Chapter 59 – Scheming: A Lover Who Came Out Of Nowhere

“Well, enough of the bickering. Sixth Younger Sister, come here. Let me introduce those young ladies to you.” Wei Yan had a bright smile on her face, and she even came over to pull Wei Yuewu’s sleeve, as if she didn’t have any grudges against her.

Her affectionate behavior made people think that the Wei sisters were actually on very good terms.

Wei Yuewu didn’t expect that the irascible Wei Yan was so good at acting in front of people. She sneered in her heart: no wonder Wei Yan had a good reputation—partly because Lady Li had helped her and partly due to her own excellent performance in front of people.

“Sixth Younger Sister, let’s go together. It’s such a good opportunity to know so many young ladies. Strangers at the first meeting, friends at the second. These young ladies misunderstood you because they heard those rumors about you.” Wei Qiuju was still beside Wei Yuewu holding her arm.

The current situation was that Wei Yuewu’s left arm was held by Wei Qiuju, and her right arm was pulled by Wei Yan. Since the two persons were taller than her and she was the smallest, she was sandwiched between the two elder sisters, and was almost pulled to the pavilion.

Jin Ling was about to go up and grab Wei Yuewu but was silently stopped by Wei Yuewu’s glance at her.

Therefore, she took two quick steps forward and followed Wei Yuewu closely. Her hands were formed into fists and she was ready to take action at any time.

Seeing that the Wei sisters were so intimate, the young ladies stopped arguing and questioning. Although they felt Wei Yan was unfairly treated and looked down upon Wei Yuewu, they couldn’t ignore the required etiquette at least on the surface. All of them were respectable young ladies from aristocratic families, so they absolutely couldn’t start a real quarrel.

However, it was certain that they hated Wei Yuewu. Now seeing her coming over, the young ladies silently moved aside to show their dislike for Wei Yuewu. As a result, only Wei Yan, Wei Qiuju, and Wei Yuewu remained in that direction.

The two people on Wei Yuewu’s sides silently exchanged glances and gave each other a stealthy wink, both of them revealing a hint of smugness.

Coincidentally, the maid holding the plate with fruit and a lamp happened to be walking behind Wei Yuewu. Somehow she hit into something or slipped. As a result, she staggered and fell down.

Round fruits rolled out, and the nearby young ladies hurriedly stepped back lest they should step on the fruits and fall. The lamp also fell down, and the oil was immediately poured onto the ground where Wei Yuewu was standing. The two sisters on her sides took advantage of the slippery ground to push Wei Yuewu forward with strength…

With a flop, a figure fell and water splashed. Frightened screams came from all around.

Although there were curtains around the pavilion, they were all pulled down to the ground when people rushed out. What made people more panicking was that the railings outside the pavilion got broken. It was precisely from this opening that the figure flew out and directly fell into the lake.

Wei Yan held the sleeves in her hands and revealed an irrepressible hateful smile on her face. Fortunately she still had the last bit of good sense to act panicked. She tugged the sleeves in her hands and said, “Fifth Younger Sister, Sixth Younger Sister fell into water. Hurry… hurry up and call someone!”

The figure floundered in water. Suddenly, a person on the opposite bank jumped into the lake and swiftly swam towards the figure struggling in the lake.

“Second Younger Sister, you hurt me.” A cold voice was heard.

The smile on Wei Yan’s face froze. She almost turned around with difficulty. Looking at Wei Yuewu in front of her, she widened her eyes and looked at her in disbelief. “You… you… Then… who is that person…”

She jumped up, pointed at the lake and asked the question in panic.

“Second Elder Sister, ask someone to save Fifth Elder Sister. Your maid lost the hold of the lamp and knocked Fifth Elder Sister into the lake.” Wei Yuewu said anxiously.

“You… It’s not…” Wei Yan was really dumbfounded. She looked at the person floundering in the water and then at Wei Yuewu. She felt her mind went completely blank. She shook her hands, not knowing what to do next.

“Second Elder Sister, what are you waiting for? Have someone save Fifth Elder Sister. It will be too late if you wait.” Wei Yuewu looked at the surface of the lake and caught sight of the figure that was quickly approaching Wei Qiuju. The corner of her lips curled into a sneer.

“Quick, someone, save Fifth Younger Sister, save Fifth Younger Sister.” Wei Yan collected herself and shouted anxiously.

Several old menial maidservants who could swim jumped into the water, but they were much slower than the person who acted earlier than them. That was a man. At this time, he was already holding Wei Qiuju in his arms tightly in the water. Even when the old maidservants came to help, he did not loosen his hold.

The several of them swam over together and were pulled up by the people on the bank.

It was winter and everyone was shivering from coldness. However, the man still held Wei Qiuju tightly in his arms. An old maidservant wanted to pull him away, only to hear him shouting loudly, “Let go of Sister Yuewu, don’t touch her…”

Before he could finish his words, he was pressed down by Jin Ling on the ground with his face buried in mud. He couldn’t utter a single word all of a sudden.

“Who is Sister Yuewu?” Someone was whispering.

“That is the name of Sixth Miss Wei, isn’t it?” Someone pointed at Wei Yuewu.

