Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 55: The One He Likes is Anshin

Chapter 55

Once upon a time, when Wang Jun Feng chased after An Xin outside the residential area, she had already disappeared without a trace.

Unable to catch up with An Xin, Wang Jun Feng returned home feeling frustrated.

Worried that An Xin would tell Chen XiaoHui about what happened today, Wang Jun Feng sat on the sofa in the living room, smoking one cigarette after another. The ashtray was filled with cigarette butts, and the room was filled with the strong smell of smoke, enveloped in a haze of smoke.

He didn't expect An Xin, who usually appeared obedient and compliant, to be so difficult to deal with.

He thought that as long as he intimidated her a little, she would obediently submit and become his plaything, completely under his control.

But... he didn't expect her to be so strong-willed!

He regretted how good he had been to her during this period. It was like raising a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Wang Jun Feng exhaled a puff of smoke in frustration, pondering how he would explain everything to Chen XiaoHui later.

In truth, Wang Jun Feng's affection was for An Xin, not An Xin's mother, Chen XiaoHui.

The only reason he married Chen XiaoHui was because of An Xin.

Back then, he helped Chen XiaoHui with her divorce lawsuit, and An Xin was present in court. The moment Wang Jun Feng laid eyes on An Xin, he was captivated by her.

At that time, An Xin was only 13 years old, but she was already exquisitely beautiful.

However, no matter how beautiful An Xin was, she was still only 13 years old, too young. Wang Jun Feng had to settle for second best and marry her mother, Chen XiaoHui.

That way, he could be close to An Xin.

When he married Chen XiaoHui, he specially had a set of bridal attire made for An Xin.

On the day of the wedding, An Xin wore the small wedding dress and stood next to her mother. But in Wang Jun Feng's eyes, An Xin was his bride.

Wang Jun Feng felt increasingly frustrated. He took out his phone and called Chen XiaoHui, but the phone rang for a long time without anyone answering.

He made several more calls, but still no one answered.

Just as he was getting anxious and restless, Chen XiaoHui finally called, asking him to hurry to the hospital because An Xin had been in a car accident.

Upon hearing this news, Wang Jun Feng's previously restless heart suddenly calmed down.

He pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, got up, walked to the refrigerator, opened it, took out two bottles of beer, and drank them in one go.


In the cold operating room corridor, two people sat.

Chen XiaoHui and Li Man hurriedly arrived and the person sitting at the entrance of the operating room stood up when he saw Chen XiaoHui.

"How is An Xin? Has she not come out yet?" Chen XiaoHui asked anxiously.

"It has been over two hours since she went in, and she hasn't come out yet," said Teacher Zhou, the homeroom teacher.

Upon hearing this, tears instantly welled up in Chen XiaoHui's eyes. "What on earth happened? Who hit my daughter?"

An angry gaze from Chen XiaoHui fell upon the middle-aged man who spoke. "How were you driving? Do you even know how to drive? If anything happens to my daughter, I will never let you off!"

"An Xin's mom, please calm down. It really isn't Mr. Gu's fault. An Xin ran onto the road by herself," Teacher Zhou quickly explained.

"I can't believe An Xin, who was perfectly fine, would run onto the road like that," Chen XiaoHui exclaimed.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Li Man gently pulled Chen XiaoHui's hand, signaling her not to get too worked up.

"Hello, Teacher Zhou, what exactly happened?" Li Man turned to Teacher Zhou and asked softly.

Teacher Zhou pursed his lips and looked at the middle-aged man, saying, "Mr. Gu Heng, it's better if you explain."

The middle-aged man sighed and spoke slowly, "I was driving on the road normally when An Xin suddenly rushed out onto the road. I couldn't brake in time and ended up colliding with her."

He felt unjustified, just driving on the road peacefully when a calamity befell him—an unexpected person suddenly appeared. Coincidentally, the girl he collided with turned out to be his son's classmate.

Chen XiaoHui didn't believe it and exclaimed, "You're lying! I don't believe An Xin would suddenly run onto the road like that!"

"An Xin's mother, I understand your emotions, but everything I've said is true. If you don't believe me, you can go to the police station and ask," Gu Jingfei said.

Originally, he didn't have to stay, as he could leave it to the police to handle. However, his son insisted on staying, saying he didn't trust his classmate. After much persuasion, Gu Jingfei finally convinced his son to go home, while he stayed behind to deal with the situation.

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