“That’s impossible!”

“No, speak sense, please!”

Overwhelmed by the fierce opposition, Hyun Jong looked at the situation in sheer disbelief.

“But why… why wouldn’t I go?”

“Do you consider yourself one of us, the sect leader?”

“Nonsense, you can’t expect the sect leader to tackle such minor matters personally.”

Hyun Young and Hyun Sang were resolute in their stance, spreading a wave of despair across Hyun Jong’s face.

“Isn’t it common for all the disciples to be led out? Do you find it odd when I do so?”

“It’s because of the nature of the task.”

Hyun Sang shook his head, his expression stern.

“You’re not the leader of a minor sect anymore. Consider this: would the leaders of Shaolin or Wudang guide their disciples into a place like Green Forest?”

“They… they wouldn’t?”

Because those individuals remained unyieldingly bound to their mountains. Recently, though, the Shaolin abbot seemed to be moving somewhat.

Hyun Young spoke as if further explanation was unnecessary.

“Anyway, just forget it. Please, take good care of the base.”

“I share the same opinion as Hyun Young this time.”


A sigh slipped from Hyun Jong.

‘These wretched fools too!’

How long had he anticipated the day when he would command the disciples of Mount Hua, now vastly changed from the past, to take over the world? He hadn’t expected them to try to dissuade him in this manner.

Hyun Sang paused to consider Hyun Jong’s perspective and then smiled as if he understood his thoughts.

“Is the great leader of the Mount Hua sect personally handling such a minor task? Surely, brighter days are ahead.”

“Ah, I see.”

Though his frustration didn’t disappear, it didn’t mean Hyun Jong was unaware of the implications.

‘It may not be ideal.’

Despite their attempt to make a name for themselves, ultimately, they were meddling in another faction’s affairs. It would seem concerning if the sect leader, the driving force behind the sect, was the one leading the charge.

Hyun Jong exhaled a deep sigh, akin to a needle pricking a chest bloated with empty air.

“Instead, focus more, as this is expected of disciples.”

“Yes, Sect Leader.”

“Rest assured.”

Hyun Jong’s eyes dimmed.

“It is vital to uphold the reputation of Mount Hua.”


“The alliance will benefit from the Green Forests and its paving stones, but I can’t say just how important it is to establish a solid relationship with them.”

Two attentive faces turned serious upon hearing this.


Hyun Jong gave them a stern look before continuing.

“Nothing on Mount Hua holds more importance than the safety of our disciples.”


The two elders felt the gravity of that voice.

“If you must make a choice, do not waver. Prioritizing the safety of your disciples will reduce your concerns. Protect everyone, even if it necessitates a sacrifice.”

“Understood, sect leader.”

Hyun Young replied with an uncharacteristically solemn tone.

“Rest assured, we understand that the children are the cornerstone and future of Mount Hua.”

“Isn’t our knowledge the root of our problem? Hearing you’re following him doesn’t exactly put me at ease.”

“Are you emulating Chung Myung now, sect leader? Still tormenting people over a single issue?”


Looking at Hyun Young, he shook his head, clearly appalled at such an accusation, before shifting his attention to Hyun Sang.

“You’re in for a lot of pressure.”

A soft chuckle slipped past Hyun Sang’s lips.

“Don’t worry excessively. We won’t have to intervene.”

“Excuse me?”

“Can Chung Myung manage to stay quiet?”


Upon Hyun Jong’s acknowledgment, Hyun Sang grinned.

“The brat has long exceeded us in both martial prowess and inner strength. Our only task is to ensure he doesn’t exceed too much.”

“That’s going to be the most challenging task.”

“Indeed, but…”

Hyun Jong exhaled profoundly. Then he continued speaking.

“In any case, do your utmost…”

“Oh my, please stop! We’re already 70 years old. Is there truly any need to endure such incessant nagging?”

“This man!”

“We should depart, Sahyung. It seems the nagging repeats yearly.”

“Hm, shall we?”

Hyun Jong gazed at the two, an expression of incredulity on his face.

“I- I still have much to convey…”


Nevertheless, with an air of discontent, Hyun Young rose and exited. A more frivolous smile graced Hyun Sang’s features as he followed.

“L-let’s depart together! You lot!”

Hyun Jong swiftly rose to his feet and went after the disciples.


Baek Cheon scrutinized his fellow disciples with intense eyes.

Carefully inspecting everything from their clothes to their packages, a frown emerged on his face as if something was concerning him.



“Fix your collars! Let’s take these bandits down!”


The disciple who was called out took a sharp breath, adjusting his collar in response to the harsh words that fell like a cold blade from the mouth.

Baek Cheon’s cool expression was steeped in disapproval.

“Never forget that each piece of clothing you wear and every action you take represents Mount Hua! If you behave as recklessly as you have done here, I will not hesitate to break your backs.”

“W-we understand, sahyung!”

Lined up beside him, Jo Gul and Yoon Jong both glanced his way before lowering their heads.

“Why is he being so harsh?”

“Isn’t this the first proper expedition for Mount Hua? When we traveled by ourselves, no one paid us much heed. But now, with so many people in tow, we’re bound to draw attention, even if just once.”

“Indeed, we’ll certainly be noticed. Yet, doesn’t he seem overly concerned about it? His stomach appears to have been upsetting him lately.”

“It’s not due to that…”

It was because of Chung Myung.

“The elders will guide us, but it’s impossible for the two of them to manage every detail.”

“Sasuk must be worried.”

Jo Gul smiled, but then a spark came from afar.



Baek Cheon looked at the two individuals and said,

“What are you doing? I told you to pay attention to the children’s attire.”

“W-we are doing it now.”

“If any of the Chung disciples cause trouble, your necks will be the first I break.”

“…T-that… Sasuk.”


