The thought of attending Bai qingmei's class made LAN qianzhen very excited.

In her eyes, listening to Bai qingmei's lecture in the classroom was a wonderful and mysterious feeling.

Just the thought of it made her very excited, and her heart beat faster.

LAN qianzhen hurriedly hung up the phone and looked for clothes in the room, as well as clothes in the fitting room.

When she first moved into Bai qingmei's Villa, she was very restrained. She didn't have many things, not even many clothes.

Ever since she got together with Bai qingmei, ever since she regained her memories, she had become more casual. When she went shopping with Bai qingmei, she would buy a lot of clothes. Sometimes, Bai qingmei would also pick out some clothes for her.

He was really good to her. His wardrobe was filled with her clothes. There were a lot of them, all in different colors and styles.

There were also many clothes in the fitting room.

LAN qianzhen felt that since she was going to school, she should dress more like a student.

Although she was in her fourth year of University and was about to graduate, she still wanted to dress up as an eighteen or nineteen-year-old. She wanted to be young and beautiful in norbia University.

​ Therefore, she chose a pink sweater, a short plaid skirt, tights, boots, and a coat.

LAN qianzhen looked at her hair and simply tied it up. She was beautiful to begin with, and with the way she dressed, she looked really youthful and beautiful.

After LAN qianzhen put on her clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror and jumped up and down in excitement.

When she first entered University, she was actually very calm. But ever since she got together with Bai qingmei and found someone she loved, she became happy easily.

She would feel excited even if it was something simple and ordinary.

Bai qingmei came to pick LAN qianzhen up, and when she saw LAN qianzhen's outfit, her expression changed slightly.

Seeing LAN qianzhen like this, he couldn't help but be amazed, but it also reminded him of her high school days.

Although LAN qianzhen was about to graduate from college, she still looked very young, like a high school student.

Even now, Bai qingmei could still remember LAN qianzhen's young and stubborn appearance in high school.

When she thought of that, Bai qingmei's heart trembled.

At that time, she really made his heart ache.

But at that time, he didn't know that LAN qianzhen was honghong, nor was he sure of his own feelings.

But now, he was very clear about his feelings and intentions.

Bai qingmei's heart softened as she looked at the person who was running toward her.

Bai qingmei opened her arms and caught LAN qianzhen."Be careful."

"Big brother qingmei, I'm so happy that I can finally attend the lecture."

Bai qingmei wrapped one arm around LAN qianzhen's waist and stroked her hair with the other."If you act like this, people will think that I'm bringing a high school student with me."

LAN qianzhen touched her face,"ah, do I look like a high school student?" I just don't want the girls in your school to lose to me. I want to let everyone know that I'm your girlfriend, that you're taken, and that I'm beautiful. "

Bai qingmei looked at LAN qianzhen with an amused expression."I think the people in the school will probably recognize you."

After all, LAN qianzhen was very popular now. Many people had probably watched her TV series, and she was also on the headlines now, but it was all good news. After all, no one in the media dared to say anything bad about her on the internet, as everyone knew that she had a strong backing.

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