
Hyun Jong’s brow furrowed slightly upon hearing the situation from Im So-Byeong.

‘An internal dispute within Green Forest…’

The circumstances were highly unusual.

Under normal circumstances, Mount Hua would have no interest in the inner workings of Green Forest. However, the issue was that Green Forest’s leader currently resides in Mount Hua.

“And so, what’s your plan?”

“Quell it.”

Im So-Byeong’s response was definitive.

“It won’t be as easy as that.”

“Nonetheless, it must be done.”

A quiet sigh followed this statement.

“Sect Leader, you may find it hard to believe, but the fact is, I’m not fond of fighting. Moreover, the sight of blood spills is distasteful to me.”

“I… understand.”

Anyone who had observed Im So-Byeong over the past few days would respond similarly. Of course, one could never be certain based solely on outward appearances, but over time, people tended to reveal their true selves.

“I’m not the sort to crave power. Given a more suitable candidate, I would have gladly yielded the position, especially given my frail health.”


Im So-Byeong fixed his gaze on Hyun Jong and spoke.

“Go Hong, the one who is assaulting the Green Forest is notorious for his violent streak. If such a man assumes the role of Green Forest King, I’m certain it would result in many casualties.”

Im So-Byeong, speaking in a calm voice, shook his head.

“I can’t bear to watch this.”

Listening to all this, Chung Myung snorted in derision.

“There are good bandits and bad ones.”

While not incorrect, it wasn’t the right thing to say at the moment. Hyun Jong, who wanted to confront him, was taken aback when Im So-Byeon calmly agreed.

“Yes, you’re correct.”

“And your group are the good bandits?”

“Rather than being a good bandit…”

Im So-Byeong’s gaze remained fixed on Chung Myung.

“Haven’t you already encountered other bandits prior to meeting me?”


Chung Myung responded hesitantly, tilting his head as if struggling to remember. Then, Yoon Jong whispered into Jo Gul’s ear.

“They say that the one who is fanned can sleep with outstretched feet, yet the one doing the fanning cannot. It appears you’ve forgotten everything due to the incessant beatings.”

“… Wouldn’t being hit cause one to forget, Sahyung?”

“Ah, indeed, you’re correct.”


Only after Hyun Sang shot them an exasperated glare and asked for silence did the pair promptly shut up and lowered their heads.

“So, back then, did Taoist Chung Myung indeed punish the people of Green Forest on that mountain by killing them?”

“I don’t believe I killed them.”

“Why not?”

Chung Myung absentmindedly scratched at the back of his head.

“Simply because I didn’t consider their transgressions severe enough to warrant death.”

“Yes, indeed. You had already made that judgement before meeting me and becoming aligned with the Green Forest.”

Im So-Byeong shrugged his shoulders and continued.

“I think you judged it not due to your deep compassion.”


Everyone nodded fervently.

Naturally, Chung Myung typically displayed indifference. However, he offered no mercy to those who committed wrongdoing. Didn’t he frequently swing his sword against evildoers?

Im So-Byeong let out a smile.

“If it was the Green Forest of the past, you wouldn’t have let them go that easily, Taoist. Our Green Forest has been very committed to not harming the civilian population as much as possible. And that is why it stays in the mountains.”


“However, those like Go Hong who’ve chosen to join the rebellion now are all against this trend. They believe that those who control the mountains, the more impulsive their actions, the more wealth they accumulate.”


Hyun Jong emitted a heavy sigh.

“If they manage to seize control of the Green Forest, it’s certain to change — likely becoming even more brutal.”

Once Hyun Jong fell silent, as if he had said all he needed to, Im So-Byeong quietly addressed him.

“Sect leader.”


“Assist me, please.”


“This task is too overwhelming to tackle on my own. They have strength. Despite my predecessors’ encouragement, it is insufficient. The Green Forest, a realm where determination and arrogance reign, cannot be steered with logic and reason alone.”

Hyun Jong’s brows furrowed as he stirred his tea with the teaspoon a bit quicker than usual.

“I comprehend what the Green Forest King is trying to convey.”

He saw his own desperation reflected clearly.

Im So-Byeong, as witnessed by Hyun Jong, seemed unshakeable in his solitude on Mount Hua, never losing his calm demeanor or his smile. Now, that image is gone.


Lost in thought, Hyun Jong heaved a quiet sigh before turning to the other elders.

“What are your thoughts?”

“This situation is far from simple.”

Hyun Sang was the first to respond.

“There is indeed a line drawn in Kangho. Reconciling their differences with the justice faction will never be a straightforward task.”


“No matter the intentions, the world will perceive Mount Hua as interfering in the affairs of the forest.”


Hyun Sang wore a blunt expression as he spoke.

“Mount Hua is a place where sincerity and cooperation are upheld. Its core principles cannot be altered now. Viewed with calmness, this is merely an internal dispute within the Green Forest. Historically, the Kangho, a justice faction, has never intervened in the conflicts between the Forces of Evil.”

