Release That Succubus

Chapter 417 417 I Have A Plan

"No matter how strong we are. They find a way to one up us." Bruce said to him.

Zach knew that was true he knew that they had the advantage of their rich heritage and no matter what he did there were always. Going to be people who were going to flock towards them.

"don't worry it is going to be fine. We don't have anything to worry about." He said to him calmly as he did his best to brush off his worries.

"I have a plan and you are just going to have to trust me." He said to him adamantly.

"I know and I do trust you but you have to remember that they have been here for much longer than you have and they have been more invested in it for a longer time. You on the other hand are just an upstareter. If you are going to win you are going to have to find a way to outdo them,." Bruce explained to him.

Bruce knew that he was supposed to listen to Zach and do as he asked. however he feared that this battle that they were fighting was a losing one and that it wouldn't end well for them.

they might have been in the lead now but from the looks of things that wasn't going to last very long if Candice continued with her own plans. It was time for them to wake up and realize that they can't continue this way.

"We have to act fast and we have to do something about all of this quickly. If not we are going to risk losing our current position." Bruce said to him.

Zach let out a sigh from his lips but didn't say anything. "I think that if we want continue to have the control that we have now. We need to seek assistance form the Windsor's. It will allow us to spread out our work and not put so much pressure on all of our employees. It will allow for us to have some breathing space." Bruce explained to him.

He was cautious with his words knowing how unpredictable Zach could be and he didn't want him to lash out on him due to his suggestion.

"Actually I don't think that we are going to do that." Zach said to him as he turned his attention away from him.

Bruce looked towards him in confusion wondering why he would chose against that. 

Zach hummed as he thought over it for a moment. He knew that that would prove to be somewhat of an issue and that was something that he would have to change.

"Yes well. I believe that the solution is for us to lower our retail prices even further." He announced to him succeed.

He watched as his eyes widened at his words. They were barely making any profits as it was and if they were to lower their prices any further they would almost be working for free.

This wasn't something that was going to end well and if they were to continue with their current way then by the end of all of it they would have nothing left to gin.

There would be no empire left to save because they wouldn't be able to keep up their business and continue paying their employees as well as continuing the sugar production.

"You can't be serious." Bruce asked him incredulously as he shook his head at him. However his face remained blank as he looked towards him firmly.

He let out a sigh from his lips as he said, "Yes I mean we can't just lower our prices any further. If we do then we aren't going to have any profit left to make and we are going to be forced to be barely scraping by. What do you suppose we do then. You say that we are doing all of this for the family that we do it so that we can ensure that the future is steady. But do you think that there will be a future left if we scrape our profits and our economy plumets." He said to him in a slightly raised tone.

Bruce was usually very loyal towards Zach but now he didn't see how this was going to end well at all. He had to talk some sense into Zach before he did something erratic.

"Well you shouldn't worry abour that. I have a plan and you just have to trust me." Zach said to him.

However it was hard for Bruce to simply trust Zach. Usually he knew that he was well aware of what he was doing and he was able to do things that were for the benefit of the family but he couldn't see how this was going to benefit the family. He wanted to believe that he should trust him but it was hard for him to do that now.

"You can't be serious. I don't see how this plan of yours whatever it is will work." He said to him exasperatedly.

Zach wasn't surprised by his reaction as he knew that to anyone else his idea would have seemed ridiculous because it wasn't possible for anyone to think that it was a good idea for them to lower their prices even further than they already had.

However he couldn't explain his plan to them at the moment because that would simply ruin the point of everything. He just had to believe that they would be able to trust him and they would be able to keep full faith in the fact that he was well aware of what he was doing and that he wouldn't do anything that would put any of them in trouble.

"yes I know that it is hard for you to see how this would be of any help for any of us. It kike I said you just have to trust me and you have to believe that I am not doing this without reason and I am doing this for all of us. you have to have faith in me, when the plan comes to light you are going to understand everything but for now I understand why you would find it all to be confusing." he explained to Bruce.

"This is only going to be temporary and it isn't going to last forever. I already have plans in place for subsequent additions and once this battle is over we are going to be able to return our goods to their old prices. We are going to just have to wait out the storm but after it had come to pass you are going to realize that it was worth it." he explained to him.

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