The crowded bar buzzed with clinking drinks and the sloshed whispers of drunken patrons. Conversations flowed from greetings to nostalgic reminiscences and debates about worldly affairs.

“Have you heard the latest news?”

“Which news?”

“Mount Hua is challenging the Green Forest!”

“Wait, Mount Hua and the Green Forest?”

Eyes widened among those eavesdropping.

“What does that even mean? Are you referring to Mount Hua? The Mount Hua sect from Shaanxi that caused such chaos at the Worldly Martial Arts Tournament?”

“Tsk, tsk. Is there another sect quite like them in this world? Of course, it’s that Mount Hua.”

In the past, when the name Mount Hua was mentioned, few even knew of its existence. Nowadays, there was hardly anyone who hadn’t heard of Mount Hua.

“Are you suggesting that Mount Hua is battling against Green Forest?”

“That’s the rumor indeed.”


Their eyes filled with suspicion.

“Is that credible, though? I heard that Mount Hua rose to prominence, but wasn’t that due to the prowess of their fighters?”


“Surely, it will take those people at least 20 years or more to become powerful enough to lead the sect, correct?”

Now, no one doubted the future of Mount Hua, especially those who understood the workings of Kangho.

In the world of martial arts, Mount Hua had proven that its warriors were among the best in the Central Plains. The uninformed focused solely on the competition’s victor, whereas those knowledgeable in martial prowess prioritized the number of disciples who reached the finals.

Nevertheless, this assurance of a promising future didn’t translate into an inflated view of the present Mount Hua.

Strength was merely strength.

“I’ve heard that only a handful of the older generation remain in Mount Hua.”

“That’s the rumor. It’s the sect that nearly collapsed under its debt, isn’t it?”

“So, you’re suggesting that the primary members are tournament contenders, spearheading a battle against Green Forest, one of the Evil Sects? Isn’t that bordering on overconfidence just because they’ve gained some recent popularity?”

Everyone clicked their tongues. It was an instinctual response.

Shenzhou’s Five Hegemons was placed on par with the Nine Great Sects. Naturally, if the Nine Great Sects were to clash with Shenzhou’s Five Hegemons, nine out of ten people would back the Nine Great Sects. However, this was simply due to the fact that the number of sects they held outnumbered the Five Hegemons.

The Five Hegemons of Shenzhou was unquestionably not a force that the Nine Great Sects could casually dismiss.

Any sect, such as the Shaolin and Wudang, claiming to lead the Nine Great Sect may revel in the claim. Yet, some among them appear weaker and not comparable to the strength of the Five Hegemons.

The Green Forest, part of the Five Hegemons, along with Mount Hua, were both attempting to re-establish their prominence once more.

Clearly, it was obvious without needing any thought.

At that moment…

“That appears to be a slightly different story than the one I’ve heard.”

The voice floated over from an individual seated at the neighboring table.

“Hmm? Who might you be?”

“Merely a passerby. The gossip has already reached the upper town yet appears not to have filtered down here.”

The man grinned as he elaborated.

“From what I’ve gathered, it seems that this occurred due to a rebellion within the Green Forest.”

“Uh? Rebellion?”

The crowd visibly recoiled at this revelation. The man’s words were calm yet portentous.

“I’ve heard that rebellion is brewing within the Green Forest, with some seeking to oust the current king and seize control.”

“So, there are factions within the bandits that are even more ferocious?”

“Have you not heard the whispers about the place?”

“Are you referring to the place notorious for being difficult to escape? The infamous…”

“Indeed, I suspected as much. They initiated all of this. Rumors suggest they aim to control all other bandit groups…”

“B-But, is that even logical?”

The listeners grew pale at this revelation.

The other sub-bandit group was widely known for its notoriety.

How many bandits were there in the Central Plains? And how many were in the mountains? Among the bandits who adhered to the same codes, one group had distinguished itself, a testament to its power.

“No, if such a thing were to occur, who would dare venture into Mount Hua? Nowadays, even if you run into bandits, you can still pass unhindered, provided you pay their approximate demand… I’ve heard even the most formidable escort services fail to compare to the might of the great bandits.”

“So, that isn’t the real issue? The Green Forest King demands…”

The speaker cleared his throat as if parched, casting a longing glance at the bottle.

“May I have a drink first?”

“Of course! What are you waiting for? Quickly, pour him a drink!”

“Y-yes, right away!”

The person clutching the liquor bottle nervously filled the man’s glass.


After downing the drink in one gulp, the man smiled wryly and resumed speaking.

“I’ve heard that the deposed king has gone to Mount Hua seeking aid. If this situation persists, it’s evident that common folks will bear the brunt. Thus, I implore you to help.”

