People often said that intense embarrassment suppressed anger, a truth Dong Woong was painfully coming to understand.

‘Is that man insane?’

What else could explain his audacity to voice such things?

And to whom?

They were esteemed members of the Great Bandits, notorious for their rash demeanor, and dwellers of the Green Forest. Their mere appearance was typically enough to leave people breathless.

So, one couldn’t help but wonder just how audacious this young upstart was to utter such a nonsensical thing?

“This… this man…!”

As the absurdity of the situation peaked, he was about to speak when his gaze met with the newcomer.



The young one’s eyes widened in surprise.

“How dare a bandit stare directly into my eyes!”


“Shut your eyes, scoundrel!”


Could this be what they mean by being at a loss for words despite having a mouth to speak?

Dong Woong lived a life unmarred by harsh treatment due to his natural appearance. Yet, he experienced such negativity from a young person for the first time.


His body seemed to seize up when a subordinate behind him called out.

“C-captain! People are approaching!”


Dong Woong glanced around, perplexed. People disturbed by the raucous voice began to pour out.

Upon hearing the nonsensical murmurs and ensuing confusion, he grasped the situation, diverting all attention towards himself.

‘That rat!’

He wasn’t sure whether this was intentional or accidental, but the man’s uproarious behavior attracted everyone’s attention to him.

‘Damn it.’

It felt inappropriate to handle this subtly. His rage surged as the situation devolved from the outset. But before his anger could peak, the young man intervened.


Suddenly, he burst out yelling.

“Now bandits are assaulting our homes too!”

“Huh? Homes?”

Dong Wong looked stunned.

“Which homes?”

Hold on, wait.

They didn’t plan to attack homes…

“Oh no, they’re coming to assault the homes so early in the morning! Even for bandits, shouldn’t there be some respect? They show no humanity!”


With those words, the situation took an unexpected turn for Dong Woong.

“Th-that…! Now, the bandits are invading the city, too!”

“Oh my, oh no! What would we have done without the aid of the Mount Hua sect warriors? I’m truly relieved they are here today!”

“I was saying the exact same thing!”

As a fiery shout sprang from behind them, the Green Forest bandits, who were laying siege to the guesthouse, whirled around and glowered at the bystanders.


Those who were startled and fearful quickly bowed their heads as if to hide and then took a step back.


Dong Woong ground his teeth.

‘That cunning fox of a bastard!’

People around the world had a general knowledge of Kangho, but they lacked specifics. How could they know that the Green Forest King was here or that bandits were planning to capture him at the guesthouse?

From their perspective of limited understanding, it was only logical to assume that if bandits scaled the wall at night, their motive was clear.

Dong Woong’s red eyes glared at Chung Myung as if intending to incinerate him. However, Chung Myung continued to consume his alcohol, apparently unbothered.

“Kuak! This feels amazing.”

Chung Myung wiped the corners of his mouth and lowered his gaze to make eye contact with Dong Woong.

“Yet this ruffian keeps staring.”


“Sigh… the world has improved greatly. The day has come when I am scrutinized by an outlaw. I’m fortunate to witness such a sight.”

In the past, it was you, you fool!

Those bandits would indeed have packed their belongings and fled at the mere mention of Plum blossoms blooming in the mountains!

Now, what to do?

Chung Myung clucked his tongue and glanced sideways. Even now, word of mouth was drawing in people. At this rate, it appeared that one-tenth of Changsha’s populace would soon gather here.

‘At this point, the plan is firmly in place.’

Chung Myung couldn’t help but smile as he looked around.

“What are you doing? Take down those bandits now.”

A low voice echoed from the dim background.

“Is mere force sufficient?”

“Make it brutal.”


Soon, a group of warriors began to emerge from the guesthouse.


One, two…ten, no…

An unending stream of individuals pushed through the damaged door, confronting the bandits encircling the guesthouse.

Their black uniforms.

Their faces radiated vitality as though they had just returned from the battlefield.

The muscles betrayed a more bandit-like appearance than the bandits themselves, their presence evident even beneath clothing.

Even without realizing it, the Green Forest bandits surrounding the guesthouse withdrew hesitantly.

‘They are mere children?’

‘Their faces still hold a childlike innocence, though?’

‘The body, however, doesn’t belong to a child, you fool!’

The bandits encircling the guesthouse sensed that something was amiss. If that being could be labeled a kid, then who on earth wouldn’t be considered a kid?

Studying those broad shoulders and glaring eyes, it was as if they were encountering comrades from their own bandit clan. Without the distinction of uniformed attire, discerning a bandit from a Taoist seemed nearly impossible.

“They claimed to be bandits, yet they’re not as physically robust as I anticipated.”

“How well could those marooned in the mountains even eat? So clumsy.”

“Weren’t we stranded in a mountain as well?”

“Uh? Correct?”

Disciples of Mount Hua, who had been casually chatting as though there were no concerns, settled down, soon flashed contented smiles, and observed the surrounding bandits.

And then,


Baek Cheon emerged from behind. The disciples of Mount Hua made their way to their left and right for him to pass through.

Step by step.

