Unfortunately, there wasn't anything worthwhile that Hogan's experienced information network could gather about the Smith family despite having tried their best. The reason was that neither Zach nor his people had made much of a move during this time. Instead, Zach had been scouting around the Hunter family using the drones and the system to monitor every person entering or exiting the magic barrier surrounding the mansion. 

This left the Hunter family wondering whether the woman was as important to Zach as they had assumed her to be. Although she was beautiful, she was far from being irresistible for a man as powerful and enigmatic as Zach. 

The unfolding events gave rise to a collective contemplation within the Hunter family. The question that lingered in their minds was whether the woman they were holding hostage wielded the same significance in Zach's heart as they had assumed before pulling off such an expensive scheme to force Zach? 

This realization prompted a reexamination of their understanding of Zach's motivations and priorities, leading them to question whether he would try to save Diana at any cost or would he throw her away and sacrifice her to send the Hunter family to hell?

In Hogan's introspective moments, a growing doubt began to take root. He found himself questioning the wisdom of his previous decision to employ that woman as a leverage point in his attempts to extort Zach. 

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm As he revisited his strategy, he couldn't help but wonder if he had made a substantial misjudgment in assuming that her influence held enough sway over Zach's actions. The shadow of uncertainty cast by this contemplation prompted Hogan to reconsider the effectiveness of his approach and the potential implications of his choice.

Fortunately for the Hunter family, the stale mate didn't last very long as they soon heard a piece of news that could potentially become a breakthrough point for them.

An informer of the Hunter family overheard something while collecting news regarding the Smith family and hurried back to report to the leader of the family.

After being granted audience with Hogan, she narrated the story she overheard from some guards who had been discussing amongst themselves while being completely unaware that someone else was also listening in on the story.

"I heard them saying that the Smith family is in utter chaos. Their leader, the dark mage, goes berserk from time to time harming anyone he comes across. I got curious so I got closer to them in order to find out more."

At first Hogan thought that maybe Zach was frustrated due to their immaculate defense. He was probably still unwilling to lay down his arms and surrender in order to save his wife. But then he couldn't bring himself to believe such a thing as the latter had persevered for so long. Zach wouldn't just suddenly lose all hope, especially when he was unwilling to take drastic measures with his wife whom he was holding hostage.

"Have you unearthed any pertinent information?" Hogan inquired, his demeanor tinged with solemn anticipation, hoping that her response would align with his conjectures.

"I have indeed," she replied, her tone carrying a gravity that matched the situation. "It seems that a woman who was often seen beside the dark mage has been abducted in recent times."

""Wasn't it the very woman, his wife Diana, that we have been holding hostage here?" Hogan's thoughts churned in his mind, a torrent of anger surging within him. Because the description of the woman the informant mentioned was quite similar to Diana who was often seen as the right hand of the dark mage and was in fact his wife as well.

The realization of the informant's lapse who was presenting him with antiquated information bordering on mere hearsay ignited a fiery tempest inside him. 

The inclination to crush the informant into meat paste, for daring to deceive him, surged through him like a tidal wave the size of the highest mountain in existence. 

Yet, in the midst of his tempestuous emotions, he managed to curb the impulse. His restraint heightened when he perceived a glimmer of something more in the informant's demeanor, a signal that there was further news to divulge.

Just as he had perceived, the informant had more to say, especially in her defense after she noticed the changing expressions of the family leader.

"Initially, I too was under the assumption that the woman they spoke of was indeed his wife. However, as I continued to eavesdrop on their discourse, the fog of uncertainty lifted, revealing a clearer understanding of the context. It dawned upon me that the woman in question was supposedly a remarkably formidable mage, her allure enhanced by an enchanting and captivating exterior. She consistently remained by the dark mage's side, assuming a role akin to that of a spouse. Yet, the stark contrasts between her persona and the characteristics I had associated with the dark mage's wife became increasingly evident. These disparities eliminated any possibility that the woman they discussed could be the one we held captive. With this newfound comprehension in mind, I hastened to return to convey the information directly. The urgency of the matter prompted me to deliver the news personally, ensuring that you were apprised of the developments without delay."

As soon as the informant finished relaying the news, Hogan thanked his lucky stars that he had refrained from harming her before listening to her in full.

After asking the informant a few more related questions, Hogan asked her to return to her position and keep on scouring information on the same subject before dismissing her.

Aware of her success, the informant hurriedly departed from the premises of the Hunter family mansion, her countenance radiating unadulterated contentment.

On the other hand, Hogan was reveling in a jubilant celebration. While he remained unaware of the identity behind the force that had orchestrated Zach's decline, the surge of delight within him was undeniable. Several hearty laughs escaped him, a genuine reflection of the elation that welled up within his heart.

His jubilation further heightened when he suddenly recalled the woman the informant had probably referred to. He had heard the mention of that woman on numerous occasions already. Mostly it had been his son Nelson who kept muttering things about her due to his lascivious desires. And the only person who mentioned the woman had been Jack, the murderer he had hired to kidnap Violet Windsor.

According to Jack's statement, the woman had been strong enough to go against Jack with ease meaning she was a fearsome mage and a strategic class weapon on the battlefield. Hogan was reassured that a piece with so much battle potential had been taken off the board by this unknown assailant.

Hogan was genuinely happy because the introduction of a few extra challenges for the opposing side inadvertently provided a favorable outcome for his side. This approach ensured that Zach or his forces wouldn't be able to put their entire focus on dealing with the Hunter family as they now had to fight a battle on two fronts; one with the Hunter family and the other with the unknown forces who had kidnapped the other female mage next to Zach.

As such, Hogan was hoping that the chaos would spread further. If only the unknown kidnapper could put in a few demands of his own, it would definitely pressurize Zach enough to break his spirit completely. It might even help Hogan bring Zach to his knees sooner than expected.

While Hogan was reveling in excitement and was concocting more contingency plans for any unforeseen situations, Nelson couldn't care less about the whole fiasco.

All he cared about was fucking Diana's brains out. Unfortunately, his father had set up a guard of several powerful mages surrounding her and had forbidden him from even coming into contact with her without his permission.

Nelson had tried to register his protest with his father considering the fact that the pirate captain had delivered Diana to him in return for his request for the woman beside Zach. As such he wanted to lay full claim to Diana's body even if he had to defy his father's orders.

He tried to sneak towards her on several occasions but was blocked either by the strong guards or by his father who almost went mad with blood oozing out of his eyes as he stared at the disappointment of a son he had borne.

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