“Huh, my god. That guy doesn’t appear to be ordinary,”

However, some didn’t grasp the conversation.

“Why Mount Hua, though? There’s Wudang and Shaolin. If one were to swallow their pride and request help from the Justice faction, there are numerous stronger options.”

“But doesn’t that place belong to the Nine Great Sects?”

“… Um?”

The man simply shrugged his shoulders before clarifying.

“Will the five Shenzhou Hegemons allow the Nine Great Sects to interfere in their affairs? Although Mount Hua is part of the Justice factions, it isn’t included in the Nine, nor does it belong to any of their sects.”


“The Green Forest King must’ve concluded that seeking their help was the best option. It’s rumored that the leader of the Mount Hua sect only considered this request after much contemplation, solely for the people’s welfare.”

“Oh. So that’s what transpired.”

“Things are unfolding in a peculiar manner.”

Everyone exchanged glances, aware of how strange it all felt.

‘It does seem logical.’

‘Still very peculiar.’

At first glance, aiding bandits for the benefit of the common people might appear odd, but after analyzing the circumstances, it didn’t seem entirely erroneous.

Especially those who were familiar with the vile deeds of the Great Bandits couldn’t help but agree.

“But doesn’t that imply they are assisting the bandits?”

“Yes, but Mount Hua isn’t quite as idyllic as it seems, correct?”

“What exactly do you mean?”

“The rumor is that the sect leader of Mount Hua proposed a deal to the Green Forest King, stating he would cut the toll tax for using the mountains in exchange for a promise of no future killings.”


“That is so typical of a Taoist sect. It all becomes clear now!”

Everyone knew it. Bandits could never be completely eliminated. No matter how much one oppressed or attempted to command troops to eliminate them, the bandits would reappear once their backs were turned.

This was because those who were weary of witnessing suffering, those who had committed grave misdeeds in their lives, could no longer live a normal one. Inevitably, they would retreat to the mountains and form new bands of bandits.

It became evident that, ultimately, it would be less risky to effectively control the existing bandits instead of eliminating them and inviting a more malicious group to power.

“So, are you saying that Mount Hua isn’t aligned with Green Forest, but rather, it plans to quell the rebellion within Green Forest?”


This revelation left everyone in awe.

“But… is that possible? They must possess extraordinary strength if they are strong enough to rebel and overthrow the Green Forest King. Can Mount Hua even stand against them…”

The man gave the questioner a knowing smile.

“If we only undertake what we’re capable of, how can we refer to that as an agreement? Isn’t an agreement, even in the face of adversity, a commitment to act with resolve?”

“Of course! Right!”

“From what I’ve heard, it seems to be true. Have you recently heard of the Wudang doing anything commendable? This is exactly what a mighty sect should be doing!”

“Such an amazing place. A place that was entirely decimated, unheard of for ages, is now shaking the world in just a few years!”

As each person shared their thoughts with palpable excitement, the room again erupted into noise. Then, silent amidst the clamor, the man poured the remaining drop of alcohol into his glass and downed it in one go before quietly rising to his feet.

Upon exiting the bar, he glanced left and right before merging into the back alley.

In that shadowy lane, beggars sprawled on mats. The man inhaled deeply before yelling.

“Awaken! You beggars!”

“Eh? Sahyung, you’re back?”


The sight of the mat distorted the man’s expression. Interiorly, he yearned to sit, yet the fear of soiling his clothes prevented him.

“What happened?”

“What do you mean, what happened? I’ve spent my whole life begging for food. Things like this barely faze me!”

“Hehehe. It must be nice to carelessly mouth off about matters you need not concern yourself with.”


The man pushed back the hem of his long garment and sighed.

“Ugh, I still have to visit five more inns today. The branch leader said he’d check in on them all.”

“Why don’t you just eat and drink there?”

“If that wasn’t the case, I would have already fled! Now, let’s proceed.”

“Ehhh! To haul it all like this! This is why I never stray too far from sahyung.”

The beggars swarmed in as the man extracted the food he had concealed in his sleeve, grinning eagerly.

“Was it all worthwhile?”

“How challenging was it to relay only the facts in a place where we spin tales to inflate our value? Ugh, my mouth aches.”

“Mount Hua has genuinely transformed into a magnificent place.”


The beggars huddled together, munching on their food, all the while marveling at Mount Hua.

Despite the Beggars Union’s and Hong Dae-Kwang’s intentions, those who spread the rumors held Mount Hua in high regard.

“Could we interpret this as an act of guile?”

“It appears so.”

“Mount Hua didn’t make a move without some benefit, right?”

“What kind of fantasy are you living in? Is there any place in this world that operates without self-interest? No matter who they are, people won’t make a move without something to gain.”


“What truly matters is if you’re willing to take substantial risks. In this regard, Mount Hua stands proud.”

