Hearing ye chen You's sobs as she said 'I'm sorry', she felt her heart suffocate.

She wondered if her reactions before she went to sleep had triggered ye chen You.

"Don't say sorry, it's all in the past. "

When ye Linuo said this, she was naturally referring to the matter between Narong Yeche and Empress Yun de, Yun Ruoxi, a thousand years ago.

"I saw everything," ye chen You said in a hoarse voice.

What did he see?

Ye Li nuo went to push ye chen You, wanting to see his expression, his expression.

However, ye chen You was hugging Ye Li nuo tightly, so much so that Ye Li nuo could not see ye chen You's expression at all, nor did she know what kind of expression ye chen You had at this moment.

"We're outside right now. Everyone will see. Let's go in and talk."

Hearing ye Linuo's words, ye chen You finally let go of her slightly.

At this moment, ye Linuo saw ye chen You's expression. At this moment, his eyes were red, with a flirtatious red glow.

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