Chapter 130 – Spat Blood And Fainted

Inside the room, the two imperial doctors felt Wei Yuewu’s pulse again and asked about the prescription of the imperial doctor from the mansion of Heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan. After glancing at each other, they nodded their heads in understanding. They both felt that the prescription was not bad and could be considered the best option at the moment!

“Sixth Miss Wei, Imperial doctor Chen’s prescription is very good. We need to clear the effect of the remaining drug in your body before we can apply the medicine that suits your case. Sixth Young Lady has a lingering high fever because the medicine you are taking doesn’t suit your case, but it is the only medicine that can be used right now. Otherwise, your fertility…”

The imperial doctor of the Crown Prince Mansion frowned and said straightforwardly.

This Sixth Miss Wei’s body was truly too weak. Otherwise, it shouldn’t be a big problem for her to endure the injury for two days. However, he didn’t dare to guarantee all would be well. The Crown Prince was also much concerned about this matter!

“Thank you, imperial doctor. I know!” Wei Yuewu’s lips twitched as she spoke in a low voice.

The two imperial doctors couldn’t think of a better solution. They had no other choice but to shake their heads and retreat. Jin Ling saw them off at the entrance of the courtyard on behalf of Wei Yuewu.

Those young ladies who watched a good show had already left with their maids.

But rumors also spread rapidly.

According to the rumors, that Fourth Miss Wei who was always gentle and kind-looking did not seem to be as gentle and generous as she appeared on the surface. Earlier, the two young ladies of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang inexplicably dashed in front of the Crown Prince, and one of them even blocked the sword for the Crown Prince. But in retrospect, there were quite a few doubts concerning what had happened.

Besides, when people related to what happened today in Sixth Miss Wei’s courtyard, it was hard not to be suspicious.

As for the infertility drug that was applied to Sixth Miss Wei, the two imperial doctors confirmed that it hadn’t been a long time since she was drugged. To be exact, Sixth Miss Wei was drugged after she returned to the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang. For a while, people were in an uproar.

After the imperial doctors left, Jin Ling immediately took the remaining half of the pill in the brocade box and fed it to Wei Yuewu with warm water.

Wei Yuewu had always been physically weak. After taking the pill, she closed her eyes and rested for some time. Only then did she recover slightly.

The room had been cleaned up, and when Jin Ling heard Wei Yuewu waking up in the bed, she immediately came over and asked anxiously, “Miss, how are you feeling?”

Although Wei Yuewu had taken all the pill given by the heir-apparent, Jin Ling was still worried.

“I’m fine!” Seeing Jin Ling’s concerned gaze, Wei Yuewu smiled and said softly.

Although she was still weak, she felt that she was in good spirits. The battle with Wei Qiufu had exhausted all of her strength. Yan Huaijing’s pill was indeed miraculous. It helped her recover some of her vitality in such a short period of time. Even the wound did not seem to hurt so much.

Although the blush on Wei Yuewu’s face faded away, Jin Ling still reached out to wipe Wei Yuewu’s forehead worriedly. She didn’t heave a sigh of relief until she felt that the temperature on Wei Yuewu’s forehead was normal.

Seeing Wei Yuewu was fine, Shufei burst into tears with joy and said, “Miss, I am going the heir-apparent’s courtyard right now to cook medicine for you.”

“What else did the imperial doctor from the Crown Prince Mansion say?” Wei Yuewu nodded and turned to Jin Ling.

“Miss, the imperial doctor from the Crown Prince Mansion said that His Highness was very grateful to you for blocking the sword for him. He asked you to have a good rest. Besides, he said that he would definitely do justice for you.”

Jin Ling had just sent the two imperial doctors out. Although the Third Princess’ imperial doctor did not say anything, the imperial doctor from the Crown Prince Mansion passed on the commitment of the Crown Prince to her.

Wei Yuewu smiled faintly. This was what she had expected. No matter what the reason was, at least that sword was aimed at the Crown Prince. She was the person who blocked the sword. This was a fact that the Crown Prince had to acknowledge in some way. Moreover, her current situation was not good.

