But as long as he took advantage of the situation to improve the power and influence of his Smith family, there was a high chance that he would be able to bring her back from the capital very soon. Even the royal family wouldn't dare to stop him by then.

Keeping that goal in mind, he just had to use the political advantages he could receive through his connections with the government and slowly and gradually develop his Smith family into the behemoth without which Byzantium city would be unable to function.

Building up a force capable of resisting the royal force could not be done in the span of a single day. The process needed some time as he had to train his people further. 

Only a limited number of the Smith family personnel were in fact hands-on with the various technological inventions. The remaining were either too afraid to try or had never received the opportunity due to the limitations of the number of people who could be taught at a time dedicatedly.

Zach had neither had the time to teach every one of them individually nor did he have the intention of doing so in the first place. 

He had only planned to formulate an elite unit responsible for fighting on his behalf and enforcing his will. His project had begun with the Special Forces team that Diana was leading which later incorporated the elements of the armored military forces from his previous world. It was now composed of the original guerilla forces and the newly inducted technologically augmented soldiers who were capable of using the high-tech machinery to fight military battles despite being muggles. 

Greenland had allowed him to improve his forces a step further, but it was far from enough. There was so much more he had yet to bring out. 

Zach had never planned on dominating anything despite having the means to do so easily. 

He had in his hands the capital to sustain any empire for generations so they would remain at the top of the food chain even if they didn't do anything. 

Just the naval armada in his possession was enough to lay waste to any sea bound country in the world. 

However, he was never greedy and didn't take the initiative to start a feud.

Had the series of events with the Hunter family never taken place, Zach might have stayed within the bounds of Greenland. He would have kept his power hidden from the world and would have never tried to invade other places as long as he and his family could live comfortably.

Alas! The incident with the Hunter family became the spark and the royal family poured fuel in the raging fire by separating Christina from him using their power and influence to threaten the safety of his family.

Gradually, Zach began to come to terms with the true face of the world. The only way to survive in such a cruel and heartless world was to be strong; strong enough for your voice to be heard.

An individual voice was mostly always weak. There needed to be a chorus of voices behind his own to make himself visible to those who stood at the peak of this world. 

This was the only way to survive because a single soldier couldn't learn everything as evident from the division in his previous life. 

Therefore, Zach needed more people, and he needed them to be trustworthy so he could produce several specialists in their respective fields. He couldn't keep using his soldiers for menial tasks that involved the usage of machinery. For example, his soldiers had taken part in the construction and reshaping of Greenland only because they knew how to operate machinery more effectively than the common populace. 

In a nutshell, he needed to establish his power through his family by making use of the government. Pulling a reversal by doing something the royal family couldn't expect was the best move he had.

But all that was too far in the future. He didn't have to put all his plans into motion right that instant.

For now, there were more important things he needed to do.

The day passed before they knew it. It was already night outside. The sky was darker than darkness itself and the stars twinkling amidst that inky sky seemed a tad sadder compared to usual. Even the heavenly phenomenon seemed to be exhibiting the sorrow they felt in their hearts.

Both Zach and Christina had spent a lot of time apart and there was an even longer separation ahead of them. But they instinctively refrained from mentioning it in front of each other as if afraid of falling prey to the gloominess of the subject which would ruin their remaining time together.

Instead of wallowing in the grief and loneliness that awaited them, they decided to focus on the time they had on their hands and make the best of it so they would have some beautiful moments to reminisce about in the tough lives that awaited them in the future.

As such they forgot about the rest of the world and stared into each other's eyes as if they intended to freeze that image of each other in the mirror of their hearts.

Zach could feel the warmth oozing out of her eyes. He could tell that she didn't blame him even a little bit despite how much she had been affected. It filled him with shame, but he didn't let it deter him from giving her all of his attention.

No words were needed between the two souls that were raring to meld into one another.

While taking in the sight of her beautiful figure, Zach took the initiative to reduce the distance between the two of them. Her seductive body called to him like the sweetest nectar of the flowers attracted a bee.

He grabbed onto her soft and boneless hand like it was the most precious treasure in the world. She shivered at this sudden touch as excitement coursed through her entire being. Even her soul was filled to the brim with jubilation at having felt his touch.

Her body softened unintentionally as her body seemed to melt. She leaned her head against his shoulder and entered his embrace on instinct.

Zach pulled her into his lap and whispered softly in her ear, "We've been together so many times but even now I can't help but stare when I take a look at you. How can a beautiful woman like you be mine?"

Christina blushed profusely as his praise echoed in her ears like the sweetest melody that melted her heart.

Her heart raced like a thousand elephants stampeding across a flatland. Zach still had that kind of effect on her. She felt like a lovestruck girl every time she was so close to him.

Although she felt shy, this time she didn't want to hold anything back. She wanted to let herself free and boldly proclaim her love under the starry night.

Feeling her sudden boldness, Zach didn't hold back either. He held her delicate chin between his index finger and thumb and turned her head, so she was looking straight at him.

Leaning towards her, he kissed her softly at first, but gradually it turned steamier as they got into it. Zach sucked on her lips like he wanted to wring the heavenly nectar out of them while Christina fought against him frantically. 

The battle became increasingly heated as they felt the rising heat from each other's body.

While in his embrace, Christina became even more eager than he was as their faces melded into each other so much that they could no longer distinguish whose saliva was smeared across their faces.

Zach took the chance and invaded her mouth with his sneaky tongue. Her teeth offered no resistance as her arousal allowed its invasion like a city with open gates waiting for the enemy to conquer it.

He explored every inch of her mouth battling her slimy tongue from time to time. Only after he felt her chest contracting from the lack of oxygen did he let her go.

Christina took deep breaths, but she seemed more eager to return to the battlefield of tongues than she was about breathing life into her oxygen deprived lungs.

As if out of instinct, Christina's arms wrapped themselves around his neck like a boa constrictor.

Zach pulled her even closer to his chest and his hands began to roam around her body, naughtily teasing her sensitive spots as if playing a musical instrument. 

It was like he knew which chords to pluck to send her down the road of depravity and endless desire.

"Mmmh...ngh..." Christina moaned seductively near his ears as his hands grabbed onto her plump buttocks. Her hot breath in his ears aroused him to no end.

Zach couldn't help but indulge in the softness of the two buns in his hand. 

His devilish claws kneaded them into different shapes as he greedily explored every part of the softness and made her moan endlessly.

Her muffled moans destroyed the silence in the room for a while before she felt her nether region heating up. A warm fluid was flowing down the inside of her thighs. 

Without looking she knew what the hot sensation growing between her legs was.

Everything around her was colored pink as her desire to become one with Zach reached its peak. 

Primal desire took over her senses. She could barely keep herself from pouncing onto him like a tigress in heat.

Zach felt her body heated kisses as he kept on pleasuring her sweet spots with his hands.

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