"So that's them?" said Arthur.

They didn't notice Arthur and Isabel because they were too high in the sky.

The men seemed to be starving after fighting and escaping from Isabel.

And they were probably waiting for an old man called Santiago.

"This time they won't be able to run," Isabel said.

She flew toward them first, snapping her fingers downward.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky, striking the campfire in their midst.

They were startled to the point of jumping involuntarily, but quickly became worried as they realized that it wasn't nature's lightning, but the lightning of someone who terrified them.

Looking up into the sky, they saw a blonde-haired woman who still looked to be in her early 30s stepping down.

She was gazing down, giving the impression like she was a Goddess gazing at the mortal world.

"How did you find this place?" asked one of the two old men in a slightly trembling voice.

"What? Afraid now? How about we talk about revenge beforehand?" replied Isabel.

She stopped when she was about 7 meters above the air.

After staring at the old man, she looked at the young man, Joshua.

"I'm going to break your legs right here," she said coldly.

The young man pressed his lips together, but after that he was actually able to force a smile.

"Come on Isabel, my words are just because I like you, why be so sensitive? You're beautiful and impressive, it's only natural that there are men who like you and can't help but express their feelings for you," he said.

His words made the other men stare at him, getting annoyed because they thought what he said would only make Isabel even more upset.

Expressing feelings was one thing, but before that he had done it in such a haughty manner. How could a woman not get angry.

"You should look at yourself, you little bastard!" Suddenly a man's voice echoed behind Joshua.

Before Joshua and the others could look over, an extremely hard punch landed on Joshua's back, causing him to vomit blood instantly.


He was thrown, crashing into a large tree until it collapsed.

Joshua's eyes trembled and his vision became blurry, but he still tried to find who hit him.

Perhaps out of anger, his vision immediately cleared when he saw Arthur's figure.

"You? Who are you?" he asked.

Even his tone of voice sounded smooth as he said that.

The other three, on the other hand, became very wary when they saw Arthur.

Isabel already scared them, but Arthur somehow gave them the feeling that he could not be measured by their perceptions.

Arthur was still staring at Joshua. He wasn't sure why, but seeing a young man like this flirting with Isabel annoyed him enough that he wanted to keep hitting him.

His hand was then pointed at him.


The ground beneath him suddenly shook before splitting into what looked like a grave, sending his body tumbling.

After he fell, the ground closed again so that only his head remained.

Of course, he wasn't just buried.

Arthur used magic to bring in various underground animals such as worms and snakes to bite the man's body.

In an instant, the skin on his face became very blue.

"Bastard!" He cursed, trying to jump up only to fail. He was completely unable to move at all.

Although the worms and snakes biting him were not venomous, the bites from so many of them made him feel like he was being stabbed by a thousand needles every second.

It probably won't kill him, but he's obviously suffering a lot.

"Boy, let me go, you asshole!" Joshua shouted loudly, unable to stop himself from cursing Arthur.

However, after that he suddenly showed a certain expression, which looked like he understood something.

His eyes looked at Isabel and he burst out laughing, a laugh so loud that the air shook.

"Hahaha, Isabel, I thought you were a dignified woman, rejecting me because I was young, but look, you turned out to have a very jealous young lover," he said.

That was the conclusion.

ƥandasnovel.com He had concluded that Arthur was Isabel's young lover. After all, they didn't look entirely incompatible. Their ages might look different, but they were both Official Magus. For Magus, this was a more suitable type of couple.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

And se assumed Arthur was angry and jealous because he was flirting with Isabel that he was being so rude to him.

Isabel's mouth opened after hearing his words, even causing her skin to turn red.

This was the second misunderstanding that happened. The first was at the fish market where she was seen by the Deputy Mayor.

Although that man had been affected by Arthur's magic so that he could not say anything strange, but when she met him, Isabel still felt a strange look from him. He also seemed afraid of her because he realized Isabel and the man she was with were not ordinary humans.

Now, this boy, Joshua also thought the same thing.

Of course, misunderstandings are not uncommon in life.

Isabel would probably only feel uncomfortable if she was misunderstood that she was dating a young man, but the problem was that the young man was her own nephew, so she also felt something more than just uncomfortable.

Not wanting to hear more words from Joshua, Isabel finally pointed her hand towards him.

"Boy, eat this," she said.


The sky shook before countless bolts of lightning appeared about 50 meters above Joshua's head.

The lightning bolts merged together, becoming an enormous dragon head.


It even roared at Joshua before lunging towards him.

Joshua who had just been taunting Isabel turned deathly pale at the sight of the thunder dragon's head.

Its huge size made him feel a sense of death. He didn't expect humans to be able to release such great power even though he was also a Magus and had a grandfather who was also an Official Magus. Unfortunately even he had never seen his grandfather's power unleashed with great force.

Of course, the other three were equally frightened. They fell to the ground.


The lightning dragon's head slammed into Joshua's head and the ground that buried his body.

The ground instantly shattered, scattering into countless fragments, leaving behind a huge crater filled with cracks similar to spider webs.

Everything happened in an instant, but the destruction was so great.

The crater was also full of lightning sparks, seemingly not going away anytime soon. Perhaps it could become a power source as the energy is so great.

Joshua was currently lying inside the crater. His clothes turned to ash while his skin turned completely black, he was like a human-shaped charcoal, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

Perhaps he was still alive because it was a large-area attack, but perhaps he wouldn't be able to stand up for a long time unless Arthur used life energy to heal his injuries.

Of course, Arthur would not do that.

He looked up at Isabel who was descending towards him, thinking that this woman could be very terrible when she was angry.

It was just that, when she landed and her eyes met Arthur's, she looked awkward.

"What did you see?" she asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, I was just surprised to see you so strong," Arthur replied, trying not to speak out of turn.

After that, he pointed his hand forward, creating roots to bind the other three men.

"That Official Magus called Santiago should be here soon or they wouldn't have decided to wait here, let's keep waiting," he said again.

"Okay!" Isabel agreed.

"Would you like to eat something, aunt?" asked Arthur.

"Eat what?" Isabel asked back, a little confused.

There was indeed a lake full of fish, but Isabel had no interest in just eating ordinary food.

Arthur responded by waving his hand and several large fruits suddenly appeared in front of him, floating in the air.

They were the size of human heads, and had sharp thorns.

"These are durians, wait, where did they appear from?" Isabel was surprised and asked.

"From here." Arthur showed her the ring on his finger.

Besides Spiritual Plants, the Storage Ring also held some hard-to-find fruits.

Although durian was not entirely rare, it only existed in Southeast Asia, as was agarwood.

However, the durians that Arthur took out were not ordinary durians, they were of an extremely rare type, and actually hid spiritual energy.

They are quite good to consume to restore energy.

Of course, there were other fruits, but Arthur chose durians because Isabel loved them, but could not always consume them as they were difficult to find in the European market.

"Is that a Space Artifact?" Isabel quickly deduced what the ring was without needing an explanation from Arthur because the latter had already talked about it to her several times.

"Yeah!" Arthur nodded. He placed the durians on the grassy ground and began to open them so that the aroma spread into the air.

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