The question startled Melly, she looked at her friend, Ruby, who was also beautiful — almost as beautiful as she was.

She was slim and quite tall for her age, having brown hair mixed with red that was in a ponytail.

Besides being quite glamorous, she was quite strict in her dress. Her top two collars were open to loosen her shirt, which then caused her already well-developed breasts to be exposed.

On the other hand, Melly was only briefly surprised. She later denied Ruby's speculations.

"No, we're just friends."

"Seriously? How do you make friends with a high school student?" asked Ruby, getting curious.

Despite her youth, she seemed to prefer high school students to students of the same age as her.

Of course, this was also a common thing.

"There are always coincidences in this world and that is one of them," Melly replied with a mysterious smile.

She then stepped towards Arthur.

Ruby hurriedly approached her. She asked, "Can you introduce me to him?"

Her tone when she said that seemed strange so Melly's eyes when she looked at her became strange.

She wondered: 'don't tell me that she likes that guy?'

"Don't worry!" She then replied.

As for Arthur, his expression didn't change even though he heard their conversation clearly. He continued to stare at Melly calmly, but enough to make the girl's heart flutter.

Just because she thought this was a safe place, it didn't mean she was completely confident that she would be fine.

The previous event was enough to keep her thinking of ways to avoid Arthur.

After arriving in front of him, she said, "Hi, Arthur, done with your business?"

No one found her words strange. Anyone else who heard that would think that Arthur had previously borrowed her bike to do something and now he was back to return it.

Arthur was already expecting that she would use words to make him have no other choice but to postpone his goal.

However, once again she thought wrong of him.

"No, it's not done yet," he replied, making Melly part her sweet lips.

Ruby, who was curious and had wanted to talk to Arthur from the start, finally said, "What exactly is it? I might be able to help..."

Being near Arthur, her gaze scanned his figure in detail.

She seemed to be in awe of his face, as her lips pressed together.

"Oh, Arthur, introduce me, this is my classmate, her name is Ruby," Melly said, deliberately introducing Ruby because she wanted to avoid the topic.

What Ruby wanted most in the end was to be introduced, so she immediately smiled widely.

"Ruby," she said, pointing her hand towards Arthur for a handshake.

Of course, Arthur didn't bother shaking hands with her. He casually replied, "I'm sure you've already heard my name from Melly. Or maybe you already knew about me before this?"

He also heard when Ruby said that she saw his video, so he said that last line.

That would make this introduction simple, and Ruby was left with no other choice but to accept the fact that they already knew each other's names.

Of course, for most people, all that matters about introductions is the formality. They sometimes took offense when someone refused to go through with such formalities.

However, Ruby is still too young to think much about it or take offense when the other party refuses while giving reasonable reasons.

In fact, she was even impressed with Arthur because she felt he looked cool with the way he responded to her.

In the end, she said, "I did see your video. You know, you are so cool, even my dad keeps praising you and telling my older brother to learn from you."

Seeing Ruby so excited as she talked to Arthur, Melly could not help but be pleased. She thought of letting them continue talking so that she could leave.

Unfortunately, right after she thought about that, Arthur looked at her again. He said, "Melly, can you come with me for a moment, I need your help."

The girl wanted to jump because of his words, but she managed to hide her panic and answered hurriedly, "no, that's not possible, I want to have lunch first in the cafeteria, and after that, I have to go to class. I suggest you ask Ruby for help."

She looked at Ruby, then continued while blinking, "You don't mind, do you, helping him?"

"What exactly is it?" Ruby asked. She didn't mind, and was curious.

However, Arthur suddenly replied: "this requires Melly's help!"

"I don't mind, but I don't have the time," Melly replied, forcing a smile.

Just as she thought that she had the situation under control, Arthur's next words made her foot literally lift into the air.

"Alright, then I'll wait for you to finish," Arthur said.

"Wh-what?" Melly looked at Arthur with disbelieving eyes.

