Release That Succubus

Chapter 398 398 Two Women

Chapter 398 Chapter 398 Two Women

They had revealed far too much information to him already but were completely in the unknown and the maid was even attempting to seduce Zach on top of that.

Although Zach was sympathetic after hearing the story of the exiled princess and the maid who offered up her body in the place of her liege to keep her purity intact while hoping to receive nothing in return for her sacrifices, he wasn't the na?ve him from the past.

Zach had been through too much during the past few months. He had been driven out of Elizabeth city, roamed the wilderness in search for a shelter, almost lost Luna to the royal family, was schemed against by the Hunter family despite not being in their way, lost Diana to a brigand of pirates on his own island, lost the home he painstakingly built once again to a natural disaster, caught the eye of the Royal family once again and ended up losing Christina to them this time.

At every turn, the Royal family had shown its greedy nature to him.

In his eyes, Luna and her race was far better than any human from the royal family because whatever they did at least brought pleasure to the people and was a consensual act. However, the royals had done nothing but harm to him in pursuit of their greed for more power and benefits that he could bring them.

Therefore, he couldn't as easily trust the two members of another royal family without putting them through the wringer to ascertain whether they were worth saving and didn't have any hateful traits like the royal family he was familiar with. He didn't want to have to deal with a knife from behind his back after helping these two out.

Zach felt a bit of pity towards Brittany whose voluptuous figure was 'accidentally' brushing up against his arms and thighs every now and then as she answered all his questions in a sensual voice meant to arouse him into unleashing his inner beast.

She was probably trying to wring him dry so he would have no thoughts of going after Carol.

Little did she know that this endeavor of hers could bring her an ocean of pain considering that Zach was a bottomless well when it came to his sperm bank. He could fuck all the women in the city and still have semen to spare.

Unaware of Zach's capabilities, Brittany exerted her best efforts to captivate all of his attention with the subtle allure of her swaying hips that danced from side to side as if unintentionally.

Brittany noticed Zach's expression shift for a moment as his eyes became glued to her ass like a pendant being used to hypnotize someone. The gentle swaying was like a hypnotic charm to all the men she had encountered so far. That's how she had been able to keep her princess safe all this time. This was her secret weapon, one that brought men to knees in front of her even though they always tried to assert their dominance in front of her.

While she was busy feeling smug about her charm and how easily she had managed to arouse Zach, a shift occurred within Zach's thinking process.

Something inside him altered beyond repair, a transformation that was imperceptible to the naked eye, but his quivering gaze revealed the secret to all those who were perceptive enough to notice it.

The sympathy that had graced Zach's eyes just moments ago vanished abruptly, leaving behind an air of cold indifference.

His gaze, once carrying a hint of understanding for the ordeals of the two women, now projected an icy detachment. It was as if the hardships they had endured failed to evoke any genuine concern from him.

They had seen countless indifferent gazes hiding viciousness underneath and assumed that Zach was one such person as well. They had no hopes of salvation to begin with.

The shift in Zach's demeanor was prominent enough, but the two women didn't know him well enough to notice the difference.

But Bruce did.

He knew how Zach usually was. He wasn't exactly kind, but he was never cruel to anyone if he could help it. It was as if he was keeping himself from crossing a self-drawn line.

However, the current Zach was no longer the one he knew. The limit he had imposed upon himself had been withdrawn and what stood before him now was a very different Zach from the one he was previously familiar with.

The sudden transformation hinted at a complexity within Zach, an enigmatic quality that obscured his true thoughts and emotions. Even Bruce was having difficulty reading his thoughts now. Therefore, he didn't know how to advise him on it.

As Brittany and Carol stood before him, they didn't dare to have any hope for better treatment than they received from the Hunter family as they were met with his stoic indifference. It left them uncertain about the true nature of the man they now faced.

Brittany gritted her teeth and proceeded according to what she knew would please all the men in the world. In her eyes, all of them were lecherous and full of unbridled libido. Therefore, there was no better method than that to please the stoic man.

Before the man could show them his true nature, she acted on her thoughts and sprayed the pheromones through the seductive dance of her flesh.

Had it been the old version of Zach, untouched by the harsh realities that revealed how his kindness could be exploited, he would have willingly assisted the two women, offering them support to the best of his abilities. This approach mirrored the way he had extended help to Luna when they first crossed paths. Driven by a spirit steeped in justice, Zach's heart hadn't been able to bear the thought of leaving a girl, succubus or otherwise, at the mercy of the hunters.

Therefore, despite the peril to his own life, a deep-seated sense of morality had propelled him into action. His body had moved before he could even command it to come to a halt and he had ended up interfering in the battle to save Luna.

It was proof of how na?ve he had been in the past. The core principles that made his psyche guided him to protect her even though his mind was screaming for opting self-preservation.

The contrast between the past and the present highlighted a transformation in Zach's outlook. The experiences he had endured had shaped a newer, more guarded version of himself.

The idealistic willingness to offer aid without reservation had given way to a cautious skepticism, a realization that benevolence could sometimes lead to unforeseen consequences. The evolution in Zach's perspective hinted at the layers of complexity beneath the surface of his character.

In the past, Zach might even have sent someone to escort the two women to their former home in an attempt to make up for all the hurt the two had experienced over the course of the few years they had spent locked up in the Hunter family basement.

Now, matured by experience, Zach understood that nothing in this world came without a cost.

He had come to realize that freely giving something to someone could be the worst thing, as it might enable them to think that they were entitled to receive such care and help from the world.

It would not only hinder their drive to grow stronger in the long run but would also keep them from taking any action for themselves.

They would always be on the lookout for someone who would be able to save them from their predicament so that they could keep being lazy and didn't have to work to save themselves.

Zach wanted the two women to understand that in the harsh reality of life, one had to either pay the due price or endure an equal amount of pain to attain one's desires.

Zach had come to recognize that nothing came easy; help didn't simply fall from the sky. It was a relatively pragmatic realization of the world's workings, emphasizing the principle that achievements and aspirations often demanded a reciprocal investment of effort, sacrifice, or perseverance.

The two women needed to learn that as well. Therefore, instead of helping them outright, Zach put the two of them through a cruel test. Something that would test their will and their loyalty to each other to the limit. He was curious to know how far the two of them could go.

With the same stoic indifference and cold chill surrounding him like an unapproachable aura, Zach curled his finger towards himself as he indicated Brittany to come closer to him.

Brittany didn't waste a second as she practically rushed towards him in an obedient manner. It was a trick she had learnt to please the men who raped her throughout this period of shame and helplessness. The more eager and obedient she appeared to be, the more those shameless men desired her. The trick had helped her save Carol's purity all this time.

Therefore, she assumed that she could handle Zach this way as well.

Zach caressed her cheek in an affectionate manner before his thumb slowly approached her full lips and parted their union before invading her mouth in a forceful manner.

His other hand fell on top of her head and pushed it down as if forcing her to assume the position for what he wanted her to do next.

"Get down on your knees this instant. A fiery little succubus like you should be punished for being so alluring."

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