“Unwrap the wound for me.” Wei Yuewu moved her shoulders slightly, her eyes flashing with a harsh expression.

“Miss…” Jin Ling followed her instructions and unfastened the buttons at Wei Yuewu’s shoulders.

The buttons had been loose. After they were unfastened, the towel that wrapped the wound could be seen. This towel was wrapped by Jin Ling for Wei Yuewu. She practiced martial arts and therefore knew how to wrap wounds. At this moment, the towel had been dyed with blood.

“Pull the towel open and take that handkerchief out.” Wei Yuewu said indifferently, her eyebrows knitting tightly.

“Yes, Miss!” At this moment, Jin Ling understood. Although Jin Ling was very careful in her movements, Wei Yuewu could still feel a sharp pain, and her face turned even paler.

Jin Ling carefully untied the knot in the towel that wrapped Wei Yuewu’s wound and gently pulled out a bloodstained handkerchief, which was placed inside the towel according to Wei Yuewu’s instruction the day before.

“Miss, this handkerchief…” Jin Ling did not know what Wei Yuewu wanted to do with the handkerchief. She spread the handkerchief and saw a large patch of bright scarlet blood on it, which was shocking to both the eyes and heart.

“Drop some water on it! When the Third Princess comes to see me, invite her in.” Wei Yuewu blinked her eyes. Wei Qiufu had suffered such a huge loss in vain, how could she willingly accept the result? Moreover, did the Third Princess, who was on friendly terms with her, really know nothing?

“Will the Third Princess come?” Jin Ling was stunned for a moment and asked.

From whichever perspective, this Third Princess was not familiar with her Miss. So what did she mean by visiting the Miss at this time?

“She will come.” Wei Yuewu nodded and closed her eyes again. After talking for a while, she had exhausted her energy.

Just as they were speaking, Shufei returned carrying a medicine pot. Along with her were the two maids from the mansion of the Duke of Yan, who also carried medicine pots in their hands. Naturally, inside the pots was nutritious soup for Wei Yuewu.

“Miss, Imperial doctor Chen is also here. He is waiting in the wing room. He will diagnose your illness later and see if he can prescribe the right medicine that suits your case.” Shufei couldn’t help but be overjoyed when she remembered what Imperial doctor Chen had told her: once the effect of the drug in Miss’ body basically dissipated, she would be able to take the right medicine for her injury.

After Wei Yuewu ate the soup, the two maids from the mansion of the Duke of Yan returned with the medicine pots.

At this time, the medicine that had been poured into a bowl was no longer hot. Shufei took the bowl; she sat on the bed and carefully fed the medicine to Wei Yuewu.

Suddenly, a knock came from outside the courtyard. Wei Yuewu nodded to Jin Ling, who knowingly walked out of the room and opened the courtyard door. There were a few palace maids and eunuchs standing outside, each holding some gift boxes. The person in the middle was the Third Princess, and beside her was Wei Qiufu. Immediately, a hint of vigilance appeared on Jin Ling’s face.

“Greetings, Your Highness and Fourth Young Lady!” No matter what Jin Ling thought, etiquette was etiquette. She respectfully bowed to the Third Princess and Wei Qiufu.

“Is Sixth Younger Sister feeling better now?” At this time, Wei Qiufu had restored her usual calm, but her brows were tightly knitted. Everyone who saw her would feel that she was worried about Wei Yuewu’s injury.

However, after the previous incidents, anyone who saw her expression would know that she was just putting on a show.

“Thank you, Fourth Young Lady, for your concern. Our Miss is… alright!” Jin Ling answered hesitantly. Anyone could sense her reluctance when she said the word “alright”.

“Third Princess heard that Sixth Younger Sister was seriously injured. She was much concerned and wanted to see Sixth Younger Sister. May we go in now?” Wei Qiufu did her best to be courteous this time and spoke very politely. However, the problem was that with the Third Princess being here, even Wei Yuewu couldn’t stop her, let alone Jin Ling, who was just a maid.

Jin Ling hesitated for a moment before saying, “Our Miss just took some medicine and is resting. I will go in to see if she is awake.”

