Chapter 100

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

Chapter 100: Thronwood (1)


In this world, there existed a number of weapons with special abilities.

The most representative of these were the holy swords created by the Church.

Imbued with divine power, holy swords were capable of protecting their users and possessed excellent power in defeating evil.

The next most famous were the relic swords discovered in ruins.

Crafted with ancient technology, relic swords each possessed extensive and destructive abilities. So much so that they were classified as weapons of war.

However, there was a weapon even more famous than holy swords and relic swords.

That was the Demonic sword.

Demonic swords possessed the strongest power among all the weapons that existed in this world.

Even an ordinary soldier could kill a knight with a demonic sword in their hand, and a knight could leap several levels in rank if they wielded a demonic sword.

However, there was a fatal problem with demonic swords. That was the fact that they harbored a curse.

The curse had a fatal effect on the user.

At first, the users of demonic swords would resist, but eventually, they would become intoxicated by its power and, without a single exception, they would go mad and commit terrible crimes.

Therefore, demonic swords were designated as prohibited items, and they were usually destroyed as soon as they were discovered.

– Kehehehe, it feels good to be in front of people for once.

The demonic sword ‘Thornwood’ let out a strange laugh.

Unlike the demonic sword ‘Erebos’ that Damien possessed, ‘Thornwood’ was very talkative and had a high intelligence.

Originally, demonic swords were objects created by the demons of hell to exert their influence on the ground.

That was why they all had a clear sense of self and were able to communicate.

It was strange that ‘Erebos’, who got restored to 70 percent in the past, did not show even a shred of self-awareness.

– So, partner! What are you going to do? Are you going to run away?

“Run away? You’re talking nonsense. Then I’ll have to give up everything I’ve accomplished?”

– Kehehehe, then what are you going to do? Don’t tell me you’re thinking what I’m thinking?

“Yes, I’m going to kill them all. Every last one of them.”

At those words, the demonic sword laughed out loud. The unpleasant laughter echoed in all directions.

– That’s why I like you, partner! You’re a bit of an idiot sometimes, but that’s what I like about you!

Liam pointed his sword at Alexander.

“Your Grace, do you intend to resist?”

“If I don’t resist? Do you think I’ll be able to live?”

“You will be able to save your life.”

“You think I’m an idiot. I’m involved with the dark mages. Even if my brother spares my life, the Church won’t let me be.”

Alexander had already made up his mind.

“In that case, I’ll kill everyone here. I’ll erase the truth completely. And I’ll take the throne.”

At those words, Liam said in disbelief.

“You’re not in your right mind.”

The two men stared at each other. A tense tension flowed between them.

– Kehehehe, a high-class knight is just this much.

At that moment, the demonic sword ‘Thornwood’ spoke derisively.

– Partner, what are you doing? Show them my power!

Alexander sprang forward. He swung his sword at Liam.

Liam also swung his sword. The swords of the two men clashed several times in the air.

Each time the weapons collided, a shockwave and air burst out. Everyone in the court screamed.



Damien watched the battle between the two men quietly.

Surprisingly, Alexander was able to withstand all of Liam’s attacks.

A person who had just reached high-class was evenly matched against a middle-class high-class?

It was originally impossible.

‘As expected of a demonic sword. It’s not being wielded by its master, but rather it’s wielding its master.’

Damien immediately grasped the relationship between Alexander and the demonic sword.

The demonic sword was using mana to move Alexander’s body.

“That’s how he was able to reach the high-class rank.”

Alexander had not reached the high-class on his own strength. He had reached the high-class by accepting the power of the demonic sword. In other words, he was mistaken in thinking that someone else’s power was his own.

“Sir Damien!”

In the middle of the battle, Liam Bluegreen shouted.

“Take His Majesty and His Highness and evacuate! It’s dangerous to stay here!”

Damien nodded.

A high-class battle was taking place right next to them. It was too dangerous to stay here.

“Let’s all go.”

Damien led the people in the court to evacuate. He also issued an evacuation order to everyone in the building.

“Think a volcano is about to erupt and run away as far as possible!”

At Damien’s words, the people hurried their steps. It was when the royal palace looked small.

An explosion erupted.

The people screamed and turned around. The top of the royal palace was completely blown away.

In the midst of the wreckage, two people were staring at each other.

– Keheck! Kehehehe! It’s been a long time since I stretched my legs, so this is fun! I’m really enjoying myself!

The laughter of the demonic sword resounded loudly.

Damien watched the scene and said.

“Your Highness Oliver, please lead the people to a safe place.”

Oliver made a bewildered expression at the sudden words.

