Release That Succubus

Chapter 415 415 Different Thoughts

She watched as he gulped and she could tell he was hiding something, however instead of telling her the truth he shook his head at her instead as he offered her a small smile.

"Oh it is nothing for you or anyone else to worry about. Everything is fine." He assured her. However violet could tell that there was something that wasn't quite adding right.

She knew that there was something that hew wasn't telling her.

She narrowed her eyes at him as she looked over at him intently. She watched the bead of sweat that slid down his face and the way that his hands tensed slightly.

She read through his mind and she widened her eyes as she realized what he was heading.

She cursed herself internally when she realized that what he was hiding was the fact that he knew about princess Candice alliance and that he wasn't planning on telling Zach about it.

She couldn't begin to understand why he would consider doing that. She knew that it wasn't going to end well.

She was well aware of the fact that hiding things from Zach wasn't a good idea. They were meant to be partners which meant that they were supposed to tell each other everything.

What that also meant was that they couldn't lie to each other. She knew that in the end he would find out and he would then have to go on to explain why he had done it.

"You can't do that." She said to him suddenly as she sprang up to her feet.

She watched as her father looked towards her strangely in confusion. However after a moment he let out a sigh from his lips as he rubbed his temples.

He realized that she had gone ahead to read his mind. He sent her a deep glare before gritting his teeth at her. "I told you not to read my mind anymore." He said to her in a warming tone.

She didn't seem remorseful as she only shrugged her shoulders at him in response. "well I don't feel bad for doing it. If I hadn't then I wouldn't have been able to find out that you were intending to keep this information away from Zach." she said to him.

She watched as he shrugged his shoulders at her in response before letting out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair.

"You see as I told you before. You have to be careful about all of this and you know that the last thing that you wasn't is for you to break the agreement that you already have in order for you to go out in search for one that isn't assured. You losing Zach isn't worth it and it will only end badly for all of us." She said to him.

She could tell that the gears in his head were turning but there was also another part of her that knew that the chances of him listening to her were low.

She let out a sigh form her lips as she turned around and readied herself to leave the office.

"I know that you think that you are doing this for us and that you wasn't to help the family but you should know that some things aren't always for the betterment of the family and there are some things that will only lead us into more trouble." She said to him in a warning tone.

"So just think about it." She said to him.

She watched as he looked up towards her one last time. He had a glint in his eyes as his voice went deeper before he said to her, "I will think about it." She knew however that his words weren't the truth and that they were only half felt.

She let out a sigh form her lips as she shook her head before she turned round to leave. she knew that she had at least tried to get him to see reason but she knew for a fact that the man was very stubborn and she knew that he has his mind set.

Marico watched as she left the room. He knew that she had some convincing points and that there was a part of him that wanted to listen to her. 

There was a part of him that demanded that he did as she asked but there was also a part of him that was hesitant about all of it.

He sucked in a deep breath as he shook his head at the very thought. 

He knew that Zach was his partner and that he was someone that trusted him and his loyalties did lie with him but for once he couldn't think about Zach. He had to think about his own people.

He knew that it may have seemed selfish to some but it was his time to put his family first and he knew that revealing this information was something that would cause Zach to push further away from wanting peace.

At least if he kept it with him he would have something to use as leverage if a battle were to be waged and he was able to get some form of ammunition in order for him to defend himself.

He thought back towards violet. He knew that her loyalty lied with her family first. And he knew for a fact that she wouldn't betray him. He hoped that she would be able to realize why he was doing this.

She was still just a kid and was still too naive to what was happening in the world around her. He didn't blame her for protesting against what he was doing but soon enough she would come to realize the reason why he was doing it.

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair before he relaxed against his chair and he felt a small smile come over his features.

He knew that no matter what happened he was going to make sure that he ended up being on top and that was the most important thing for him. 

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