“There’s no need to wake up Sixth Younger Sister. Third Princess and I just came to take a look.” Wei Qiufu said even more gently.

“We are just here to have a look at Sixth Miss Wei. Sixth Miss Wei has suffered for my eldest brother. I must come to thank Sixth Miss Wei.” The Third Princess said softly from the side.

Since the Third Princess had said like that, Jin Ling had no reason to refuse. She immediately led the Third Princess and Wei Qiufu into the room.

The Third Princess and Wei Qiufu followed Jin Ling into the inner room. A strong smell of medicine immediately flew into their noses. Shufei hurriedly walked to the door and greeted.

The Third Princess waved her hand, indicating that there was no need to stand on ceremonies. Then, she stepped into the inner room ahead of the others.

The gauze tent had been lifted open. Wei Yuewu’s eyes were tightly closed and she was lying on the bed with her back supported by cushions. Her face was pale without a trace of blood. Even her tightly pursed cherry lips wore only a faint gray color. Hearing the sound, Wei Yuewu seemed to be shocked. She suddenly opened her eyes.

“Your Highness!” Seeing that the person in front of her was the Third Princess, Wei Yuewu murmured, trying to sit up.

“Lie down there, don’t move.” The Third Princess took a few steps forward and hurriedly gestured to help her.

Jin Ling walked a few steps ahead of the Third Princess and helped Wei Yuewu up. She anxiously shouted, “Miss!”

Wei Yuewu’s pale face revealed a faint smile as she was half supported by Jin Ling. She shook her head and said, “Your Highness, I’m fine. There’s nothing serious!”

She was extremely weak. Despite being half supported by Jin Ling, she was still almost unable to sit up. How could she be alright?

“Sixth Young Lady, your injury is so serious. After all, you were injured for saving my eldest brother. It is not convenient for my eldest brother to come over to see you. Therefore, I am here to thank you on behalf of my eldest brother, Sixth Young Lady.” The Third Princess retracted her hand and smiled as if nothing had happened. She then clapped her hands twice. Immediately, a row of palace maids walked out from behind her, each holding a gift box in their hands.

Wei Yuewu looked at the row of palace maids in front of her and the brocade boxes in their hands with a shocked expression, “Your Highness… this… what is this…”

“Sixth Younger Sister, these are gifts from the Third Princess on behalf of the Crown Prince. Quickly thank Her Highness. All of these are top-notch items chosen by Her Highness.” Wei Qiufu also came over and smiled as she pointed at the row of brocade boxes.

Wei Yuewu seemed to have discovered that there was also Wei Qiufu in the room. She looked up at Wei Qiufu with difficulty, and her breathing became quicker, as if she was choked and feeling suffocated. “You… you… Fourth Elder Sister, you… why did you come here again?”

As she spoke, she coughed, unable to utter a single word. She lowered her head, picked up the handkerchief with difficulty and covered the corner of her lips with the other hand. She coughed heavily and helplessly. Suddenly, she loosened her hand and the handkerchief at the corner of her lips fell to the ground. She fell back and fainted.

On the snow-white silk handkerchief, there were traces of blood, such a large mouthful of blood…

“Miss, Miss… what happened to you? Don’t scare me! If something happens to you, I will definitely not be spared!” Jin Ling looked at the handkerchief on the ground and immediately hold Wei Yuewu in her arms, crying bitterly and loudly in excessive grief.

“Someone, quickly fetch the imperial doctor!” The Third Princess also panicked and shouted anxiously.

Wei Yuewu spat blood and fainted almost immediately after she entered the room. Speaking of which, she might also be held responsible for the unexpected mess. Thinking that it was Wei Qiufu who persuaded her to come at such an inappropriate time, the Third Princess glared at Wei Qiufu hatefully. She became even more dissatisfied with Wei Qiufu…

Seeing Wei Yuewu spat blood and fainted upon seeing her, Wei Qiufu was also anxious. She took two steps forward and picked up the handkerchief that Wei Yuewu had dropped to the ground. Her eyes widened instantly.

Before she could put it near to her nose, a strong smell of blood flew into her nose. So it was real?

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