“Well… if it were the Beggars Union, we wouldn’t have budged.”


“Regardless, we’ve invested so much into this undertaking, it should surely prove beneficial in the end.”

“Even if it gets resolved, the problem will persist.”


Quipped the man in the luxurious robe as he tossed a rice cake into his mouth.

“If this issue is addressed, no one from the Nine Great Sects can claim their strength surpasses Mount Hua anymore. That’s what this boils down to.”

“Ah, right…”

“Fascinating. Things are getting intriguing now.”

Those who spread rumors could sense a shift in the world, a rapid change unlike anything before.

“Perhaps a single event could plunge the central plains into chaos…”

“What kind of fools roam around discussing that? Stop being presumptuous and just have a drink.”

“Ugh, I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

This was unfolding somewhere in the Central Plains.

The rumor spread much quicker than Chung Myung had hoped, and suddenly, all eyes were on the Green Forest.

Mount Hua, central to the entire discussion, continued towards the forest without pausing.



Hyun Sang, Hyun Young, Un Am, and Un Geom shared a subtly complex exchange of glances.



Clack! Clack!

Their cart was rapidly traversing the terrain.

Nothing was unusual about the cart. Actually, there were more people in this world who rode carts than horse-drawn carriages.

The problem was…

“Quicker! Move swiftly now! What, did you feast on boiled slugs in my absence? Why are you so sluggish!”

These words spewed forth from his mouth.

Baek Cheon’s eyes glowed red.

“Hey, you rascal! You try dragging it then!”

“We never trained for this! If we had dragged it, we’d already be at our destination!”


Baek Cheon glared at Chung Myung with fiery eyes before turning his head. Gritting his teeth, he shouted out,

“Run faster!”

“S-sasuk! If we proceed like this, we’ll be exhausted before we arrive.”

“Silence and run!”

“Ehh, damn it!”

The Five Swords of Mount Hua grumbled as they forcefully hauled the cart, occasionally casting scornful glances at the lagging disciples skirting around them.

“Are you struggling to keep up?”

“So these cowards maneuvering the cart wish to outrun us, yet they falter and lag here, too? Who is that? Who is the sluggard trailing in the back?”

“Indeed. They deserve a harsh reprimand.”

“I, the youngest, am tasked to pull the cart, while the sahyungs - bearing no weight - are trailing behind?”

“… Soso, try to calm down.”

“Do I look like I am in any state to calm down?”


Even Hae Yeon, who had been dragged into this unreasonably and made to pull the cart from the front, harbored anger in his eyes. The disciples, who weren’t burdened with pulling the cart, followed him with all their might.

‘These are people, not beasts of burden!’

‘Why are they so swiftly moving? It’s astonishing, but it might result in my death!’

Immaculately clad in robes.

Gleaming swords.

The sight of individuals moving in clean, precise lines under the sun was breathtaking.

‘…this is nonsense!’

There was no possibility that this sort of thing was present in Mount Hua before now.

No sooner had they exited the Sect Gate than they began a relentless sprint, their feet growing clammy with the exertion. It seemed as though the sky would crumble if they didn’t arrive at their destination post-haste.

“Is this how a warrior behaves? Have you forgotten your training?!”

Riding in the cart, Chung Myung delivered verbose lectures that would potentially bore the children to tears soon.

“Even when dining, we trained by fighting with chopsticks!”

“That’s merely disrespect for your meal, you fool!”

“What else can you accomplish at the dining table!”


Chung Myung barked at them.

“The last ten to arrive today will starve! Remember, tardiness equals death!”

“Drown in your own filth!”

“Why have the ghosts abandoned him!”

“Damn this situation!”

As they watched Chung Myung incessantly instructing his disciples, Hyun Young and Hyun Sang exchanged awkward smiles.

‘Should we try to intervene?’

‘Let him be.’


Sitting in the sunlit spot, the two cleared their throats and stared into the sky.

‘I am truly grateful to be old.’

‘If the same happened to me, I would have fled.’

The Hyun and Um disciples once again realized that their past hardships prior to Chung Myung’s arrival were blessings in disguise.


Hyun Sang glanced over his shoulder.

“… do they have to run in such a manner?”

“Chung Myung posed this question… Why are we hauling trash in the cart?”

With a sigh, Hyun Sang closed his eyes at the sight of Im So-Byeong and his men sprinting alongside the disciples of Mount Hua.

‘I am glad Chung Myung doesn’t consider us unworthy.’

This sentiment filled them with immense gratitude.


The disciples of Mount Hua demonstrated their fervor by covering a distance, which would normally take 15 days, in only 4 days.

Rumors spread quickly, but their cart moved even faster, allowing them to reach their destination in record time.

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