Resetting Lady

Chapter 157 | 02. The lady & the gentleman

Raymond went on to blurt out many different things that didn’t make sense, so filled with emotions. With tears trickling down as though time had stopped, so tired that he couldn’t even stand anymore, Raymond raised his head to look at Carynne’s face. Still, he was hugging her tightly with one arm.

Using his other hand, he reached up and caressed her cheek. And with a hoarse voice, he spoke.

“…Carynne, first, we need to move. We can’t stay here for long.”

“Yes, okay.”

As Carynne nodded, Raymond hoisted her up and carried her in his arms. He glanced out the window once, but soon turned away and headed for the stairs.

“It’s better to descend slowly.”

“…You’re stating the obvious.”

Carynne thought about the consequences of plummeting down with such speed last time. It hurt like hell. It wasn’t even an instantaneous death. Although she had died soon after, Carynne still trembled at the recollection of how every single bone in her body had shattered.

Even for someone like her, who was much accustomed to death, pain was still something she couldn’t get used to.

“Carynne. Carynne?”


“Are you alright?”

But right now, Raymond was holding her. Carynne blinked. She’s fine. Right now, there’s someone who remembers her, even after she has died.

She looked at the man who was holding her in his arms. This man, who knows her—who loves her and understands her.

The only one in the world.

“Sir Raymond. There’s something I’ve been wishing I could do.”

“Go ahead, whatever it is.”

“Can I pinch you whenever you make a boring joke?”

“…Were my jokes so boring?”

He sounded a bit taken aback. She replied firmly.


“…I’ll try harder.”

“Yes, please do so.”

Carynne laughed, but somehow, her throat was closing up. Raymond was carrying her in his arms, but it felt like she was much too high up.

“Um, I can walk.”

“Can’t I just carry you all the way down?”

“It’s not like you’re not allowed, but…”

She thought it might be better for her to walk on her own two feet. While in his embrace, Carynne felt the vibrations of his every step while walking down the spiral staircase. Carynne didn’t say anything more.

Though Raymond was smiling, his eyes were contrastingly reddened and swollen. She decided just to let him carry her. He looked eager to do so anyway.

“I’ve always wanted to do this.”

Raymond hugged her tighter as he said this.

“With you, alive.”

The sound of his footsteps continued. But it didn’t last long. It didn’t seem like the case when going up, but time seemed to pass by faster when going down together.

The walls around the spiral staircase conveyed only darkness, and going around and around was a little dizzying, but none of that mattered right now.

It was only at the end of the staircase that Raymond opened his lips to speak again. He sounded slightly hesitant.



“I think it would be better for you to close your eyes.”


Carynne turned her head. There wafted a distinctly metallic scent. She knew instantly what he meant by those words, given the bloodstains on the walls.


It was impossible for Raymond to have negotiated diplomatically in the first place. The smell of blood was overwhelming.

Raymond gently pulled Carynne’s head close to his chest.

“I’m sorry.”

However, his apology wasn’t directed towards those who had been slain—it was for Carynne. I’m sorry for the smell. It must be bothering you. Just that.


The distinct stench was everywhere. All the people here were dead. Among them must be the duke or the child. It would have been natural for her to ask, How could you kill a child? But really, did she have the right to say that?


Burrowing deeper into Raymond’s embrace, Carynne replied.

“It’s fine.”

Raymond was always on her side. And vice versa for Carynne. Right now, Carynne no longer had to think about how Raymond would react to different scenarios that might come. Whatever it was that she’d do, he would understand her. Whatever it was that he’d do, she, too, would understand him.

In all honesty, Carynne was far more sinful than Raymond. She was the one who had killed for her own pleasure. Raymond knew that as well. Nevertheless, here he was, apologizing to her about killing people because the smell was upsetting her.

Here and now, Carynne needed only one thing.

She closed her eyes. This was her courtesy to him.

As Carynne was still nestled in his arms, Raymond walked past the dead bodies strewn on the ground.

She could hear the blood splashing indistinctly beneath his shoes.

“I’m fine.”

Her knight was not going to be the same as he was before. Something must have drastically changed because of her. The Raymond who couldn’t remember anything about the past couldn’t possibly be the same as the current Raymond who had retained his memories.

But whoever he was, Carynne couldn’t help but love Raymond. The more he sacrificed for her sake, the more she loved him.

Raymond lowered Carynne to the ground in front of the waiting horse. Actually, there’s something that’s been bothering her since they were going down the stairs.

“Here. There’s something on your cheek.”

“Thank you.”

When Carynne handed him a handkerchief, Raymond took it and roughly wiped his cheek. What had been bothering her were those faint smudges on his face.

“Hold on.”

Carynne reached up and wiped Raymond’s cheek once more with her fingers. At this, Raymond closed his eyes and accepted her touch. It was no big deal, yet for some reason, the sensation was stark. Carynne took back her hand immediately.

Right now, even just looking at him felt a bit strange.

“Did I get some on my face, too?” she asked.

“No, there’s nothing. We’ll be traveling on horseback, not by carriage. Are you feeling well enough for it?”

Carynne looked down at her ankle and waist. There didn’t seem to be any problems.

“I’m alright, but where are we going?”

“To my house.”


Raymond’s home was by no means perfect, but it was pretty nice. It’s exactly what you’d expect a baron’s historic mansion would be like.

Although it wasn’t as extravagant as the palace, it was at least more splendid than the guest house that the countess had offered to her before. And most of all, Raymond was perfect in the way that he did not impose any sanctions on Carynne’s expenditure.

The days spent in that house were filled with peace and tranquility. Until now, the period she was allowed to stay there had only been short, but this time, she’d be able to enjoy her time there starting from spring.

So, she’s going to his house at this time of the year. So many changes had come to Carynne thus far, and it was nothing short of amazing. Of course, a miracle had happened, so it wasn’t strange for this to occur as well.

“Go up first, Carynne.”

Raymond lifted her onto the saddle. She pulled herself forward, and he climbed on behind her.

As they were seated together like that, Carynne asked.

“I wish to go on a trip. Can’t we travel a little first?”

Carynne was a little disappointed that her plans had been completely thwarted. In this loop, she had been so set on going on a trip, one that she had never gone on before.

“Ah… I’m sorry, Carynne. I’ll have to ask for your understanding first.”

“Understanding for what?”

“Let’s reschedule that trip to next year.”

“What’s the point of rescheduling that far with a life as short as mine?”

Just as she said, her life was truly short.

“I want to go see the ocean this summer. Can’t I?”

She was a bit surprised to hear herself whining. Wow. She’s acting like a real kid. Carynne felt a little embarrassed as he soothed her gently.


While urging the horse forward, Raymond spoke with an affectionate tone.

“I would like it if you can stay at home for about a year. It’s something that I’d need your understanding for, but even if you’re against it, I won’t listen. And… I’ll have to think about contacting your family as well.”

“Yes, my father must be worried.”

“But I’m afraid that you’ll go back and die while you’re out of my sight.”

“Well, even if I’m in front of you, I’ll still d… Oh, don’t cry. Gosh.”

Carynne looked behind her casually, but she had to stop herself mid-sentence because Raymond was about to cry again.

People say that tears were every woman’s most powerful weapon, but it’s just the same with men as well.

“In any case, I’ll have everything prepared this year. Please be patient for only one year. Let’s go anywhere you want after that. Whether it’s the sea, the mountains, or even a foreign country. Wherever you want. But not before this one year ends.”

“Good heavens, Sir Raymond. Don’t you know that obsessive men aren’t popular? Are you perhaps thinking about locking me up in your room?”

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