Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 386 Wilmot and Wheatman

Chapter 386 Wilmot and Wheatman

"Halt! Hands in the air!" one of them shouted.

"What the hell?" Wheatman couldn't help but blurt out.

His hand instinctively reached for his weapon. This unexpected intrusion caught him off guard.

At the same time, his keen eyes quickly scanned the attire of the individuals who had stormed into the room.

The military uniform. That's what they are wearing.

Since they were on the same side as him, Wheatman felt relief washed over him.

Now that he looked again, he had seen the one in the middle.

'Isn't he the one who received a medal a few months back? What was his name again? Wil...Wilnot? Willot? No, no, no. I think it's Wilmot.' he thought, recalling the prestigious event held in the capital before.

"I said hands in the air!" Wilmot's stern voice cut through the tension in the office as he repeated his command once more.

Apparently, they didn't manage to recognise him and even found his presence suspicious.

It was understandable, considering he was dressed in a cloak and acted all mysterious.

"Calm down, fellas," Wheatman attempted to defuse the situation, attempting to convey his identity and allegiance. "I am on your side."

"Hand-in-the-air!' Wilmot said and give a warning, "Or we'll shoot you."

"Well...don't do that. It'll hurt." Wheatman replied with a touch of sarcasm.

He promptly put his hand in the air.

Wilmot, however, showed little inclination to entertain explanations. He tilted his head slightly, signalling to his men, "Take his weapon and restrain him."

As the soldiers moved to carry out Wilmot's orders, Wheatman tried to make himself heard. "Wait! What?! You being serious?" he asked. "Didn't I say I'm on your side? In fact, I'm currently working."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...I will hear you out later," Wilmot said dismissively.

He continued, "Thankfully, the king made our intelligence organization a separate entity directly under him and no longer a part of the Ministry of War and Defence. If not, he might have caught wind of our movement as well. What in your hand is a sure-fire proof."

Wilmot shook his head. He is not close with this governor but knows who the governor was before- one of Republica's leaders.

Maybe this guy got lured by the promise of becoming the president.

It appears to him that most people here do not yet have a sense of loyalty to the king.

He closed the file, "So, where's this guy?" he inquired, keen to know the governor's current whereabouts.

Wheatman's response, however, was less than reassuring. "We're locating him," It pained him to admit it.

"You're locating him?" he retorted. There's a hint of irony in his tone as he said, "I thought you guys had eyes everywhere."

Wheatman clenched his teeth and responded with a frustrating tone. "We're trying our best here. Unlike the military, we are constantly buried with many tasks. We can't simply conduct a mass recruitment either. Why don't you mind our own mission, general?"

"Okay, okay, no need to be so angry at me."

Wilmot led the soldiers out of the office, leaving the agent behind.

Since he had confirmed Wheatman's identity, he doesn't worry anymore.

As they descended to the ground floor, they found the soldiers gathered, and a group of people who had been apprehended, tied and kneeling on the ground.

It was clear that his soldiers had completed their task.

Wilmot addressed the troops, outlining to them the next steps. "Alright, now we have to clean up the administration centre. I will temporarily be in charge of affairs here and some of you will stay here with me. The rest will go and gain control in residential areas. Make sure there are no secessionists hiding or endangering people. Then, proceed to the commercial area first before checking the remaining part of the city. If anything happens, report it to me. You guys know the drill."

"General, what are we gonna do with the people we captured?"

"Hmm," Wilmot looked at the captured secessionist, "The barrack has a jail if I'm not mistaken. Throw them there. We still have to investigate the firearm they possessed."

Talking about the firearm, he was reminded of Wheatman. 'Maybe I should ask him later...'

Snapping back to his soldiers, Wilmot asked, "Anything else you guys want to ask?"

""No, Sir!"" The soldiers reply simultaneously.

"Good! Ohh! One more thing...Don't forget to bring down the Republica's flag once you gain control over the area." Wilmot reminded his soldiers.

As he went back to the governor's office, his soldiers scattered across the city.

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