Everyone looked at Wei Yuewu in shock, not understanding what the remark meant.

The corner of Wei Yuewu’s eyes twitched. She turned around with extremely cold eyes. She carefully avoided the area where the oil was poured and came to Wei Qiuju and the man.

The man looked young and around twenty years old. He gave people the impression of being somewhat rustic, as if he came from some rural place.

Wei Yuewu signaled Jin Ling to pull this person up a little. She took two steps forward and stood in front of him.

As soon as the man was pulled up, he shouted loudly again, “Did you people bully Sister Yuewu? It must be. Sister Yuewu was very kind-hearted when she was in the countryside, and she even said that she would marry me in the future…”

“Beat him!” Wei Yuewu ordered coldly.

Jin Ling hated this person for smearing Wei Yuewu. She slapped him fiercely in the face and the young man lost part of his senses right away.

“Tell me, who are you?” Wei Yuewu asked coldly.

“I… I’m Sister Yuewu’s lover. I heard that she went back to the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang. I came here specifically to look for her. I just came in and saw her fall into the lake. You people really went too far.” The man was a scoundrel, so of course he chose to be hard-mouthed and willfully remarked that he had come to look for Wei Yuewu.

Wei Yan collected her senses at this time. She suppressed the joy in her heart and said loudly, “So he’s Sixth Younger Sister’s….”

“Shut up!” Wei Yuewu interrupted with a stern voice.

“How dare you! I am the Second Young Lady of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang.” Wei Yan was stunned by the reprimand for a moment. She was immediately incensed and shouted those words.

“And I am the Third Young Lady of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang!” Wei Yuewu smiled coldly, her eyes growing harsher.

Upon hearing that in front of him were the Second and Third Young Ladies of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang, the rogue was overjoyed and said loudly, “Young ladies, please do justice for me. Sister Yuewu and I truly love each other. If she hadn’t gone back to the capital, I’m sure she will marry me. Please help us.”

For a moment, the originally cheerful scene was turned into eerie silence. Everyone looked at Wei Yuewu’s face and then at the young man on the ground. They were speechless for a moment.

“You and Sixth Younger Sister love each other?” Wei Yuewu asked in a cold voice. She crouched down and stroke away Wei Qiuju’s hair that covered her face. “Take a close look. Is she your Sister Yuewu?”

“Yes, of course. Sister Yuewu and I are in love. We’ve already slept together. If your mansion hadn’t taken her back, we wouldn’t have been separated. This is my Sister Yuewu. Don’t touch her.” The rogue acted in a more affectionate manner.

He was a rogue on the street but had an honest appearance, so his performance was very convincing

“Fair enough. Did you see clearly?” Wei Yuewu said coldly again. “Who is your Sister Yuewu?”

“Take a close look. Don’t be mistaken.” Wei Yan became nervous and added hurriedly.

‘”Second Elder Sister, this situation is very strange, right? I’m sure you want to know what’s going on between them. Then Second Elder Sister, you watch carefully. If anyone interferes with my questioning, catch them immediately without saying anything.” Wei Yuewu raised her sparkling eyes and looked at Wei Yan coldly.

Her clear eyes were such as if they could pierce through people’s heart and carried a sense of blood-thirsty coldness. Such a gaze made Wei Yan involuntarily dodge eye contact with her.

Wei Yan didn’t dare to speak whatever she wanted anymore. She only hoped that this rouge could recognize that the person in front of him was the true Wei Yuewu.

Seeing the two young ladies in front of him ask him to take a close look, the rogue hurriedly yelled, “I’m not mistaken. She’s my sister Yuewu. I could recognize her even if she was reduced to ashes.”

“Does she have any special marks?” Wei Yuewu asked.

‘”She… she…” The rogue lowered his head and caught the sight of a small scar on the corner of Wei Qiuju’s right eyebrow. He immediately pointed to the scar and said, “Here, she has this scar. She had it when she was young. I accidentally pushed her and her head hit the tree. It was also because of this accident that we knew each other.”

At this time, the rogue was eager to get everyone to believe him. He was utterly unable to spare a thought for anything else. In addition, he had just climbed up from the water and set his whole mind on showing the credibility of his story. Now he was cold and trembling, he didn’t notice the strange reactions of the people around him at all.

“Don’t you think that my second elder sister and I look very similar to her?” Wei Yuewu said coldly, pointing at herself and Wei Yan.

The two of them actually didn’t look similar to Wei Qiuju. However, in such a situation, the question could prevent the rogue in front of them from saying that he had mistaken one for another later on.

The rogue didn’t realize that he was mistaken. At this moment, in order to increase the credibility of his words, he shook his head and said, “No, you don’t, absolutely. It’s she, not you two, who is my Yuewu.”

With the play going on this far, Wei Yuewu turned her head and smiled coldly at the rest of people. She asked Nurse Mei, who had followed her over purposefully, “Are the Madam Dowager’s servants here yet?”

By counting the lapse of time from when Nurse Mei had sent a secret report to now, she judged that it was about time that the Madam Dowager arrived! She wasn’t afraid of the Madam Dowager’s appearance, but was only afraid that the Madam Dowager should arrive late…

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