Even though the old man had mentioned Zach countless times for the past few days, Drew had never expected the genius to be such a vibrant youth instead of a serious middle aged man.

When Drew noticed that Zach had already caught him staring, he signaled with his eyes to draw him out to the corner of the room in order to have a good talk with him.

Zach understood what the old man wanted him to do. Therefore, when Drew got up and began to walk towards the furthest corner of the room from the bed, Zach immediately followed after him. He wanted to take a break from the heart squeezing atmosphere near the patient's bed.

Zach was curious about the identity of the old man but he didn't ask him anything. He still wanted to observe the old man a little more in order to figure out the answer on his own.

Before he could say anything to the old man, Drew spoke in a hoarse whisper that was barely audible to Zach let alone to the sisters.

"My friend Marico over there has been sick for a long time. If not for my healing magic, his time would have already come long ago. I have been doing my best to keep him healthy but there is absolutely no way to treat his illness completely. Therefore, the best I have been able to do all this while was to suppress the disease every so often. Even then, there was almost no surety as to whether he could overcome the disease or not. The effectiveness of my healing magic is wearing down on him which is why there was a sudden reemergence that caught us all off guard. I have tried but my methods are completely ineffective this time but I don't want to disappoint the girls."

Zach listened to the old man without interrupting him. At first he wasn't sure why the old man was paying so much attention to him when he wasn't even the member of the family but gradually the frown on his forehead began to deepen.

Although Zach didn't have extensive experience in human interactions and socializing, he was no longer the na?ve gamer from the previous world. He wasn't gullible enough to believe that the old doctor was saying these things to him because he couldn't tell the girls anything in their current state. 

Zach's suspicion grew when the old doctor began to tell him the medical history of the old master of the Windsor family even though he wasn't a family member at all.

Moreover, Zach and Drew had never met before but the old man approached him without hesitation as if he was already familiar with him. This made him suspect that the old doctor knew his true identity and had strategically approached him to ask for his help in treating the master of the Windsor family.

Judging from the attitude of the doctor towards him, Zach was absolutely sure that the Windsor family had at least some knowledge regarding his origins but he needed to figure out the extent of information leak. He wanted to figure out whether someone from his household was also involved in selling out his information or if it was the result of Windsor family utilizing their own resources.

Zach felt that it was quite easy to figure that out. He just had to test them on some things. Depending on whether they knew about certain things, it would be easy to figure out the source of the information.

At first he began with some common knowledge regarding him. The incident with the royal family had given him huge publicity and some matters were known to every commoner in the nearby states.

"You might have heard that I have a lot of people to look after because they decided to follow me. They had to leave their hometown in order to seek business outside."

Drew couldn't understand what Zach was trying to get at since he had changed the topic of discussion without even putting in any effort. It was the most deliberate and blatant attempt at avoiding a topic that he had ever seen.

Still, Drew didn't call him out on it and only nodded.

"I have heard. It must have been tough travelling so far from your home."

Zach was sure that Drew already knew of his identity from this single sentence. He hadn't told him that he and his people came from far off but somehow he knew that they had. Even Clara and Violet weren't privy to that knowledge. So the doctor or the head of the family probably had this figured out for a long time.

"When we left home, a friend of mine got injured before losing consciousness. She is probably sick and hasn't woken up ever since. The sickness of hers is the strangest thing I have ever seen and I can't seem to figure out what it is." This wasn't just a test but he truly hoped that this doctor might be able to give him a solution to Luna's condition.

Drew on the other hand was busy building up the entire puzzle in his head. He had already figured out that the girl Zach kept talking about was the succubus that was the root cause of the conflict between the Royal Prince and Zach.

"Although I have always focused on healing those from our human race, I have no prejudice in healing other races as well provided that they aren't intent on harming our race. I have studied succubi and their physiological conditions in the past because I had the opportunity to compare notes with one of their most outstanding healers. Therefore, I can confidently say that I might be able to help you analyze the condition of your friend." Drew wanted to secure Zach's help for his old friend therefore, he answered Zach's question very sincerely.

"I am willing to trust your words but if you are lying to me, you will be staring down the barrel of my gun soon." Zach knew that only the people from his group could leak the details of the guns since no one other than his people understood the phenomenon. Therefore, if the doctor knew what a gun was, it probably meant that his house needed some rearranging as well.

Thankfully, Drew's face only showed confusion but he vigorously nodded his head since he could feel the threat in Zach's voice.

Zach noticed it too and didn't continue the test any further. He was sure that all the knowledge the doctor had came from official sources and because of that Zach could rest at ease. He wasn't flustered at all that his real identity and that of the Luther family had been exposed in front of the Windsor family. He didn't see this as a bad thing at all. Instead, he felt that it was only natural for the Windsor family to conduct a background check on him because that meant that they were sincere in cooperating with him and were not just stringing him along to obtain benefits from him. After all no one wanted to cooperate with someone they didn't know anything about. 

What Zach appreciated though was the fact that the Windsor family hadn't tried to spread the information about him at all. They hadn't even let him know that they already knew about his history and were willing to cooperate with him. Whatever reasons the Windsor family had for choosing such a way forward, Zach was happy that no one else other than Windsor family knew anything about him because that would have ruined his plans to stay and develop anonymously with a different identity in order to stay under the Royal family's radar.

Other than this, Zach was happy to finally meet someone who might have a clue about Luna's condition. He had been searching for ways to heal Luna with the help of Christina but so far he had found absolutely nothing. The major reason for that was the hatred of the succubi among the humans. The enmity between the races was rooted in their bones and they only wanted to destroy each other. There was no way some human would ever research how to heal a succubus when they couldn't be happier watching them die off.

As a result, meeting Drew now was a blessing in disguise for Zach. His efforts in that department had finally reached fruition.

Since Drew had agreed to help Luna and everyone in the room probably already knew who he was, Zach felt it right to acknowledge the fact that he had entered into a de facto partnership with the Windsor family, a relationship based on mutual cooperation, in order to grow and develop together.

He wasn't one to forget favors. In exchange for Drew helping Luna, Zach was extremely willing to take a look at the leader of the Windsor family as a return of the kind gestures shown towards him by the Windsor family.

Zach smiled and patted the old man's shoulder in order to reassure him. He didn't want the old man to worry too much because he still needed him to treat Luna.

Zach turned around and walked towards the side of the patient's bed that was devoid of wailing women who were already acting like the old man was dead. Zach didn't mean to criticize their behavior because it was only right for them to be sad about their father's condition. But he thought that they should be out looking for a solution instead of bawling their eyes out. They weren't exactly the weak women from his previous world.

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