"You'll wait for me?" she asked.

She secretly thought, 'this damn man, does he have no shame? What will people say if he waits for me here? A high school student waiting for a middle school student.'ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Melly's head was spinning as she thought of a new plan that she had unfortunately failed to come up with.

Having come up with no plan, she finally turned around as she said, "well, you can wait!"

She then took a step that became faster with time, leaving behind a confused Ruby and a faintly smiling Arthur.

Wanting to play around with him using such a trick was obviously impossible.

His heart was not that weak, waiting was not a problem for him. After all, in the Sky World, he had many times waited for enemies who were hiding for years.

Plus, he didn't have to stand in front of that schoolyard. He could still go to the restaurant across the school.

"I don't understand what's going on with you two," Ruby said, scratching her forehead.

"You should go back to your school," Arthur told her, waving his hand.

After that, he put Melly's bike in the parking lot before going across the street and entering a grilled meat restaurant.

The food Anna had given him this morning was not enough, he was still hungry and became even hungrier after the short fight, so he planned to eat a lot while waiting for Melly.

Next, he would act faster so that the girl could not escape.

Some time had passed. Melly, having finished lunch, went straight to her class, meeting up with Ruby again who was waiting in her seat.

They happened to be next to each other, so Melly approached Ruby.

The latter asked, "what exactly happened between you two?"

At this point, Melly was also at a loss for how to answer the question as her head was filled with all sorts of thoughts, the core of which was how to avoid Arthur.

It wasn't that anything bad would happen to her if she told Arthur her secret, but it was related to the goals of the people behind her.

When Arthur found out about it, he might be able to thwart it.

She couldn't accept that because she herself was supporting the plan.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom To her, it wasn't really a bad thing, maybe a little detrimental to the Earth side, but not to the point of endangering them.

In those Independent Dimensions, the people behind her belonged to the good group.

Melly didn't answer, instead she asked Ruby a question. "In her opinion, is there any way to stay safe if some criminal wants to kidnap you?"

"Wait, what do you mean by that? Are there criminals targeting you?" Ruby was surprised by the girl's question.

She was even a bit panicked.

"W-we should report to the police," she said, making Melly not know whether to laugh or cry.

Of course, Ruby also didn't think that Arthur was the criminal Melly was referring to.

Her age made her think that criminals would always have nasty faces and bad behavior.

A handsome young man like Arthur would always be considered a hero. Even his ugly behavior, such as refusing to get acquainted, she thought was cool.

Seeing Ruby's panic, Melly hurriedly calmed her down.

"Don't say nonsense, I'm just asking for research, it doesn't mean I'm being targeted by criminals. You know how rich my mom is, it's easy for us to hire bodyguards," she said.

Of course, she knew bodyguards would be useless against Arthur unless she was escorted by a heavily armed squad, so she discarded that idea early on.

Ruby looked at Melly, instantly believing what she was saying.

She sighed and said, "You scare me, and why would you do that kind of research?"

"Just out of curiosity, maybe I'll need it someday," Melly replied perfunctorily.

"However, do you have any advice?" she asked, doubtful of Ruby's intelligence.

The latter pouting in doubt, she replied, "what's difficult, isn't it that you can live stream for 24 hours non-stop — even when you're asleep. Considering you're beautiful, there will always be people watching. No villain would dare to do anything if you do that."

Melly's eyes widened for a moment as she heard that.

She thought, 'damn, why did I forget about that!'

However, after thinking about the idea, she suddenly realized.

'How am I going to do anything if I'm constantly live streaming?'

This made it difficult for her too.

Even practicing magic, something she planned becomes impossible if she keeps live streaming.

Besides, how was she going to bathe?

From being dizzy from thinking too much, Melly started to feel frustrated.

She stared out the window, at the restaurant where Arthur was.

Although she couldn't see him, but out of frustration, the entire restaurant building seemed to be Arthur in her eyes.

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