Chapter 382 382 Master~

Despite the weight of Zach's inquisitive gaze, Diana remained steadfast and composed. Known for her resilience and determination, she didn't easily succumb to pressure, even when facing such scrutiny in front of Zach.

In contrast, Clara felt the full force of Zach's penetrating gaze, her composure melting like ice cream in front of a blazing fire. The intensity of his scrutiny seemed to pierce through her, causing her usually resolute demeanor to falter under the weight of his probing stare.

Unlike Diana, who had solidified her relationship with Zach, Clara remained in an uncertain, undefined position. She grappled with the limbo of their relationship, feeling anxious about the potential impact of the incident on her chances with him.

The weight of Zach's piercing gaze felt especially cutting to her, as it delved into her uncertainties and the fear of jeopardizing any possibility of establishing a deeper connection with him.

The intensity of Zach's scrutiny was deeply hurtful for Clara, particularly because of the ambiguity in their relationship. The fear of the incident tarnishing any budding connection with Zach intensified her distress.

Desperate to mend the situation and concerned about the potential damage, she yearned to divulge everything in that moment, hoping to salvage any chances of deepening their relationship.

The depth of her love for Zach had not only left her emotionally depleted but also robbed her of the self-assuredness she usually possessed. This internal conflict had shattered her confidence, making her hesitant and unsure, especially in the face of Zach. It made her want to reveal everything to him before he could assume the worst.

But on second thought, what could be worse than the truth. They hadn't exactly had any good reason for their actions. It was just a childish dispute that went too far, and they were too stubborn to accept their shortcomings.

"It was all because of her. She provoked me." snitched Clara as she put all the blame of the conflict on Diana. Unconsciously, she wanted to show herself to be the victim so as to get in the good graces of Zach and also because her earlier thoughts made it obvious that telling the truth and accepting her fault wasn't the way to go about it.

Zach seemed pissed after all. She hadn't seen him with such smoldering eyes before.

"HUH...How is it all my fault?" retorted Diana, finding Clara's words extremely incredulous. After all, if they truly thought about it, Clara was the reason behind their conflict. Had she not taunted Diana for not having consummated her relationship with Zach, Diana would never have resorted to such petty provocations as a means of retribution to get back at Clara. And as a result, the conflict would have never arisen in the first place.

Therefore, in her head, Diana concluded that all the faults lay with Clara who taunted her first.

"It's all your fault. You started it. Don't you dare say you didn't," Clara interjected preemptively, almost cutting off any chance for Diana to defend herself in front of Zach.

Her words were strategically aimed to close off any avenues Diana might use to present her case. The tone carried a mix of accusation and a sharp edge, cleverly attempting to silence any possibility of Diana explaining her side of the story.

Clara's approach and choice of words struck an unexpected chord. Her typical demeanor, marked by impulsivity and incomplete logic, was conspicuously absent. It was unlike her to express herself in such a sensible and calculated manner.

Her usual bratty or childlike tone had transformed into something vastly different, presenting a composed and measured front that deviated from her usual behavior.

It appeared to be either an extraordinary stroke of luck or a scenario where Clara's fears had jolted her to the point where she momentarily harnessed her womanly instincts, enabling her to confront potential love rivals with surprising efficiency.

Diana wasn't any different from Clara either. She had been sheltered behind her brother most of her life. But recently, she had been integrated into the decision-making body of the Smith family and had familiarized herself with politics and the art of diplomacy. She knew enough to not be in the dark about the ways of handling difficult situations and could hold her own even against experienced opponents.

But instead of making use of her new experience, she engaged Clara in a bickering match that was far away from the realm of being sensible.

"Don't throw the blame on me unjustly. You kicked me first. So, you are the one who started it, not me."

Diana pointed at her face and offered her reasoning as a means to clarify the suspicion on her. She didn't want Zach to think that she was using her new identity to bully Clara.

"No way, Zach, she provoked me into kicking her. You didn't see how she was taunting me throughout dinner." Clara immediately became defensive as she tried to assure Zach that she wasn't lying to him and that it had truly been Diana who caused her to act in such a manner.

"Stop it, you two. I feel tired listening to the two of you." Zach sighed heavily and raised both of his hands in order to tell the girls that he had had enough of their lies and wanted to listen to the truth.

"But it was her fault." Clara insisted on her point of view still and even Diana was thinking of doing the same.

Before Zach could reprimand both of them, a sweet, melodious voice chimed in from his right, instantly capturing his undivided attention.


The tender and affectionate tone of the voice diverted Zach's focus, drawing him away from the tense situation.

The word 'Master' rang with a sense of endearment and familiarity, evoking a shift in the emotional atmosphere, momentarily interrupting the intense scene that was playing out.

In an instant, everything else seemed to fade away, eclipsed by the presence of this familiar voice calling out to him. It was as though time stood still, and all other concerns dissolved in the wake of this voice he could unmistakably recognize. In that fleeting moment, there existed nothing else in the world that mattered except for the connection evoked by this endearing call.

Countless waking hours had been spent by Zach, pondering and imagining the sound of this very voice. Now that it graced his ears, its sweetness surpassed all his prior musings.

In that moment, it resonated within him, evoking a feeling that he couldn't help but describe it as the call of home. It sounded familiar and elusive at the same time as if it lacked the strength to remain in the material realm. It was an indescribable melody, a symphony of emotions that could outshine even the most celestial of tunes.

This voice held an unparalleled familiarity for Zach, so deeply ingrained that he could identify it even in the depths of slumber. It belonged to his dearest and most endearing companion in this new world, a constant presence from the very onset of his journey.

Through all the trials and experiences, the owner of the voice had been a steadfast companion to him and an unwavering anchor in times of trouble.

Its resonance held a significance that surpassed mere recognition; it was his definition of comfort and familiarity in the vast unknown of this new reality.

The realization that it was Luna's voice, despite her supposed comatose condition, added a layer of astonishment and wonder to the emotional whirlwind already coursing through him.

Simultaneously, both girls turned their heads to the left, their attention instantly drawn by the voice calling out Zach's name. The synchronized movement underscored the immediate impact of the familiar voice, signifying a shared curiosity and intrigue in response to its call.

With quick recognition, Diana's surprise was somewhat tempered upon seeing the person standing there, casting a tender gaze at Zach.

It was no shock to her as she had already identified the voice; it was really Luna, in the flesh.

Diana couldn't help but wonder about the miraculous turn of events that had led to Luna being out of her bed again.

Recalling the tremendous effort Zach had invested in trying to rouse her from her comatose state, Diana was struck by a mix of emotions.

Diana vividly remembered the tireless efforts Zach had made to awaken Luna, yet those attempts had proven unsuccessful, leaving him extremely regretful for not being able to keep her safe from the royal family back in Elizabeth city.

It seemed beyond logical explanation that Luna was standing in front of her eyes again, leading her to perceive it as a miraculous event, filling her with a sense of amazement and astonishment.

Contrary to Diana's familiarity, Clara found herself unable to recognize the voice. Yet, her immediate response to the siren-like call stemmed from a different motive.

Fueled by the desire to ensure no potential romantic rival had emerged, she swiftly turned towards the source of the voice. Her actions were prompted not by recognition but by a determined effort to assess the situation and protect her love interest, Zach, from any woman who might be interested in him.

Deep inside, Zach was tormented by an overwhelming wave of guilt and remorse as he grappled with self-blame regarding Luna's comatose state.

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on his heart, as he believed he was at fault for not being able to wake her from her unconscious slumber.

Every attempt he had made to bring her back seemed to haunt him, fueling his feelings of inadequacy and guilt.


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