Release That Succubus

Chapter 379 379 I am not joking

Chapter 379 379 I am not joking

"Have you sensed any alterations in your body? Maybe a different energy or a shift in your strength?"

Zach attempted to convey his thoughts, searching for words to express a particular concept to Diana. He was eager to find the answers, but his efforts to articulate the questions seemed to falter just short of making sense.

His frustration grew further as he tried to restrict the information he was sharing, leading to a sense of inadequacy in getting his point across.

On the other hand, Diana felt increasingly confused, unable to fully comprehend the specifics of Zach's inquiries. The lack of clarity left her feeling puzzled and disconnected from whatever it was that Zach was trying to do.

"I don't think I feel any different from what I usually feel. There are no changes at all and the amount of mana in my body doesn't seem to have changed either."

Diana truly felt nothing different from last night. Other than her sore body, there was nothing that she could tell him. Still, it made her feel curious as to why Zach was so interested in her body all of a sudden.

"Why do you want to know such things?"

"Darling, you have so much unused potential that I can't help but envy you." Zach sighed as he answered her question. He truly sounded envious of her, but Diana couldn't understand why a strong man like him would want what she had. As far as she knew, there was nothing special about her.

"Don't exaggerate."

"I am serious. There is nothing you cannot learn if you put your mind to it. I believe that you can become stronger than all the people I know I combined."

Diana burst into laughter thinking that Zach was pulling a prank on her this time, but Zach's expression only grew more somber.

"I am not joking."

Diana couldn't bring herself to say anything after his declaration. It was as if her clever retorts got stuck in her mouth and were unable to find their way out.

"I want to teach you something that will help you increase your combat power instantly. I am pretty sure that other than you, no one else in this world will be able to learn it let alone mastering it and drawing out its true potential."

Diana was stupefied. Zach was suddenly praising her even though she had done nothing.

She was wondering if Zach had some kind of misunderstanding regarding her but refrained from saying anything until they found out for themselves if Zach's words were justified or not.

"What is it that you want me to learn? If it is related to magic, then I don't think I will be able to do it. I am really unable to learn any kind of offensive magic." Diana relayed her concerns beforehand so as to not disappoint Zach, but she didn't know that Zach already knew everything about her.

"Don't worry, I am not teaching you any magic spell. It's a totally different thing. You might even have seen me use it before in battles. It's called 'The Force'."

Clara, although associated with the Windsor family by name, had lately exhibited inclinations and behaviors more akin to those typically associated with the Smith family. Instead of maintaining a guarded distance from Zach after their engagement was abruptly annulled by the royal family, she gravitated towards him like a compass needle finding true north.

It was as if she were drawn to him magnetically, akin to how the moon orbits the earth, regardless of the space the royal decree had intended. Her presence around Zach was akin to a persistent melody, lingering in the air like an unshakeable earworm.

Despite the annulment severing the official ties of their engagement, it was as if her heart refused to acknowledge this newfound separation.

She clung to the idea of being a part of the Smith family with a fervor that resembled a sailor clutching desperately to a lifeboat amidst a tempestuous sea.

Her connection with Zach persisted as if it were an unbreakable thread woven into the very fabric of her existence, refusing to fray or unravel.

In her mind, she saw herself as an inseparable piece of the Smith family puzzle, adamant in her desire to continue writing her narrative alongside Zach, like an author penning an unwavering plotline in a beloved novel.

The thought of relinquishing him felt as though she were being asked to surrender a part of her own identity. She held onto him as if he were the last surviving ember in a fading fire, unwilling to let it extinguish.

Her determination to keep their bond alive echoed like a heartrending melody, refusing to fade into the silence of a forgotten verse. She wasn't willing to let go of him so easily.

Her fervent efforts to hold onto what she considered an integral part of her life were laid bare for all to witness, akin to a spectacle staged in an open theater, drawing the attention of bystanders, regardless of their affiliation with the Smith family.

