"I think it's fine to visit the auction, but what are they auctioning?" Arthur replied and asked the boss.

He would be more interested if they also sold old items.

"Paintings, rare bags, old watches, and many products from the 1800s," the boss replied.

It turns out that they only auction products from a century ago.

Arthur was a little disappointed but didn't though much of it. In the end, this city was one of the world's economic centers, bringing ancient goods to this city could be said to be difficult.

Amanda kept the invitation after getting Arthur's approval.

For her it was just about spending a little of her money.

As a rich woman, she would definitely buy some things.

New York may be the economic center of the world, but there aren't many people richer than her in this city either.

Not long after, Arthur and Amanda left the restaurant.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm However, they no longer entered the car, they parted ways with Lin and Kaiya, choosing to walk.

Although the two assistants slightly objected to Amanda leaving without them, but when Amanda had given orders, they were not used to doing anything but obeying.

Arthur and Amanda's destination was the large park in the center of the city, which was visited by all the tourists who came to this city.

They were just enjoying the view, watching the people relaxing.

There was no shortage of couples there, but no one was more conspicuous than them.

Arthur didn't know what was wrong with fate today, but suddenly a man who walked like a woman suddenly approached them.

"Handsome, can we get acquainted?" the man asked with blinking eyes.

His gaze was on Arthur, not Amanda.

The latter couldn't help but cough when she heard that.

Her mouth opened then froze before laughing softly but uncontrollably.

"Go away!" Arthur replied in a cold tone to the man.

He wasn't against people like him, but he didn't like being bothered.

However, surprisingly enough, the man's expression suddenly became gloomy after he heard his answer.

His hand shot towards her as he said in a loud voice, "You're against my sexual orientation, right? You? You? How dare you set foot in the land of the free while you're anti-difference.

"Guys..." He then shouted to the people.

Actually, it wasn't necessary because right now everyone was watching them.

After that, he continued, "this guy, he doesn't accept us, the rainbow people. He must have gotten a bad education from his parents, this is why we have to teach students in school to be able to respect other sexual orientations."

His voice only got louder with time, and in fact, his face was turned towards the camera of one of the viewers.

Amanda, who was laughing at first, was stunned.

Of course, Arthur was also surprised. In his two lives, he had never met or even seen a situation like this.

Maybe there was a situation like this, but it was when a bandit tried to cheat by pretending to be hurt.

This was not about bandits, but rainbows.

"Dear, what are we going to do?" Amanda asked Arthur.

She had no trouble speaking because the man was completely focused on yelling at people, not paying attention to them anymore.

Maybe this was his goal from the beginning.

"Let's go," Arthur replied.

He didn't want to get more involved with this nonsense.

Amanda nodded and took a step with him.

However, after only one step, the man shouted at them again.

"Look, look how arrogant they are, looking down on other people's sexual orientation. I know you're rich, but don't think you own this world."

"Say whatever you want!" Amanda finally became annoyed and replied coldly.

"What?" The man was not afraid at all.

He probably deliberately provoked Amanda to make her angry and seem like she was insulting him, which he then took as an insult to his sexual orientation.

At this point, it was impossible for Arthur to remain silent.

He glanced up where there was a tree trunk that was already bent, it was right above the man. If it fell, it would fall on his head.

Silently, he used his magic power to throw the tree trunk off without making a sound.


It quickly fell, and no one noticed until it hit the man's head.

"Ahhh..." It instantly caused panic as the man's head instantly bled while his eyes looked starry.

He fell as if losing his soul.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Quick, quick, call an ambulance," shouted the panicked people.

Amanda looked at Arthur strangely as she could sense that it was because of his actions.

She laughed softly before resuming her steps.

Normally she wouldn't condone this kind of violence, but she was really annoyed with the man so she was happy.

"You know, it's not enough for people like them to be given freedom, they want promotion so that others turn out like them," Amanda said, speaking her mind.

"Humans are always like that, wanting more, especially for those who have trouble finding a suitable partner because most people are not like them," Arthur replied.

The man's reasoning was not hard to understand. There may not be many like this in Europe, but there seems to be quite a few in America, no wonder some people who initially supported their freedom became uncomfortable and disturbed.

Arthur and Amanda went quite far away from the range where the man fell.

The commotion disappeared from their sight even though it had actually gotten bigger.

It was just that the day seemed destined to be full of trouble for them.

When they arrived near the lake in the center of the park, they were suddenly approached by a group of teenagers who did not look well.

Their clothes were quite messy, they were tattooed, wore earrings, and even exposed their stomachs where there was a small gun hidden between their pants.

They were undoubtedly the city's gangsters, who could be found everywhere, but usually would not act so easily.

This time they acted in a place that, although it could not be said to be crowded, still had quite a lot of people passing by.

It was probably because of their conspicuous appearance.

Arriving in front of Arthur and Amanda, they signaled for them to go to a corner surrounded by large trees.

Of course, Arthur and Amanda didn't do as they asked. Amanda even asked, "what do you guys want?"

She looked at them one by one, there were seven of them, four white men, two black men, and the last one was an Indian man.

When looked at closely, they were actually quite skinny, obviously malnourished.

Overall, they actually looked younger than Arthur, probably 15 and 16 years old.

"Hehehe, since you asked, I'll say it," replied one of them who was probably their boss.

He was a white man with messy blonde hair. His body was also lacking, but he seemed to be more agile than the others.

"We're pretty good, we won't do anything bad to you, just give us 2K. From your appearance, I can tell that you are very rich, 2K should be insignificant to you, probably as worthless as an ant."

Apparently they just wanted to ask for money.

If you look at them, they don't look like they're going to do anything really bad.

Amanda's beauty mesmerized them every time they saw her face or body, but they didn't try to say anything about it.

The question is what would they do if they were not given money?

"What do you want to buy with the money?" asked Amanda, continuing to respond.

If she was an ordinary human, she would probably be worried because the other party had firearms. Fortunately she had magic, so there was a desire to play around as she could take them down with just her gaze.

"What we want to buy is none of your business," replied the boss of the boy gangsters, apparently annoyed at being asked about it.

"Tell me and I'll give you more," Amanda replied, remaining relaxed and smiling.

That surprised them a little so they were confused.

"Aren't you scared of us?" asked the Indian man in his signature accent that sounded strange and hard to understand.

"Aren't you worried about us catching you?" Another one asked.

Despite the fact that they looked like they had lived on the streets for a long time, they still seemed to have a bit of innocence due to their young age.

Amanda took off her sunglasses and shook her head.

Her face without those sunglasses fascinated them even more.

"It's a little worrying because I could get hurt or even die, but honestly I'm not scared because of the more horrible experiences I've gone through," Amanda replied, making up some nonsense.

"Come on, tell me, don't underestimate me, it's only 2K, the ants in my house are worth more than that," she added.

This time, they finally looked at each other, seemingly interested in getting more money just by telling them what they wanted to buy. Anyway, it didn't matter, the lives of boys like them didn't need to think about what others thought.


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