Hyun Jong gave a silent nod of agreement, yet he didn’t miss the subtle twitch of Hyun Young’s lips.

“And you?”

“Why should we concern ourselves with such trivial matters?”


Hyun Jong grumbled, his face flushed red.

“There’s a certain profit if we align with the Green Forest. Isn’t their role pivotal in the dealings with the Ghost Clan that Chung Myung is planning?”


“In the interim, if the Green Forest King happens to lose his power, wouldn’t we be like hounds scrambling for poultry on the rooftop? How can neglecting this be of any benefit to us?”

Hyun Jong groaned at Hyun Young’s blunt words.

“That man and his reasoning! Has Mount Hua ever done anything good simply for the sake of doing good? I must fend for my own sustenance! I’ve felt nothing but shame these past weeks as I am the one receiving the food served by the disciples. I cannot commend you for a job well done when we aren’t even providing our own meals!”

He insisted they shouldn’t throw away what Chung Myung was working on without genuine reasons.

In the past, Hyun Jong would have scowled and retorted, but now he, too, realized there was truth in these words.


His gaze finally landed on Chung Myung, who sat looking sadly at his fingertips.

“And what do you think?”

“About this?”


Chung Myung sighed and glanced toward the ceiling.

“It appears the outcome is predetermined, yet I feel aggrieved because I don’t want to proceed.”

“The decision is final then?”

“Yes. So you’re implying there’s insufficient rationale now, correct? We’re concerned about others blaming us.”

“Correct. Of course… You may not regard this, but there are occasions when public judgment possesses more influence than one may anticipate, correct?”

“Yes, I’m aware of that as well.”

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders.

“But Sect Leader, I fail to see why this is causing you worry.”


“To simplify it, an alliance is formed to uphold righteousness and exercise power for mutual aid.”


“Based on his statement, ignoring this situation will simply empower the bandits to create chaos. Can there be a more compelling reason for us to intervene?”

Hyun Jong exhaled forcefully.

“You’re correct. That’s absolutely true. But the question is, will the world understand our intentions?”

“If they cannot comprehend, we shall make sure that they do.”


“There is someone present who can facilitate this understanding.”

“I beg your pardon?”

Chung Myung signaled towards Im So-Byeong. However, Hyun Jong was unable to comprehend and questioned back.

“What does that imply?”

“Why are you so sluggish at grasping things today? If the people heard this man’s words, it would be clearer, correct?”


“He just needs to make that statement publicly. All we need to do is formally request assistance from Mount Hua on behalf of the Green Forest King.”


A look of confusion washed over Hyun Jong’s face.



“The Green Forest King should formally ask Mount Hua, ‘Please assist me in doing a good deed for the bandits’.”


“And for sure, Mount Hua will offer, ‘Absolutely, I’ll assist in dealing with the bandits.’ So we proceed to help, correct?”

“That’s it, actually!”

Hyun Jong glanced at Chung Myung, his expression suggesting he was wondering, ‘Has this guy genuinely lost his sanity?’

“Good lord! Does that even hold water?”

“What doesn’t seem logical here?”

“How on earth would bandits be noble enough to request assistance? We’d be fortunate if we don’t end up captured and thrashed by those very same rogues!”

“No, there are worse bandits out there!”

“So, you’re saying a good bandit doesn’t take money? Right, they just steal it!”

“Ah, indeed!”

Im So-Byeong gazed at the ceiling, bemused by their odd conversation. He let out a sigh.

‘There is no such thing as hell.’

The sect leader still seemed to pay attention to the opinions around him, but he couldn’t help raising his voice in front of the Green Forest King, passionately arguing about robbery.

‘I should have just gone to Shaolin.’

Why did he have to journey to Mount Hua…


Having regained his composure, Hyun Jong cleared his throat and concluded the conversation.

“If your words are to carry any weight, the world must recognize that the Green Forest, who are now pleading for assistance, are not evil. However, to them, they’re nothing more than bandits.”

“So it’s our job to change that perception.”

“…But how?”

“Sigh. Oh, Sect Leader.”


“If a person lives without money, they wouldn’t know how to use it, even if someone gave it to them. Similarly, if you live without power, then bestowing power upon you will not make much difference. Such is the truth.”


“Instead of awaiting the rumors to come on their own, we can initiate them. We disseminate tales of the Green Forest King’s position. We employ beggars to use the Beggar Sect, dispatching Ghost Sect disciples across the Central Plains to disseminate this information. Then, we pass the news to the Sichuan Tang family, creating a stir.”

Hyun Jong reacted with shock.

“C-could such a plan truly be effective?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

Chung Myung nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders as if it was of little consequence.

“We’re not fabricating non-existent words, just broadening their application, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”


“If the Green Forest King relinquishes something, everything will conclude.”

Chung Myung observed Im So-Byeong, who recoiled slightly.

“…W-what exactly are you suggesting?”

“The tax.”

“… Excuse me?”



At these words, Im So-Byeong’s cheek trembled.

“The t-toll tax is fundamental to Green Forest…”

“If you wish to honor your heritage and free yourself, follow your desires.”