“Yes? What are you going to do, Sir Damien?”

“I need to help Sir Liam.”

“Sir Liam will be fine. He has never been defeated once!”

Oliver said with a proud face.

Damien stared at the two people for a moment and said.

“Today will be the first day he is defeated.”

Damien could see it. The dark magic power that the demonic sword was emitting was increasing in real-time.

The amount of dark mana power had already surpassed the high-class level. Even Damien couldn’t get a sense of how strong it would become.

“Ha, but…… if Sir Liam is defeated…… isn’t you also in danger too!”

Oliver said with a worried face. Damien said nonchalantly.

“Do you think I’m crazy enough to fight a demonic sword?”

“I plan to help Sir Liam depending on the situation and run away.”

Oliver thought for a moment and nodded.

“……You must come back.”

At those words, Damien smiled and said.

“It’s 100 years too early to be worried about me.”

Damien said to Veronica.

“Veronica, follow me. I need your help.”

“Huh? Why me?”

She said with a bewildered face. Michael, who was next to her, hurriedly said.

“Brother Damien! I’ll go instead of that woman!”

“That’s right! Make him go with you! Why are you trying to make me go? It’s annoying!”

“Michael, shouldn’t you be protecting His Majesty and Her Highness?”

“That, that woman can do it too…….”

In the middle of speaking, Michael’s face became serious.

“……I see. I understand. I will protect His Majesty and His Highness.”

Michael led the people away. Veronica tried to follow them.

“I told you to follow me.”

Damien grabbed her by the neck.

Veronica sighed deeply.

“Sigh, I should have run away sooner.”


Liam Bluegreen looked down at his sword. It was not an ordinary sword, but a famous sword that had been passed down in the Bluegreen family for generations.

As such, it is made up of a large amount of rare metal. It was so strong that it had never been dulled even after being used by generations of ancestors.

But now, the famous sword was nicked and chipped here and there.

– Kekekeht, you shouldn’t come at me with such a trash sword! You know how strong is my body!

The demonic sword held in Alexander’s hand shouted in delight. Unlike Liam’s sword, the demonic sword ‘Thornwood’ was in perfect condition. It looked like it had just been forged.

‘I can’t fight him head-on anymore.’

Thornwood pierced the sword through the aura. If they clashed a few more times, there was a high chance that the sword would be shattered.

“Your Majesty, I will fight you seriously from now on.”

“How kind of you. To even give me a warning.”

Alexander said with a mocking tone.

“Sir Liam, you seem to have forgotten. You also learned swordsmanship from the Bluegreen Marquisate. I already know what kind of swordsmanship you will use.”

The Bluegreen Marquisate was a family that used the Flying Sword.

Flying swords were sword techniques that released auras to attack. Its consumption of mana was very high, but it was also an unorthodox way of fighting.

Therefore, this battle could not but be advantageous to Alexander.

“No, Your Majesty knows nothing.”

However, Liam denied Alexander’s words.

“Do you know why the knight’s realm is divided into four? It’s because the things you can use are different depending on your realm.”

Low-class is limited to manifesting aura.

Middle-class can freely use aura.

And high-class is…

“I will show you, Your Majesty. The essence of my family’s swordsmanship.”

Liam poured mana into his sword. A white crescent-shaped aura spread wide.

– You idiot, be prepared.

The voice of the demonic sword became serious. The technique that Liam was preparing was not ordinary.

“Your Majesty, please be careful.”

Liam swung his sword. Countless crescent-shaped auras rained down.

“This is crazy…”

Alexander swung his demonic sword without even having time to be surprised. His body was pushed back every time he released the aura.

-Hey! I told you to put more strength into it! Why are you so weak?

The demonic sword shouted nervously. Alexander gritted his teeth and endured.

Just then, Liam Bluegreen appeared behind Alexander.


Before Alexander could react, Liam brought down his sword.

A huge slash fell from the sky. The slash cut Alexander from his head to his groin.


Alexander screamed and fell to his knees. He lowered his head and dropped the demonic sword.


Liam took a deep breath. It took a lot of mana to use the Flying Sword.

No matter how high-class he was, he couldn’t help but get tired.

“…Your Grace, I sincerely believe in you in past.”

Liam had given up on the crown prince early on. He had judged that his debauchery would never be cured. That’s why he supported Alexander.

“I regret that I have to execute you with my own hands.”

“You’re talking nonsense.”

A voice came from Alexander’s mouth. Liam was startled and looked at him.

“…Your Grace?”

“It really hurts like hell. Is it always this painful to be cut by aura?”

Alexander stood up. Even though his body had been cut by the aura, Alexander was unharmed.

