But just when the evening of casual chit chat was about to come to an end, Jack stood up from the lawn chair as if to indicate that the conversation he was just about to initiate wasn't something he could say while seated in such a casual manner.

"I want to propose something to you. I wonder if you are willing to hear me out?"

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Zach frowned questioningly as he got up from his seat as well. He didn't know what Jack wanted to say but he had to at least return that much courtesy to the person who had helped him save Diana.

"You have already taken over Byzantium city by taking down the Hunter family. I don't think there is any force brave enough to take action against you after you became a viscount but there are always exceptions."

"Don't beat around the bush and get to the point. Just tell me what you want to say without any hesitation." Zach was completely serious as he didn't like how Jack was saying irrelevant things to soften the subject he was trying to bring up.

Jack nodded reluctantly and acquiesced to Zach's demand.

"I want to say that you will have to dirty your hands even though you stand at the top of the city. If you try to stay clean, your hold over the city will falter in no time and the power structure of this place would break down. The law of the jungle is applicable everywhere as long as there are greedy people involved. Since your position is now quite lofty, it isn't appropriate for you to quell these riots and revolts with your own hand. You will definitely need someone to wade in the darkness for you and wipe out those targeting you or your people." 

Jack hesitantly raised his head and peered at Zach as if to gauge his reaction before proceeding further.

Naturally Zach wasn't one to show his feelings on his face.

"I am willing to swear my loyalty to you since I have found you far more credible than the Hunter family. If you truly intend to wage war in the darkness against the uncertain element that might destabilize your family's reign in the city, I am willing to do it for you discreetly so no one will be able to tie anything to you. Let me do the dirty work while you stay pristine in the eyes of the public. Only by getting rid of the uncertain elements would you be able to maintain this peaceful state of the city, so I advise you to think it over before rejecting me." 

Jack could sense that his words hadn't been able to impact Zach very much.

Instead, Zach had been thinking of some other useless things.

There was no doubt that it was a good proposition from Zach's point of view. After all, there was nothing in it that would harm his benefits or that of his family and the benefits were more than attractive.

Zach considered it for a bit and decided that he wasn't someone who needed to resort to dirty means to get things done because power wasn't his ultimate goal. There were greater things he had in mind and this kind of thinking would have strongly bound him to Byzantium city.

Additionally, Zach's trust in Jack's capacity to restrain his murderous instincts remained precarious at best. The prospect of granting Jack unrestricted power was a double-edged sword, fraught with uncertainty. There lingered a genuine concern that once unshackled, Jack might unleash a devastating spree of violence, indiscriminately taking lives and invoking Zach's name to strike fear into the hearts of the populace, further cementing his brutal authority.

These doubts weighed heavily on Zach's mind, creating a disconcerting dilemma. On one hand, he recognized Jack's ruthlessness as a potential tool for maintaining control, but on the other, he couldn't overlook the precarious unpredictability that came with it. It was a delicate balance between harnessing Jack's brutality for his own ends and preventing it from spiraling into uncontrollable chaos.

Zach's perception of Jack ran deep. He understood that at the core of Jack's character lay an aversion to taking orders and a penchant for independence. 

The only reason Jack had yielded to Zach's authority was due to the fact that Zach was undeniably stronger, both physically and in terms of his influence. Moreover, Zach could dangle the enticing promise of a prosperous future in front of Jack, which was a persuasive motivator.

However, Zach's insight also extended to the inherent fragility of this arrangement. He knew that Jack's loyalty was transactional, hinging on the assurance of personal gain. There was no unwavering bond of trust or undying fidelity. 

If a better offer were to materialize, or if a more formidable figure came onto the scene, Zach had no illusions about Jack's willingness to switch allegiances. Jack was, at his core, a villain, guided by self-interest rather than unwavering loyalty. 

Zach was well aware that relying on Jack to watch his back was a precarious proposition, as it contradicted the very essence of who Jack was as an individual.

In a departure from the conventional approach of exploiting and then casting aside someone like Jack, Zach opted for a different path. 

Rather than outright rejecting Jack's initial proposition, he countered with an offer that held the allure of an irresistible opportunity for those seeking a shot at redemption and a fresh start in life. It was a gesture rooted in a deeper understanding of human nature and the motivations that drove individuals like Jack.

"My friend, consider the fact that life extends far beyond the confines of this city. Why restrict yourself to a single place when you have the opportunity to explore the world beneath the expansive blue sky? After enduring captivity for so long, why not relish the freedom to roam unburdened instead of forging your own chains by pledging allegiance to someone like me? I understand that, prior to our meeting, your sole desire was to evade the relentless pursuit of law enforcement, to secure your liberty once more. In your past, you've known little but bloodshed, violence, and negativity. It's high time to recognize that life can be vibrant and diverse. Perhaps it's time to embark on a different path, to embrace your existence as an ordinary man rather than persisting down the road of destruction as a remorseless harbinger of death under another's command."

Jack listened to Zach attentively, his typically unyielding demeanor softened by the sincerity of Zach's words. He mulled over the proposition with a mind uncluttered by skepticism, genuinely contemplating the path Zach had outlined. The appeal of Zach's words was undeniable, but Jack grappled with a deep-seated doubt that lingered within him.

He couldn't easily accept that such a life was still within his grasp, not after the unforgivable deeds he had committed. His hands were already stained with the indelible marks of blood and gore, and no amount of virtuous intentions or noble pursuits could cleanse them of their grim history. The pungent stench of his past actions clung to him like an inescapable shroud, a haunting reminder of the darkness that had consumed him for so long.

Zach didn't let Jack consider it for long and put his hand inside his jacket pocket to pull out a white envelope with his seal on it. He handed over the envelope to Jack with a smile on his face.

"This is a letter of recommendation from me. I have a few friends in Elizabeth city. You can go there and start a new life without anyone knowing about your previous identity. You can start afresh there. No one will be able to fault you for your previous lifestyle there. I have a feeling that you will fit right in there if you take my advice and stop being the obstacle in your own path to happiness."

Before Jack could work himself out of the sudden shock, Zach continued with his shocking words again.

"Find the Macrae family there. It is a reasonably powerful family, one that I owe life saving grace to. Show the leader this letter and I am sure that they will have a suitable role for you, not the kind that you have been used to here, the simple kind. I hope that you can try to live differently this time. Because from now on you won't be able to blame others for how your life turns out."

Jack's mind was mush as he robotically accepted the letter of recommendation that Zach had written for him. His eyes were bulging as he was still bewildered at what had happened. He had come to Zach with a different plan in his mind and Zach had sprung a surprise that was beyond his imagination.

As Zach pivoted to make his way back toward his residence, he noticed that Jack remained firmly planted in his current position, seemingly as if he intended to transform into a permanent fixture within the Windsor family guest house.

With the new position of Viscount came new responsibilities and new problems that Zach had never had to face before since his arrival in this world. The world had changed but the rules of power and strength basically remained the same. Just like the position held power in his previous world, this new world was the same.

While he was still the dark mage that was feared by everyone, the commoners avoided him and made horrifying legends about him but the strong coveted his power and the resources he and the Windsor family had under their control.

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