It was as though she carried her emotions on her sleeve, wearing her unyielding determination like a vibrant, yet slightly frayed, badge of honor.

Her struggle to retain a connection with Zach was as apparent as footprints in fresh snow, leaving an indelible mark for all to see, regardless of their involvement in the intricate affairs of the Smith family.

Clara's frequent presence at the Smith family's residence was as conspicuous as a bright beacon in the night sky, drawing curious gazes and prompting whispered speculation.

Her frequent visits surpassed the occasional and approached a sense of permanence, resembling an uninvited guest who had made themselves quite at home without heeding customary boundaries.

It was as if she had transplanted herself into their abode, seamlessly integrating her existence as though she had bypassed the formalities of marriage and directly assimilated herself into the Smith household.

The Smith family's dwelling became more than just a setting for brief encounters she had with Zach; it transformed into Clara's chosen sanctuary, a refuge where she sought solace and familiarity amidst the turbulence of changing circumstances. The annulment of her engagement had taken her by surprise.

Following Christina's departure, the four of them, namely Bruce, Zach, Diana and Clara often had their dinner together. It was an unspoken rule amongst them and not a single one of them missed the appointment for any reason if they could help it.

Not caring about what the outsiders were saying about her, Clara never missed a single dinner at the Smith family. She had grown especially conscious after the dynamics of her relationship with Zach changed due to the royal interference. She made sure to never miss that appointment even though she had to share Zach with his other women.

Currently, there was only Diana who would join them at the dinner table, as Christina had been taken to the royal capital while Luna had yet to wake up from her comatose state, but no one could guess exactly when it would happen, not even Zach.

The uncertainty of Luna's awakening was an unsolvable riddle that perplexed everyone, including Zach, who harbored a silent hope tinged with constant anxiety. But it was as though time itself had paused in apprehension, unwilling to reveal its secrets, leaving the fate of Luna's return veiled in a shroud of uncertainty.

So, she wasn't a threat to Clara either, at least for the time being.


As the night unfolded, following the vibrant and unforgettable night Diana had shared with Zach, the dining table saw a gathering with one notable absence. Bruce, an influential figure responsible for the intricate web of political affairs and the custodian of the Smith family business, was notably absent for official reasons.

His presence, or rather lack thereof, was almost anticipated as he juggled responsibilities that seemed to consume his every waking hour and Zach had no choice but to appreciate his efforts considering the fact that the duties that Bruce carried out routinely had actually been his responsibility.

Bruce was only sharing his burden so he would have an easy time figuring out a method to develop the family and to bring back Christina from the royal capital.

Not even Zach questioned his absence as he was already aware of the mountain of responsibilities he had diverted towards Bruce.

Despite the seemingly tranquil ambiance at the dinner table, an underlying tension simmered beneath the surface, brewing a concoction of unspoken animosity and concealed emotions.

The air, while outwardly calm, carried an almost imperceptible weight, hinting at unexpressed grievances and simmering conflicts that threatened to rupture the peaceful facade.

Unbeknownst to Zach, a storm was silently brewing in the midst of what appeared to be a serene evening. The atmosphere crackled with unspoken sentiments, like a hidden wildfire steadily gaining strength in the heart of a dense forest.

While Zach remained oblivious to the mounting undercurrents, the discordant notes of unspoken tension reverberated quietly, shaping the unspoken narrative that threatened to rupture the calm facade of their shared meal.

His appetite seemed insatiable, eagerly consuming every dish Diana placed upon his plate. It was as if he were not just feeding a physical hunger, but voraciously seeking something more profound within each morsel. The way he indulged in the food mirrored a deeper hunger, an unspoken craving for a sense of fulfillment that transcended mere sustenance.

Each bite he took seemed infused with a deeper significance, as if he sought solace and satisfaction in the flavors, relishing not just the taste but the emotional sustenance that came with each mouthful.


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