From a tender age, Candice was thrown into the colosseum that was the competition within the royal family. It was like a merciless battle, with every sibling vying for the favor and attention of their royal father. 

The stakes were higher than a gambler's bet in a smoky backroom, and the odds were never in her favor considering that she was a girl. Each move she made was scrutinized, every word measured, as if she was a player on a chessboard, strategically calculating her moves to stay ahead. 

The palace became the stage, and she, a performer under the watchful eyes of critics as she strived to deliver a flawless act. The pressure was a vice grip around her heart, squeezing tighter with each passing day. 

It was as if she was on trial for an unending crime, judged not by a jury, but by her own blood. She had to show her worth amidst the fading whispers of her siblings who got discarded for being failures. 

The cacophony of whispers reminded her constantly that she too was dispensable. Not being able to prove her worth meant that she too would be snuffed out like those other voices that had turned into ghostly whispers echoing in the halls of the royal family as if to haunt the remaining residents.

In a nutshell, the competition between the siblings and their respective maternal families was strict enough to force her to mature earlier. 

And thanks to her blood brother, who was recognized for his abilities a lot sooner than her, paving the way for her, Candice's life had been relatively easier as she received several opportunities to showcase her managerial abilities. 

As a result, her brother eventually became the fierce, gleaming sword that struck down adversaries at the empire's gates with a thunderous clash. He became the guardian of the realm as his blade cut through the enemy ranks like a mighty tempest. 

In contrast, Candice operated in the shadows, a concealed hand orchestrating the intricate dance of power. She became the unseen puppeteer, her actions subtle and cunning, manipulating the strings of fate that influenced every living being in order to support her brother.

While her brother fought battles in the glaring light of day, she wielded her influence in obscurity. 

He was the roar of thunder during a tempest, reverberating across the battlefield, a force that everyone acknowledged. 

She, however, was the whisper in the night, subtle and unnoticed.

Both of them had their own plus points but one thing was certain that their brilliance outshone that of their siblings by quite much. 

As such, their royal father began to entrust more and more matters to them. 

By earning their royal father's favor, her brother ascended to become the esteemed general overseeing the empire's frontiers, eventually securing the coveted position of crown prince even though there were far too many with their eyes glued to that position.

Meanwhile, Candice honed her political acumen, delving into the intricate matters of governance and finance. Her charge was to manage key economic hubs, essential pillars that directly fueled and sustained the ongoing war at the borders. 

Each held a distinct role, her brother at the forefront of military might, defending the kingdom's borders, while Candice operated in the shadows, maneuvering the critical financial and political dimensions that underpinned the empire's stability and aspirations. It was a symbiotic relationship, each contributing to the empire, and safeguarding its future in their unique ways.

Since Candice had no errand to run or no responsibility to shoulder for the time being, her life in the capital had been very good. She had been enjoying lazing around after breaking her back shouldering the economic and financial burden of the empire. Surprisingly, she had come to like this new life.

Unfortunately, good things don't last as long as we want them to.

Before long, Candice received the order to take control of Byzantium city as soon as possible. 

Leaving behind her leisurely lifestyle was a bitter pill to swallow but she could not opt otherwise. Candice grappled with the reluctant submission to the directives handed down. 

It was akin to having the strings of her life manipulated by invisible hands, robbing her of the autonomy she cherished. 

Every step towards this new role felt like a reluctant stride, burdened by a heavy yoke of obligation.

In the capital, Candice had reveled in her comfort, surrounded by luxury and time, much like a cat lounging in the sun. She had been just as lazy and comfortable. 

Alas! even a house cat had some responsibilities forced on it by its owners, let alone a princess like her. Therefore, she too had to abandon the warm spot by the window after she received the imperial order.

The only thing in her power was to complete the job as soon as possible so she could return to her normal lifestyle.

Of course, taking control of Byzantium city was only a part of the true reason. 

But she had to get this city on its feet nevertheless, as it was one of the main objectives of the new role that had been assigned to her.

Candice's first strategy involved orchestrating a delicate balance among the power contenders within the city. Like a puppeteer pulling strings, she aimed to set these forces against one another, maintaining equilibrium in a complex dance of politics.

She saw the factions within the city as chess pieces on a board. Each move needed to be calculated, ensuring no single piece gained too much power. It was a high-stakes game where she had to be the master player, anticipating every move and consequence.

Upon investigation, Candice discovered a historical power balance in Byzantium city. Four families, each nearly equal in strength, had long competed for dominance. A delicate equilibrium was maintained, as the strength of each family was counterbalanced by the combined might of the other three. 

This intricate web of power kept any one family from rising uncontested, forming a symbiotic power structure where they both kept each other in check and supported the overall economy of the city in general, thereby raising the standard of living for the common folk.

Unlike what she believed, the balance between the four powers of the city had begun to crack long before Zach made it onto the stage. The seemingly unshakable equilibrium among the four dominant families had been gradually deteriorating over the period of time. 

A complex interplay of internal strife, clandestine rivalries, and sinister plots had become the norm among the four families. 

While they outwardly maintained a high and mighty image, they were in fact constantly thinking of different methods to destroy and gulp down one another like hungry beasts forced to cannibalize.

The Windsor family leaders' sickness and the cunning of the Hunter family leader was the fuse that lit the first spark. 

The Hunter family took advantage of the vulnerability of the Windsor family and managed to expand their strength.

As a result, the power gap between the Hunter family and the other three families began to increase subtly and gradually until there was an uncrossable chasm between them and the remaining three families.

The city had been a battleground where battles were not fought with swords and armor, but with subtle maneuvers and strategic alliances. 

Each family sought to expand its influence, and like a game of chess, they positioned their pawns and knights, anticipating the moves of their opponents. 

However, even the most carefully plotted games could be disrupted by unexpected players, and Zach's appearance became the greatest wildcard in this intricate game of power.

Therefore, what Zach did only brought about the collapse of the crumbling balance of power sooner than it should have been.

Given her understanding of the situation, Candice had full confidence in being able to complete the job compared to what she had imagined. 

Because from what she gathered, the four families had been operating at an imbalance from the get-go. 

It had always been three families keeping a single family in check for a long time. 

And that was what Candice planned to do because it was the least stressful option for her.

Moreover, it was also a way for the royal family to show their power to Zach and tempt him over to their side. 

Granting Zach an official status within the city was but the inaugural stride in their carefully crafted plan. 

It was akin to setting the board for a strategic game where each move was calculated, each piece meticulously placed. 

The second step was to ensure that this newfound power, while tantalizing, was still bound and controlled. It was akin to leading a stallion with a bridle, offering freedom yet maintaining restraint, allowing just enough leeway to fuel the desire for more.

By subtly influencing and nudging him in the direction they wanted him to grow, they intended to foster a subtle yearning for greater authority within Zach. 

Like a skillful puppeteer, they would manipulate the strings of ambition and ego, crafting an illusion of immense potential just beyond his grasp. It was like they planned on dangling a shimmering prize before the hungry predator, enticing it through the savory smell but keeping the bait at just the right distance to keep it between the realm of reality and elusiveness.

The final phase of their design was the most pivotal; the promise of elevation, a carrot of influence and dominion. They would whisper in his ear, painting visions of grandeur and authority, promising to augment his already substantial might. 

The caveat, however, was clear: this augmentation would be tethered to their commands, their strategic goals. 

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