Zach opted to teach this group of people personally. Unlike in the past, he wasn't focused on imparting knowledge regarding combat tactics or a specific field of expertise like construction or use of high-tech equipment. The course he planned to teach involved the basics of science and the knowledge he felt his people needed in order to truly grow beyond the scope of this world based on magic.

This core team would then be able to train and recruit more individuals on his behalf while following the standards of education he would set in advance. 

Instead of rushing into things like in the past, Zach took his time and developed a comprehensive training plan that involved both theoretical and practical aspects. He discussed the plan with Diana at times in order to understand her take on the subject as a native of this world.

Unlike the others, Diana was closer to a person from Zach's previous world. She would have definitely been called a genius in his world as she could grasp even the hardest of concepts with ease, even shocking Zach at times.

Therefore, discussing with her gave him a broader perspective about his training plan and brainstorming with her made it easier for him to finalize his plan.

The day he finished devising the curriculum for the new course he was going to teach, he called for an emergency meeting of all the Smith family personnel, no matter whether they were slaves in the past or true family members, all of them were called to the meeting.

Except for those who were still stationed on the isolated island in the middle of the sea where Zach planned to build his naval base in the future, everyone else rushed home to heed the summons of their family leader.

Seeing their zealous expressions and passionate smiles, Bruce was somewhat jealous, as the people of the Smith family were previously his Luther family. 

But none of them had ever been so enthusiastic when he called for a family meeting.

Zach was truly charismatic to be able to affect them so much.

Bruce calmed his restless heart thinking that it was all due to the difference in their individual strength. People worshipped power and individual strength overall. So, it wasn't very odd that he was less popular than Zach.

Gathered in the expansive open area near the serene lake house, the Smith family stood with a sense of anticipation. 

The emerald-green grass stretched out like a lush carpet, the sunlight filtering through the trees creating dappled patterns on the ground. The air was scented with a mix of lake water and the blooming flowers that adorned the edges of the gathering space, adding a touch of natural elegance to the scene. 

The gentle breeze whispered through the leaves, carrying with it the promise of a new beginning, mingling with the murmurs of the expectant family members.

The Smith family waited for their leader with expectant gazes, as the latter surveyed the crowd and tried to assess the total number of attendees. 

This heightened anticipation was intriguing, especially given that Zach had kept his true intentions concealed from the rest and none of the people in attendance actually knew what he wanted to talk to them about.

It appeared that all of the family members had come. Based on the information he had received, there were a total of four hundred and eighty-six members in attendance which was the total number of personnel under the umbrella of Smith family with the exception of the few dozen men stationed on the future naval base.

The large attendance was the reason that the meeting had to be organized outdoors.

Zach faced the audience as he carefully considered the words, he wanted to use in order to reveal his intentions to the people. 

After all, they were the same people who had their homes taken from them twice and were probably weary of conflict that would undoubtedly ensue once he put his plan into motion.

Therefore, Zach couldn't be sure that these people would support his idea, but he still wanted to give them a chance anyway by breaking the news to them as gently as possible.

Bruce stood behind him while Diana took her pace beside him as if she wanted to support him unconditionally.

Bruce was unsure about what Zach wanted to say to the people. He had tried to pry the information out of him, but Zach had refused to tell him anything as if he was trying to be mysterious.

Bruce felt that such an action didn't suit Zach at all, who was straightforward all the time.

Since Zach didn't tell him anything, he had to wait along with all the people in the audience to hear the contents of the sudden meeting.

Zach's opening words couldn't have been further from Bruce's expectations. It caught him by surprise just as it did all the others in attendance.

"Tell me, do you have a dream?" Zach's question hung in the air, making the atmosphere tense with anticipation.

Silence descended on the meeting area and even the sound of the large crowd breathing in harmony could be heard by someone with slightly keen hearing ability.

"Anyone? Is there something you want so passionately that you're willing to cast everything else aside for it?" Zach's inquiry held an intensity that resonated through the assembled members.

The weight of his inquiry seemed to press upon them, yet all of them felt as if the questions weren't meant to be answered; as if they were rhetorical in nature.

"Does your blood boil for nothing then?" Zach's voice carried a note of intensity, probing deeper into the thoughts and passions hidden within the hearts of those assembled.

A young man finally crossed the sea of people and made it to the front of the audience. He looked straight at Zach with a broken smile on his face, a mixture of anxiety and determination dancing in his eyes. 

Hesitation hung in the air for a moment, a palpable tension that seemed to amplify in the silence.

The weight of the crowd's gaze bore down on him, making his steps feel heavier and his heartbeat faster.

Yet, he summoned the courage, overcoming his inner struggle, and spoke, "I do...I have one." 

It was a hesitant admission, a confession of a desire that had likely been kept hidden, perhaps even from himself. 

The crowd shifted slightly, curious and eager to hear what had driven this individual to break the silence. 

The young man took a deep breath as if preparing to reveal his dream to the gathering.

"You do? And here I thought I was addressing a bunch of corpses without any desires and goals for themselves." answered Zach jokingly but the seriousness of his words wasn't hidden from anyone in the audience.

"What is it...your dream?"

"I want to be able to eat chicken legs whenever I want...three meals a day." the young man answered with barely contained excitement. He was just hesitant and stuttering because he was unsure how the others would react to his statement.

A burst of laughter spread throughout the crowd. It was such a silly dream. All in attendance couldn't hold back from laughing their guts out.

Zach on the other hand had a serious look on as he surveyed those laughing in the audience.

"At least he has the courage to announce what he wants out loud."

Silence returned to the venue until someone else came forward and announced what he wanted from his life.

"I want money...lots of, I can spend the rest of my life lazing around."

More and more voices followed as if someone had suddenly injected a dose of courage into their bodies, inducing them to blurt out the wishes they held deep in their hearts, safe from any outside influence.

"I want to be a brave general like young lady Diana."

"I want to marry a rich man."

"...there is a woman in my heart...I want to become good enough to propose to her."

"Money...I want to make tons of money and let my parents retire into luxury."

"I want to be an S rank mage. People say that I don't have the potential, but I want to give it my all."

Listening to the people tell him all about their deepest desires caused his mouth to curve upward into a smile. 

The audience was in a frenzy as all kinds of ridiculous dreams were announced without any hesitation. But none of them criticized each other as if they had a tacit understanding regarding it.

The general dreams could be easily categorized into three categories. In the first category, there were those who wanted wealth, or wanted to do something that was only possible with the help of a lot of money. At the core of it all, they wanted to be rich.

The second category was composed of those who were driven by their most primal desires. All of their efforts were in pursuit of finding themselves a better mate, a good husband, a beautiful wife, which would have been otherwise impossible for them in the realm of reality.

The third category of dreams involved self-improvement. It contained dreams that involved working on oneself. For example, someone who wanted to be an S rank mage or someone who wanted to be a politician despite being timid and introverted by nature. 

Zach believed that the third category of dreams were the hardest to achieve because their achievement depended not only on a lucky opportunity but also on the strength of will.

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