To this day, Governor Lillard still enjoyed the backing of Prince Olaf who had come to appreciate his talents and had taken him under his wing.

Being a loyal follower of the prince, he had already begun to implement the instructions he had received from him regarding the economics of Byzantium city.

Prince Olaf had instructed him to bolster the economy of the city by implementing strategies that could earn him foreign investments faster. The prince intended to provide employment opportunities by raking in well established businesses from other locations across the empire.

With the worsening situation at the borders, the prince needed the economic centers like Byzantium city to become economic strongholds that would hold strong even under severe market fluctuations if the war crossed over the border region.

The Governor being the loyal follower was in the process of implementing the policies that would be beneficial for the businessmen when someone brought him a piece of news that could allow his venture to exceed expectations in terms of effectiveness.

Of course, the timely news of the Hunter family's demise had come from Andy who was looking for a promotion for himself in return.

The crucial piece of information allowed the Governor to take action before any of his counterparts or rivals could make a move. He successfully managed to grab a hold of several crucial businesses of the Hunter family in the turmoil. Moreover, he sent his forces to keep the Smith family occupied while he ensured that the economy of the city wouldn't implode due to the sudden change of heavens in the city.

His righteous action of confronting and containing the aggressive Smith family was seen very positively by the general populace and the image of the government in their eyes changed for the better.

His swift action in keeping order from being thrown to the dogs and his efforts to ensure the prestige of the government were sincerely appreciated by Prince Olaf who was akin to the fat thigh he had been clinging to for a long time. The prince even wrote him a letter as a means to show his appreciation for his actions.

Even though Governor Lillard's efforts were somewhat acceptable, they were not enough to warrant a letter of appreciation from Prince Olaf who was a powerful member of the royal family. 

The letter also included a new set of orders that the Governor had to follow in order to keep his position. The tone of the letter was quite authoritative which meant that the orders had to be strictly followed and any lapse on his part would end up fatal for him.

After going through it, Governor Lillard understood the importance of his new assignment. It had to do with his task of managing the economy of the city, but he was no longer the one with the highest authority on the task. Someone else had been tasked to spearhead the project; a royal with no less qualifications than Prince Olaf.

Princess Candice, the blood sister of Prince Olaf, had been sent to take control of the economic situation of Byzantium following the announcement of the dark mage being raised into the honorable position of a Viscount.

Byzantium city had come into the limelight following the destruction of Greenland. Even royalty had taken notice of it and had sent a princess to help manage the city operations.

Lillard wasn't happy that he had lost his power in the city, but he also knew that this was a chance. This was his opportunity to strengthen his bond with the royal family. Princess Candice was Prince Olaf's blood sister. Judging from how Prince Olaf had written to him to take care of the princess in advance, they probably belonged on the same side despite the countless feuds in their family.

If Princess Candice managed to find his presence and his managerial abilities even the slightest bit helpful, it would help his influence skyrocket among his social circles.

While the general populace had varying opinions about the succession to the imperial throne, the higher echelons were already aware of the chosen successor. The battle among the royal family was a ruse created to generate conflict and the urge to develop among the younger generation. The method had been utilized by the Norman Royal family for generations and had proved to be highly productive.

Still, the person who had risen to the top among those conflicts had been none other than Prince Olaf. The prince had distinguished himself in all possible fields. He was a seasoned warrior, an even better general and a spirited commander capable of laying waste to hordes of barbarians that kept assaulting the borders of the empire.

Prince Olaf had spent most of his time defending the empire from invasions at the borders, but his character was as refined and regal as the emperor himself. Not only was his character well-polished but his abilities had also been recognized by the imperial court as exemplary compared to his other half-siblings.

Therefore, those in the high circle of the empire were already aware that the royal emperor had already chosen the heir to his throne; Prince Olaf.

Since Princess Candice was his sister, being able to serve her as an advisor was a heaven-sent opportunity for Lillard.

As the royal family had sent forth a princess to deal with the matters of the Smith family, it was obvious how important the dark mage was to the plans of the royal family. Therefore, Lillard planned to assist Candice with all his heart even though he still couldn't ascertain whether Princess Candice's goal was to assume control of the Smith family or to get them to cooperate with the royal family.

No matter what it was, Lillard was sure that it was his only ticket to getting into the central power of the country. Having a backing as strong as the emperor of the empire was more than enough for him to brag about for the rest of his life.

Lillard issued several orders in the following days and even employed the local people to prepare a grand welcome for Princess Candice who was supposed to arrive a few days later along with her entourage. The streets were decorated and not a speck of rubbish could be found in the entire city. 

The police were set loose to hunt down and arrest anyone who disobeyed the orders of the governor. As such, the common populace grew afraid of throwing rubbish randomly. Or at least they learnt to cope with it until the Princess's welcoming ceremony was over with.

Filled with excitement for the upcoming opportunity, Lillard threw himself into preparations so as to prepare a surprise for the guest.

The time passed as slowly as a snail during that period for him. It was some kind of law in fact. The more passionately you wait for something, the longer the waiting period would stretch.

After an exasperating wait, the day finally came when Lillard would get the chance to welcome the princess who was arriving from the capital to take command.

While immersed in the meticulous preparations within the conference hall, examining every detail with a discerning eye, a waiter abruptly approached Lillard. With a respectful gesture, he whispered urgent words, concealing his message by covering his mouth with his hand, conveying a sense of urgency and secrecy. 

It was a moment of unexpected interruption, and Lillard felt a sense of intrigue mingled with concern, prompting him to delve deeper into the unfolding situation.

"What did you say? Is she here already?"

The waiter nodded his head furiously as if trying to make Lillard believe his words through forceful nods.

Lillard's round face flushed with exhilaration, teetering on the edge of bursting from the unexpected delight. He eagerly clasped his hands together, fingers tingling with excitement, and swiftly issued a series of commands. 

Adorned in his immaculate white gloves, each movement calculated and precise, he made his way toward the entrance of the conference hall, eager to personally greet and receive the esteemed guest. 

The air was thick with anticipation and nervous energy as the moment drew near, akin to a child awaiting a gift on a festive morning.

The conference hall was supposed to be the venue where the princess would first interact with high society and the ruling body of Byzantium city. Lillard had made sure that everything was up to standard as he hurriedly walked towards the entrance while surveying everything around him to ensure perfection.

Walking out of the entrance of the conference hall, Lillard found himself looking at a scene that destroyed his dreams in an instant.

There was someone else who had engaged the princess in conversation even before she managed to reach the conference hall where the rest of the political proceedings were supposed to take place. The man was elegantly dressed, an air of confidence about him that spoke of high status. His voice carried effortlessly through the courtyard, capturing the princess's attention as they exchanged words.

Lillard's face turned crimson with fury and humiliation. All his meticulous planning seemed to crumble before his eyes. He had envisioned himself being the first to welcome the princess, to showcase his devotion to duty and gain her favor. But fate had conspired against him.

He rushed towards the princess, his heart pounding with anger and frustration, trying to regain control of the situation. But as he approached, he found himself dwarfed by the man's charisma and the princess's evident interest in their conversation. It was a bitter pill to swallow, the realization that he had been overshadowed, his moment of glory stolen.

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