Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 63: Get Away with It

Chapter 63

Li Man didn't expect Huang De Han's attitude to change so quickly, but she still refused, saying, "I'm sorry, I don't have time to help you with anything. Goodbye!"

She was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait, wait..." Huang De Han hurriedly called out.

Li Man paused for a moment and impatiently said, "I really don't have time to help you!"

"Please," Huang De Han pleaded in a soft voice, "I'm with a client at the hotel, and I really can't leave. Can you please help me?"

"I won't help! What's in it for me if I help you?" Li Man scoffed.

"This," Huang De Han thought for a moment and said, "If you help me deliver the documents, I'll transfer this month's living expenses to you."

Li Man chuckled and said, "No need, I have a salary now. I don't need your money!"

Huang De Han was infuriated by Li Man's indifference, but he held back and asked, "What do you want in order to help me?"

Li Man jokingly replied, "Unless you add my name to the property deed, otherwise forget it!"

She knew that Huang De Han wouldn't agree to add her name over such a small matter, so she spoke in a joking tone. Her intention was clear: she wouldn't help him retrieve the documents.

As expected, Huang De Han was furious, and he cursed, "Dream on, go to hell..."

Before Huang De Han could finish cursing, Li Man hung up the phone.

Huang De Han held his phone, so angry that he almost spat blood. The man sitting next to him asked, "She refused to come?"

Huang De Han nodded and said angrily, "This damn woman is so difficult to fool!"

"What should we do then?" the man asked.

Huang De Han pondered for a moment, and a plan came to mind. He told the man his plan, and the man's eyes lit up as he praised, "That's a good idea!"

The man was Zhao Liang, a male PR agent hired by Huang De Han.

Huang De Han had originally planned to trick Li Man into coming to the hotel, then have Zhao Liang drug her and have a relationship with her. Of course, during the act, they would record the process and use those videos to force Li Man to leave with nothing.

Since Huang De Han's drugging attempt failed last time, he came up with this plan. However, he did not expect that Li Man wouldn't fall for it, making his efforts in vain.

Unaware that she narrowly escaped a disaster, Li Man hung up the phone and Chen XiaoHui asked her to look after An Xin while she went home to get some clean clothes.

Li Man readily agreed, saying, "Go ahead, I'll keep An Xin company."

After Chen XiaoHui left, Li Man deliberately tried to engage An Xin in conversation, trying to get information out of her.

However, An Xin showed little interest, casually responding to Li Man's questions without really paying attention.

On the other hand, Huang De Han was surprised to see Chen XiaoHui return, and Chen XiaoHui was also surprised to see Huang De Han cooking in the kitchen. She thought he would eat out.

She hurried into the kitchen and asked, "What are you cooking? Let me do it. Why aren't you eating outside? It would be more convenient."

Huang De Han smiled and pointed to the chicken in the sink. He said, "I bought a chicken. I thought of making chicken soup to nourish An Xin's body."

Chen XiaoHui was deeply moved by his words. With a husband like this, what more could a wife ask for?

Gratefully, she looked at her considerate husband and softly said, "Thank you, dear."

"Do we still need to say thank you between us? An Xin is also my daughter, so it's only natural to be good to her," Huang De Han replied.

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