The situation appeared to allow no compromise. Im So-Byeong firmly shut his eyes. Yet, Chung Myung wasn’t finished speaking.

“Rather than simply accepting money and walking away as you’ve been doing, alter your strategy.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“Conflicts occur when individuals believe their money is being stolen. Rather than intervening mid-way and causing chaos, as you do now, stand at the mountain’s base and guide those who pay the appropriate tax. Continue until the mountain’s end.”


“Those who ascend the mountain at night carry many fears within them, so lend a hand. Be the most reliable guide. Just because you don’t climb the mountain doesn’t mean you perceive it as easy.”

“Correct. Even when traversing the mountain, which is known to be untouched for use, inquire whether they would prefer escorts or to wait until a group gathers for safety in numbers.”

“Green Forest can replicate what traditional escort services do.”


“Discard all those damned animal skins and those axes. Dress your men in neat attire! Teach them to smile! Transform your bandits into escorts!”

Im So-Byeong’s eyes widened as he looked at Chung Myung.

‘Is this man out of his mind?’

Despite the question, Chung Myung remained undaunted and assertively inquired,

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Well, Chung Myung, it’s not that I haven’t considered it. But would anyone capable actually resort to banditry? I’m talking about control…”


Chung Myung’s eyes widened in surprise.

“If that issue is resolved, there won’t be any other problems, correct?”

“Of course, but the control issue…”

“We’ll handle that ourselves here. So, there’s no need for you to worry.”


“We’ve endured much from the sasuk and sahyungs, it’s time to release that grudge.”


Though Baek Cheon had no clear idea about Chung Myung’s statement, he, along with the crowd behind Chung Myung, agreed by nodding, arms folded.

“So, is everything settled?”

Chung Myung turned towards Hyun Jong and spoke.

“The Green Forest is effective at suppressing rebellions and becoming beneficial for the common people who consequently can lead less violent lives. Furthermore, Mount Hua does nothing wrong. In fact, it can be seen as a transformed green forest that has aided the local population.

“Your earnings will provide significant aid in this cause.”


Chung Myung grinned, registering the conviction in Hyun Jong’s words.

“Everyone benefits, so I see no reason to dispute it. Of course, the decision ultimately rests with the sect leader.”

Upon hearing everything Chung Myung said, Hyun Jong was lost in thought with a stern expression.

‘I definitely said that the kids need real-world experience.’

As Chung Myung pointed out, this offers an opportunity to gain not only justification and practicality but also experience. Moreover, it could capture Central Plains’ attention towards Mount Hua just in time for the Alliance’s official announcement.

This situation didn’t merely symbolize killing three birds with one stone, but rather four or five.

“Chung Myung.”


“But didn’t you express frustration about not wanting to participate? What happened to that?”


Responding to Hyun Jong’s query, Chung Myung cast a glance at Im So-Byeong.

“It’s not that I don’t stand to gain anything, but it feels like I’m aiding this snake without a justified cause…”


“So, after you’ve made your decision, Sect Leader, I would appreciate it if you could leave the room. Elder Hyun Young and I need to deliberate on what our compensation should be.”


Observing Im So-Byeong’s slumped shoulders and downcast head, it was nearly impossible to differentiate who represented justice and who was the bandit.


Hyun Jong cleared his throat, scanning the room filled with spectators.

“What are your thoughts on this?”

“What’s there to debate? Chung Myung is correct.”

“If events transpire as he has planned, we won’t have cause for objection. However, we should first meticulously establish a cause.”

Upon hearing Hyun Young and Hyun Sang’s statements, Hyun Jong gazed at Im So-Byeong with a grave expression.

“Is it possible for the Green Forest King to agree with all of Chung Myung’s proposals?”

“I stake my life and give my word.”

Determination filled Im So-Byeong’s face. Eventually, Hyun Jong gave a slow nod in response.

“Since everyone’s opinion aligns, I will sanction the task of assisting the Green Forest King and securing the Green Forest under the authority of Mount Hua’s Sect Leader.”

“Thank you, Sect Leader!”

Im So-Byeong bowed immediately. Hyun Jong considered him with a gentle smile, expressing his thoughts.

“King of the Green Forest, please remember our intentions to assist you and perhaps give a little more thought to the people.”


“Hmm. Yes…”

After speaking, Hyung Jong rose, prompting the others to silently follow suit as though they had anticipated this moment. The only ones who remained unmoved were Chung Myung and Hyung Young.

“Now, let’s talk.”

“S-Sect leader?”

As Hyun Jong hastened out with the other disciples, Im So-Byeong found himself alone in the room with Chung Myung and Hyun Jong.

“Hehe. So.”

Wearing a grin, Chung Myung strolled over to Im So-Byeong’s side.

“Shall we begin now?”

Moreover, Hyun Jong gradually moved in the opposite direction, seemingly blocking the escape route.

Im So-Byeong tightened his grip.

‘These are true devils!’

Who claimed that Taoists would renounce worldly desires?

They were even worse than bandits!

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