Liam looked at Alexander with an incredulous face.

“Isn’t it amazing? That’s the power of this sword. It grants the owner the same level of hardness as the demonic sword.”

– Who’s the master here? I’m the one who’s using you.

The demonic sword Thornwood protested in an irritated voice. Alexander lightly ignored the sword’s protest.

“Sir Liam has shown a splendid performance, so I can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

Alexander held the demonic sword in reverse. He pointed the tip of the sword towards the ground.

“Watch carefully with your own eyes the power of the demonic sword.”

Alexander thrust the sword down with all his might. At that moment, countless thorns sprouted.

The thorns tried to pierce through Liam. They were so fast that it was difficult to react.

Liam reflexively tried to cut down the thorns.

However, he couldn’t cut through the dark thorns. They shattered as soon as they collided.

With no time to spare, the thorns pierced through Liam’s body.


What just happened?

Liam looked down at his body. Thick branches, like spear shafts, were piercing through him.


Blood welled up from a critical wound. He could feel his life force draining away in real-time.

“This is the power of the demonic sword.”

Alexander said with a triumphant grin.

“It sprouts thorns at an incredible speed. Not only are they fast, but they’re also destructive. Powerful enough to shatter even a high-class knight’s aura.”

Liam coughed up blood repeatedly. He couldn’t even speak a single word.

“I’d like to chat a little longer, but there are more people I need to kill.”

Alexander said and gestured.

At that command, the surrounding thorns twisted and aimed at Liam.

“Then close your eyes.”

The thorns lunged towards Liam. He calmly closed his eyes.

Just then…

Two figures plummeted from the sky. One of them lodged his sword into the ground just before hitting the earth.

The impact cracked the ground, and the thorns disintegrated into dust.

Thanks to that, Liam was freed from the thorns.

“Damien Haksen!” Alexander shouted with a voice filled with excitement.

“I was going to kill you next anyway! I’m so glad you showed up so quickly!”

Damien wasn’t looking at Alexander. He was assessing Liam’s condition.

“His injuries are severe. He needs immediate treatment. Veronica, take Sir Liam and get him out of here…”

“Got it!”

Before Damien even finished speaking, Veronica scooped up Liam and bolted out of the building.

Damien stared after her in disbelief. He hadn’t known Veronica could move that fast.

“No, wait…”

The only reason he brought Veronica Sanchez instead of Michael was to give orders like this. Michael, with his unwavering loyalty, wouldn’t abandon Damien, no matter what.

He thought Veronica would readily follow orders, but he never expected her to leave him so readily.

Just as Damien was vowing not to give that woman any important tasks,

“Buying time?” Alexander’s voice called out. Damien turned to his side.

“A middle-class knight trying to stop a high-class one? This is the first time I’ve heard such nonsense in my entire life.”

-Yeah, right. I’ve never seen a more idiotic person than you either.

Alexander regripped the demonic sword.

“I’ll show you just how big of a delusion that is. First, I’ll pierce your limbs with thorns…”

“Looks like we can see everything from here.”

Suddenly, Damien opened his mouth.

Confused by the unexpected comment, Alexander narrowed his eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re already pierced through. Multiple high places. If I fight and kill you here, everyone will hear it.”

Alexander couldn’t believe his ears.

“Kill? You think you can kill me?”

“Congratulations, it appears your hearing is already failing, adding to your impressive list of shortcomings.”

A vein bulged on Alexander’s forehead. He growled through gritted teeth.

“You really want to die, so you’re talking nonsense… Alright, I’ll grant your wish!”

Just as Alexander was about to charge, Damien yelled loudly.

“What!? You’re going to use dark magic to stop me from escaping!?”

The completely out-of-the-blue statement forced Alexander to stop in his tracks.

“Wh-what are you talking about?”

“You cowardly bastard! Trying to trap me with dark magic!”

Damien shouted again. His voice was so loud that it echoed throughout the entire palace.

“Damn it! Do you think I’ll be scared of that? Don’t be ridiculous!”

“No, what are you even talking about all of a sudden…”

Damien unclasped a bracelet on his wrist. Dark magic immediately spread out in all directions.

Witnessing this, both Alexander and the demonic sword yelled in shock.

“Dark mana…?”

– What the heck! How do you have dark magic?

Damien used the dark mana to use a spell. He immediately unleashed the dark mana.

A dark curtain enveloped the entire building, completely obscuring the two figures from view.

“Now I can finally fight without restraint.”

Damien cracked his neck from side to side, his demeanor completely relaxed.

“Then, let’s clean up the trash.”


[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Kawaii]

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