“Chung Myung is an exception, right?”


When Jo Gul posed the question, Baek Cheon was speechless.

Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but Baek Cheon’s under-eye circles seemed to have darkened abruptly.

“But what is Chung Myung up to…?”

Upon voicing this, Jo Gul, who had been searching for Chung Myung, furrowed his brow.

“What’s he doing over there?”

“Huh? Where?”

“There. He’s over there.”

“… Huh?”

Yoon Jong blinked.

“Uh? Chung Myung… right, yes, that’s Chung Myung…”

It struck him as peculiar.

Whether because of Chung Myung or not, Yoon Jong had experienced plenty of strife and turmoil in his life. This adversity had honed his senses, enabling him to recognize Chung Myung even from a hundred miles away.

But just now, he failed to immediately recognize Chung Myung from behind.

‘Why are his shoulders slumped?’

Such a sight was indeed rare.

Yoon Jong, Jo Gul, and Baek Cheon sensing trouble, hurried to Chung Myung’s location.

Upon arriving…


“What’s happening?”

“Hu… ha… ha….”

They were so stunned they could not utter a word. Anyone who came upon the scene would have likely reacted similarly.


Truthfully, the sight was not a particularly strange one.

For there was Baek Ah, front paws propped on her side and belly distended. If not for the black uniform she wore, it could even be considered endearing.

“…Who dressed this beast?”

“Ah, does it also have a plum blossom pattern on its chest?”

Upon seeing the beast clad in the uniform of Mount Hua, the three were rendered speechless and remained wide-eyed in their awe.

“W-who could have done such a thing…”

“It was me!”

At that moment, a figure emerged from the crowd, hand raised.

“Isn’t it adorable?”


The three individuals looked at the newcomer and simultaneously burst into smiles.


‘It was her.’

‘If it’s Soso, then no one could have stopped her.’

Despite not being the strongest on Mount Hua, no one there dared to cross Tang Soso - for they simply could not, even if they wished to.

The sight of a needle stuck in their head would evoke the same feeling in anyone, absolutely anyone!

“…not even animals are disciples.”

“If you consider it, it’s not so strange. Some are more beastly than mere animals.”

“I’ve heard the same.”

Everyone turned their attention to the man who was larger than the beast.


Chung Myung typically wore a smile that stirred anxiety, anger, or discomfort in onlookers. But at the moment, he bore the countenance of a man who had lost his kingdom.

“G-giving the sacred robe of Mount Hua to a creature…”

“What? I think it’s adorable.”


Chung Myung gazed at Baek Cheon with an expression so forlorn that it appeared as if he could shed tears at the slightest provocation.

“…Is this acceptable? Can Mount Hua really act in such a way, Sasuk?”


Baek Cheon laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“Compose yourself, Chung Myung. Haven’t we already traveled too far to let insignificant matters disturb us?”

“…Mount Hua is destroyed.”

For the first time, Baek Cheon felt genuine sympathy for Chung Myung.


“Kik, what rubbish! I’ll skin you for this!”

Just as Chung Myung was on the verge of grasping Baek Ah as usual, the elders and Hyung Jong stepped into the hall. Everyone hastily found their spots and rose to their feet.

“Are all the preparations completed?”

Un Am, who was standing at the front, answered Hyun Jong’s query with a wave of his hand,

“Yes, sect leader. We’ve completed all the preparations for departure.”


Hyun Jong stood tall and spoke in a low voice.

“Now, pay attention.”

“Yes, sect leader!”

“About this task…”

“Let’s keep this brief, Sect Leader. They’ve been standing for quite some time, so try not to drone on.”

Hyun Jong’s face contorted grimly at the sound of Hyun Young’s whisper brushing past the candle beside him.

‘How can someone grow so immature with age!’


Hyun Jong heaved a sigh of distaste and called out.

“Everyone, heed your leaders and return with honor!”

“Yes, Sect Leader!”


When Hyun Jong turned around, Hyun Sang approached him, smiling.

“Our journey to the Green Forest will be lengthy, so everyone must be vigilant to avoid any complications.”


A loud response echoed back.

“Never forget, you bear the name of Mount Hua. The moment you step beyond our sect’s gate, you represent Mount Hua, and Mount Hua represents you.”

With those words, the sense of responsibility was clearly etched on the faces of the Mount Hua disciples as Hyun Sang continued in a grave tone.

“Let’s depart now.”

Everyone initiated their movement.

Neither the mammoth task of opposing Green Forest nor the weightiness of upholding the honor of Mount Hua filled the hearts of the disciples at this moment.

‘Let’s showcase the fruits of our training!’

‘I have worked tirelessly, and if we must retreat without performing admirably, I will not bear such injustice.’

‘I will obliterate everything, even the Green Forest!’

Their spirits were high as they prepared to head for the sect gate when a freezing voice pierced their ears.

“If you’re so confident, dare to court disaster.”


Everyone swiveled their heads in response.

There was Chung Myung, his eyes red, glaring at them.

“I will introduce you to the true meaning of disaster.”


Their hearts, previously filled with excitement, calmed down in an instant.

‘Create an incident, and you’ll die.’

‘Be cautious now!’

‘Bandits aren’t frightening at all. That man is a thousand times scarier.’

Hyun Sang turned around and gave a respectful bow to Hyun Jong.

“We shall return safely, sect leader.”


With a serious nod from Hyun Jong, Hyun Young shouted, signaling their departure.

“Let’s go!”

The disciples of Mount Hua turned in unison, marching towards the mountain gate. A helpless smile appeared on Hyun Jong’s lips.

‘Are you watching, Master?’

The face of his forefather, the sect leader, kept reappearing in their mind.

“Mount Hua is stepping out into the world once again. Please watch over them.”

This was the moment when the great march of Mount Hua commenced.

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