Release That Succubus

Chapter 395 395 Her Journey

He had clearly mentioned last night. 

"We're sorry about what happened..." was what Diana wanted to say but nothing came out of her mouth when she tried to say it. It was as if someone had clamped her mouth shut.

Clara was glaring at her but she didn't have a solution either and was sorrily waiting for the scolding.

But it never came.

"Did you tell anyone else about what happened yesterday?" continued Zach. Their answers were truly important for him because it would give him a way forward. He would have to change his strategy accordingly.

If the two of them had already told anyone else, he would have no choice but to send Luna along with some powerful escorts and high-tech followers. Otherwise, he would be too afraid to part with her.

In the opposite case, there would be no harm in letting her go alone as long as he could ensure that the information regarding her could be contained.

"Why would we tell anyone else about that?" It was Diana who replied. She wondered if Zach was teasing them intentionally. Otherwise, why would he keep mentioning the embarrassing incident over and over again.

"Right, isn't it already embarrassing enough that you saw that?" thought Clara as she reinforced Diana's words in her heart.

"That's great. I had been really worried that you would have told someone about Luna's awakening by now." Zach let out a breath of relief and a smile appeared on his face. It seemed that he could continue with his plan of letting Luna go on her own without anyone knowing a thing about her.

With this she would not have to worry about being hunted along the way home and it would also help him rest easy knowing that she was safe.

"So, that's what he was talking about." unknown to Zach, there were two more breaths of relief that were released at the same time as him. Both the girls had been thinking that Zach was talking about their squabble, but the doubts had been cleared now. They had come to understand Zach's reason for asking them such a question out of the blue. He had even asked them over just to hear their answer in person.

Although they didn't like it that Zach was doing so much for the succubus, they kind of understood why he was doing it. He probably felt guilty about not being able to protect her.

Moreover, this also meant that he had forgotten about their fight, and they could put that at the back of their minds as well.

"I want to request something from the two of you."

"What is it? If I can do something for you, I will do it without hesitation." It was Clara who answered. Her usual impulsiveness allowed her to ignore all the consequences of what she was agreeing to. Therefore, she was able to get ahead of Diana in making a good choice for herself.

Diana wanted to mirror her words but only ended up nodding her head excitedly as if she was more than willing to hear out any of his requests. But the fact that Clara managed to take the spotlight irked her somewhat.

Still, she had conveyed her willingness to Zach that drew out an excited smile from him. He glanced at the two of them one by one as if emphasizing the point that he was about to make.

"You know how Luna is awake already."

The two nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

"I want you to keep that to yourself. I don't want it to spread beyond the three of us. Let it be a secret no matter what."

Zach's serious look caused the two of them to understand the severity of the situation as they agreed readily and eliminated any thoughts that they had about gossiping about it with others.

Zach was done with his lunch soon after. But the girls who had been keeping themselves from eating anything due to their anxiety were now busily devouring the food as if they had survived the toughest ordeal in their lives and wanted nothing more than to stuff themselves with all kinds of delicious food.

The lunch ended without any further conversation as Zach seemed to be lost in thought. The two didn't think it right to disturb him at that moment because of how concerned he looked. His thumbs were constantly fidgeting and changing their position as if they couldn't find a comfortable one despite several permutations.

"Are you done eating, master?" a silvery voice sounded behind Zach and brought him out of his reverie like nothing else. Because it belonged to his most precious person, his greedy succubus, Luna.

"Mmm...I am done. Were you able to sleep well?" asked Zach in a concerned tone. Both of them had been too wild the night before and he was worried that he had overdone it and might have hurt Luna in the process.

"Of course, I was so stuffed that I slept like a log. I only just woke up and found that you were gone." There was obvious glee in her voice. 

She sounded like a little girl springing in joy from the happiness she felt inside her.

"That's good. Will it be enough for the time you will be away from me? I am worried that it might not be."

Zach got up from his seat and walked towards Luna with a perturbed look. He was struggling on the inside whether to let her go or not. 

Although he had already decided that Luna's departure was necessary for himself and the growth and continued survival of the Smith family, he was still somewhat reluctant to let her go alone on this venture when there were enemies all around her.

He had taken whatever precautions he could take to keep her safe, but he didn't want to part with her too. Just Christina being away from him was hurting his heart terribly. Luna's departure was bound to shatter his heart into millions of pieces.

"You don't have to go, you know. I can think of something else. It's not like I am out of options already." said Zach hoping that she would listen to him and would decide to stay with him.

His words, though convincing, were far from being enough to convince Luna. She was stubborn once she decided to do something, especially something that concerned her master's well-being.

As he expected already, Luna wasn't affected in the least. Instead, her determination to leave seemed to be stronger than ever.

"I know but I want to help master. I don't want to be useless anymore. I feel like I am only holding you back."

"It seems to me that you won't change your mind no matter what I tell you."

"Yes, I won't. It's the fastest way to help master achieve your goals." Luna was uncharacteristically adamant on leaving for her home. 

"Even if it makes me sad to see you leave." Zach tried to play the emotional card with Luna, hoping that she wouldn't be able to see him sad.

"Master, your words will only cause me more pain, but I will leave, nonetheless. So, I implore you, please don't stop me." Luna sounded as if she was in pain, as if she was already experiencing the heartache of separating from Zach but was still determined to carry through with her decision.

Zach pulled on her arm and brought her into his tight embrace.

Luna felt her heart race and her blood rush to her face as she held her head against Zach's shoulder, completely unable to move as he caressed her hair with boundless gentleness, his touch sending shivers down her entire nervous system, jolting her sleeping senses awake.

"When are you planning to leave?" asked Zach but he already knew the answer from her earlier behavior. She had already decided to leave and had probably come to say farewell to him.

"Right now. It is better if I leave right now. The earlier I go, the earlier I can be by your side again." Luna's voice was close to breaking down, but she managed to maintain a strong front so as to reassure Zach.

"That would probably be best." Zach was somewhat relieved as he didn't know how long he could keep the news of her awakening under wraps. Therefore, he felt that it was good that she was leaving immediately when there was no outside threat.

And as for what would happen after she left, Zach could deal with it then. It would be easier for him as well at that time.

"Will you accompany me outside, master? I want you to send me off." Luna rubbed her face against his chest as she wrapped both of her arms around his waist. It was as if she wanted to memorize what his embrace felt like before she left on her journey.


Luna looked up at his face and noticed how torn he looked but she steadied her heart and took a step back from him before walking steadily towards the door that would mark the beginning of her journey back home.

Zach followed after her and easily matched his pace with hers and caught her hand. 

He adjusted the gown she was wearing to hide her horns and her beauty from any prying eyes. 

"You don't need to prove anything to me. I'm grateful for your company and care." Zach made one last attempt to stop her.

The result; she shot him down instantly saying, "It's not about proving, master. I want to be your partner.

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