Baek Cheon moved with a slow, confident stride among the disciples, stopping to stand at the front. He gently brushed his wind-tousled hair from his face, gazing at the Green Forest and the surrounding merchants.

“Even though times have greatly changed, it’s unsettling that bandits have intruded on a place where people reside.”

His eyes held some determination.

“It is unacceptable for us to allow such occurrences to continue, as they go against the teachings of Mount Hua.”

The scene wasn’t much different from what Chung Myung had described, yet not only the disciples but also the assembled crowd reacted differently.


“It seems the swordsmen will conquer the bandits!”

“Yes! Exactly! Don’t you just feel invigorated watching them?”

The change in the crowd’s tone was palpable, causing Chung Myung’s shoulders to sag.

Jo Gul, without uttering another word, gently placed his hand on Chug Myung’s shoulder and shook his head.


“It’s alright, Chung Myung. That’s just how life is.”

“What the hell!”

“Isn’t the world usually unjust?”

“…Such a sordid world.”

How could the reactions differ so significantly simply due to different circumstances?

Naturally, this wouldn’t have happened for no reason, but regardless, Chung Myung found the situation to be unfair.

Yet his bitterness was trivial compared to Dong Woong’s plight.

“…These people…”

Dong Woong’s expression twisted cruelly upon grasping the situation.

“You knew we were coming, didn’t you?”

“So now you comprehend, how respectful.”


Dong Woong laughed, finding the idea ridiculous.

“You fool…”

A frigid stare soon followed.

“Only those who peddle traps end up ensnared by them. You puny fools fail to recognize your place. How dare you oppose us!”

“What’s your next move, bandits?”

Chung Myung retorted furiously, then turned towards Baek Cheon.

“It’s late. Let’s settle this quickly.”

“I had the same thought.”


Baek Cheon stepped forward, drawing his sword and aiming it at Dong Woong.

“If you surrender now, I will spare your life.”

“This youngster doesn’t even know the extent of the sky! Today, I will flay you alive and fashion a coat from your skin!”

With the end of the discourse, Baek Cheon softly called out.

“Mount Hua!”


“Vanquish these malevolent creatures!”


Srng! Clang!

The unified sound of swords being unsheathed pierced the silent night.

The spectacle of over a hundred warriors executing this attack flawlessly was an intimidating sight.

“Bring them down!”


At Baek Sang’s command, the disciples of Mount Hua surged forward, their battle cries resonating in the air.

Even the bandits flinched at the sight before them, their faces turning red as they grasped the weapons in their hands, swinging them menacingly.

“You little brats!”

“I’ll skin you alive!”

Intent on standing their ground, they confronted the disciples of Mount Hua, hurling curses as they charged at them.

The swordsmen, their eyes blazing with fury, clashed with the Green Forest bandits, who were radiating palpable homicidal intent.

The spectators tightly shut their eyes, oblivious.

To them, the rugged Green Forest bandits seemed doubly strong compared to the young, innocent disciples of Mount Hua.

Even if Mount Hua could conquer them, it appeared they would suffer immense damage.


Reality presented a different picture entirely.


Im Pyung, one of the Chung disciples, fixed his teeth in a defiant grimace, his gaze fixed firmly on the Green Forest bandits.

‘With all my strength!’

Even from a quick glance, it was apparent that the adversary possessed a weapon ten times heavier. A direct confrontation would leave him severely wounded.

Thus, for now, he would dismiss the Taoist way…

Im Pyung infused his sword with internal qi. In that moment,



The Green Forest bandit recoiled with a scream.


This left Im Pyung momentarily shocked.


His intention had only been to deflect the man’s attack, yet he had been sent flying? Was this some sort of jest?

Nonetheless, Im Pyung wasn’t the only one in such a predicament.


“W-what’s with these people!”

“What kind of strength is this…!”

Voices filled with shock echoed around, and Im Pyung looked around blankly.

The disciples of Mount Hua were overpowering the bandits.

The blades they were up against were so massive it could give people goosebumps, yet their slender swords were managing to hold them back. Naturally, one would expect the sword to have been pushed back, but instead, it was the swords of the Mount Hua disciples that were repelling the hefty blades – which appeared to be about ten times heavier.

“What’s going on now, you good-for-nothings!”

“Why are you so weak in comparison to these kids?”

Despite being on the receiving end of blows, the disciples of Mount Hua appeared more composed than the bruised members of the Green Forest. The Forest dwellers may be notorious bandits, but could they really be so frail?

Suddenly, a soft voice echoed.

“What are you doing?”

All heads turned simultaneously.

Baek Cheon was advancing, sword unsheathed.

“I thought I ordered you to finish them quickly.”


His eyes were calm, as though this was nothing out of the ordinary. It was then that a firm confidence began to rise within the hearts of the Mount Hua disciples.

‘It’s not that they are weak.’

‘We are strong!’

The grip on their swords tightened.

“Cast them aside!”

“Let’s GOOOOO!”

With faces now brimming with confidence, they began to drive the bandits back like light bouncing off a mirror.

The moment when the legend of the Plum Blossom Swordsmen, forever etched in history, began.

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