Zach slapped him lightly on the face as if to wake him up from whatever wet dreams the latter had been having. A sympathetic look appeared on Zach's face as he stared at Nelson like the latter was the most pitiful creature in the world. But in mere seconds, the sympathetic look changed into a contemptuous sneer.

"I had been hoping that your father would choose you over family benefits, but it turns out that you are too worthless even in the eyes of your own father. I don't know if it is that your father is too heartless and cold or is it you who is too useless which forced your father to resort to such a decision for the wellbeing of the family. No matter the case, you are a poor son; a son whose father wants him to die for the continued existence of the family, like a chicken bound for slaughter."

Zach's words were like a confounding charm for Nelson who was already out of his mind of sorts. But what he did glean from Zach's arsenal of heartless words was that his father had chosen not to save his life for some reason which was ridiculous.

Nelson knew his father wouldn't abandon him or at least he believed it to be so. Therefore, he didn't pay any attention to Zach's disorienting words.

"Stop spouting bullshit. You must be getting afraid, right? If you give up and surrender to my father right now, I will tell him to spare your life at least. Otherwise, you will die a horrible death once I am back with my father. I will make sure then that he crushes your pathetic soul in his fist as soon as possible. By then, you will be begging me for this chance."

Nelson grew overconfident like the pampered young master he had become due to his upbringing. He was unwilling to let his suffering go unpunished. Since he couldn't actually do anything to Zach due to the overwhelming strength of the latter that even his father was afraid of, he didn't forget to taunt him knowing that Zach wouldn't harm him at least until he made the exchange with the Hunter family.

Zach maintained the same look on his face that seemed to be stating, 'I can't help but pity a poor soul like yours.'

Nelson grew furious with such an irritating gaze locked on him. He retaliated by cursing out loud as he threatened Zach in a childish but fierce manner to assert his dominance and control over his situation. 

"Remember that the moment I leave here, I will get my hands on all the women beside you...and fuck their brains to mush. Those tasty bitches look hungry anyway. Since you seem to be lacking in that aspect, I will help you out. I will even let you watch as they transition into my little whores. Arghh...forget it. You look like someone who would enjoy watching that. I won't give you the satisfaction."

There is one thing though...You might be a bastard, but I have to compliment you about the women you keep around yourself. Each one of them has the potential to become a great cum dumpster. I will surely use all of them until I run dry on your behalf."

Zach didn't stop Nelson from spouting bullshit which gave a push to Nelson's budding confidence as it soared into the sky like a bamboo shoot growing endlessly with every passing second.

Zach of course wasn't afraid of the idiot Nelson. He was just waiting for him to soar as high as possible so that the fall would be equally hurtful for him. He was waiting for the moment he would come to the realization that his father no longer had his safety as a priority and had abandoned him when faced with benefits.

The greatest vengeance he could exact on Nelson in return for the insults would be the hopelessness that would soon engulf Nelson's existence and his soaring confidence would only make sure that he would feel it even more intensely.

Zach didn't deign to give his ravings an answer. Instead, he swiftly turned around on his heels and began to walk at the front of the procession of the soldiers accompanying him for a smooth exchange of hostages at both ends.

They were already close to the location where the exchange would take place. Zach nodded towards Christina as if asking for her confirmation.

Christina understood Zach without a need for words, like an old wife who knew her husband thoroughly and didn't need to communicate to reveal what each of them wanted from the other. 

Amidst the dense, towering trees of the forest, she took on the role of a vigilant sentry, utilizing her magical senses to sweep the area meticulously. Much like a sonar transceiver, she emitted her awareness outward, waiting to detect any disruptions in the natural rhythm of the surroundings; a rustle of leaves, a discordant sound, or any telltale signs of concealed danger.

Amidst the forest's verdant expanse, sunlight filtered through the foliage, casting a dappled pattern on the ground. The earth beneath was a mosaic of moss-covered rocks and fallen leaves, their muted colors harmonizing with the tranquility that belied the tension of the moment. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of anticipation, akin to a held breath.

After her meticulous inspection, Christina's gaze met Zach's, and in that unspoken exchange, her nod conveyed both the absence of immediate threats and the readiness for their next move.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm This final act of caution marked the threshold before their encounter with the opposing faction. Despite being a mere hostage exchange, it demanded meticulous precision, for even the slightest oversight could tilt the delicate balance between the two families. Every detail had to be accounted for, for the intricacies of this transaction extended beyond the apparent surface.

In this choreographed exchange, no margin for error existed. Each nuance held the potential to reshape the landscape of their relations, a fragile equilibrium that both families navigated with trepidation. 

The stakes were high, for an omitted detail could inadvertently tip the scales in favor of one side, bestowing an undue advantage. 

Therefore, Zach only proceeded after Christina had carried out a last search of the area which was closest to the point of exchange.

A confident smile graced Zach's lips, as if a surge of unwavering assurance had coursed through his veins. His demeanor reflected newfound confidence, for the absence of Hogan at the designated rendezvous point fueled his optimism.

"Where's your leader? Is he too afraid to get out of his home nowadays?" asked Zach sarcastically as he pretended to look down on Hogan.

Zach's words struck the butler like barbs, each one igniting a fiery surge of indignation. However, the butler knew that a display of outrage would only serve to play into Zach's hands. 

So, with practiced control, he masked his inner turmoil behind a veneer of tranquility. A composed smile curved on his lips; the serenity depicted on his poker face a stark contrast to the turmoil within.

The exchange between them was a masterful dance of hidden intentions and veiled emotions. Zach's mocking tone was a calculated taunt, a way to provoke a reaction from the butler so he might give away information about Hogan's whereabouts. 

Yet, the butler's practiced restraint was a testament to his understanding of the game being played, a game where every word and gesture was a move on a chessboard of power and influence.

"Our leader is preoccupied with matters of significance. I, as the family butler, am more than capable of tending to our young master's affairs," came the retort from the Hunter family's butler, his words veiling a restrained annoyance. If not for the current situation, the butler would have definitely attacked Zach for insulting his master. 

Alas, his master had asked him to settle this matter without any conflict and bring the young master home safely. He couldn't bring himself to defy his master's will.

Nelson felt angered by the family butler's words, but he had bigger problems to worry about.

"Where is my father? Why didn't he come himself?"

Nelson's mind churned with the weight of Zach's words, a seed of doubt taking root, suggesting the possibility of his father's abandonment. Shaking his head in quick succession, he vehemently expelled the notion, determined to erase any trace of uncertainty. 

His focus turned to the Hunter family's butler, his eyes locking onto the man with a mix of frustration and urgency. His intense gaze silently demanded an explanation, a need for clarity regarding his father's perplexing actions.

The butler didn't respond to anything Nelson asked him. It was as if he was nothing more than a puppet following the directions of Hogan Hunter, the leader of the Hunter family. He neither said anything unnecessary nor did anything that he hadn't been ordered to do.

The butler's loyalty to his duty compelled him to address Nelson's inquiries, yet he found himself ensnared by a web of secrecy spun by none other than the master of the household. 

Struggling between his commitment and the hidden orders that bound him, he carefully chose his words. It was a delicate dance of balancing honesty and discretion, all while maintaining the integrity of his role. 

He understood that divulging the true purpose of the impending exchange was strictly prohibited, a directive that extended even to the young master himself, particularly as the exchange had not yet transpired.

"Hey old man, I am asking you something. Have you gone deaf from old age or what? Or have you forgotten who I am to you?" 

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