"That island isn't peaceful or deserted. The signs of life on the island though aren't from humans.  It is full of ferocious beasts that are always out for blood and the conditions of the island are extreme. Not everyone can survive in such intense and extreme weather conditions. There are even rumors that anyone who dares to anchor their ship at Greenland suffers a catastrophe sooner or later. Some of the most seasoned captains of the marine world are terrified of the place and avoid it like the plague. Therefore, think twice about what's good about this place and whether you want to risk the lives of your people in order to stay there."

Of course, no matter what she said to him, Zach didn't budge from his stance regarding Greenland. After some serious discussion on the topic, Zach's intention to at least try became set in stone. He had fallen in love with the advantages that the isolated island could bring to him.

First of all, it was exceptionally protected from all sides even if some hostile agency tried to attack him. The natural protection that the island provided him on all sides was far better than most of the security measures he or the Windsor family could take on his behalf.

Secondly, the roaming ferocious beasts were akin to breeding guard dogs if he could somehow become able to traverse the length of the island without having to confront them in battle.

Thirdly, there were no influential families in the vicinity to ruin his appetite with their greedy faces. He wouldn't have to keep looking over his shoulders if he chose Greenland as his home because there would be no human around him within the confines of the island.

The island would solely belong to him and he could choose not to allow any unwanted person into his private property.

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm Lastly, there was no one to stop his progress since he could develop on his own in this place and train his people while implementing all the ideas in his grey matter. Ever since he came to this world, he had been itching to use the knowledge from his previous world to make this place better suited to his taste. The only reason he had been holding back was because he was afraid of attracting unwanted attention like he did when he initiated the transportation project utilizing trucks.

"Looks like you have made up your mind already. I don't think there is anything I can say that might affect your decision at this moment but please reconsider it. That island really is very dangerous. I am telling you this for your own good." Clara still warned him repeatedly about the dangers of the island since she was already aware of the situation in that place. She didn't want Zach to come to harm due to a single bad decision.

Clara knew that Zach cared a lot about his people but she couldn't understand why he wasn't willing to move to a safer area in order to protect them. Instead he was opting to move house to the most dangerous island in the vicinity of the entire Byzantium city.

Zach only nodded seriously in response to Clara's repeated warnings because he knew that she was only looking out for him and his people and didn't have any ulterior motive.

Clara sighed heavily at his half-hearted response. Since he wasn't willing to change his mind, she thought that Zach might reconsider it if he saw the dangers of the island with his own eyes.

Therefore, she persuaded him to visit the island first before finalizing his decision. And if he could maintain the same stubbornness even after visiting the island then she would help him get the place to the best of her ability.

Zach couldn't agree more and readily asked her to arrange transportation for the two of them. He didn't want to delay this matter any longer because people of the Smith family were getting more and more restless by the day. They needed something to do; something productive so they would have a reason to get out of their lodgings and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This would also help ease the psychological burden that they had been under for the past few months.

The carriage dropped off Zach and Clara right in front of the water body that enclosed the island Zach had his eyes on.

The carriage driver whispered something to Clara before departing with the carriage and left Clara and Zach alone. Zach couldn't help but stare at the carriage driver as he departed.

Feeling his discomfort, Clara provided the explanation that Zach was looking for.

"He will be back by the time we are done. The horses are quite tired after the uphill journey so he has gone to tend to them at the nearest inn."

Zach nodded and felt relieved. He was still somewhat cautious after what happened to him in Elizabeth city. 

"How are we going to get across to the island?" Zach asked as he kept staring at the destination that lay floating in the water quietly. 

"How else? By a boat of course." Clara naturally rolled her eyes at such a dumb inquiry that questioned her intelligence.

Zach ignored her overly exaggerated reaction and moved towards the cockleshell that was supposedly being used as a boat by the people here. 

The cockleshell was in fact half of a giant bivalve mollusk that was capable of floating on the surface of the water. The boatman standing on the shell was holding a long stick with a flat surface which he would probably use as an oar to steer and move the boat across the river.

Zach didn't find it very strange as it was a magical world to begin with. And the giant cockle shell was probably a product made from the remains of some giant mollusk like aquatic beast that was easy to come across and subdue.

Under Clara's guidance, Zach stepped on top of the shell and the boatman began to paddle towards the island. Fear was evident on the boatman's face as he was incapable of completely hiding it. Therefore, Zach didn't ask him anything about the island or its reputation. He didn't want to terrify him any further especially when they were in the middle of the water.

While the boatman was busy paddling, Clara seemed to be lost in her thoughts as she didn't even look up from her lap the whole time. Zach even wondered if she was prone to sea sickness. 

The boat moved across the surface of the sparkling water in silence as Zach put all his attention on the island.

The island was rich in forestry; almost the whole perimeter that was visible to him was enclosed by sky high trees that looked sturdy and green. The island was pulsating with life like it was a living organism. Everything looked vibrant and verdant but there was no beauty to it no matter how much Zach tried to look for it. Since it was an uninhabited island, Zach had expected it to be full of wild natural charm and beauty but the island was far from it. The forest looked as if it had outgrown its natural boundary and trees and vines were spilling out of the island. Some vines were even growing out of the water before arching up along the wide tree trunks. No matter where Zach looked, he found only chaos. Zach could see how such a place could be quite harsh for human survival. It was to the extent that it made him want to believe the things that Clara had told her about the place earlier.

This was truly an uninhabited island. Even though this place was so close to the city and had good prospects, no one had its ownership. It wasn't that no one had the same idea as him before. It was only that no one had been able to lay a claim to this island. The degree of danger posed by the island increased several levels in his mind as soon as that thought struck his mind. But his expressions didn't betray what he was thinking in his mind.

When they touched the shore of the uninhabited island, the boatman was sweating like ice in peak summer. Of course, the sweat wasn't due to the heat but because of the fear clawing at his heart from within. He would rather give his soul to the reaper than to suffer the horrors of the island.

As soon as Clara and Zach got off the cockleshell, the boatman turned his boat around and paddled off into the distance. His speed was at least double the speed at which he had taken them to the island. After a while, the boatman stopped in the middle of the water and shouted towards them to hurry up with their business. 

"WAVE your hands when you want to leave and I will come closer to fetch you."

Before accepting the job, the boatman had made it clear that he would neither land on the island nor would he wait by the island shore. He would only be responsible for taking them to and from the island when they wanted.

Zach respected his cautious nature and didn't negotiate with him. He had learned the various advantages of being cautious during the previous few months.

Zach didn't let Clara take the lead this time as they headed towards the heart of the island from the periphery. He knew that she was just as ignorant about the island as he was. Therefore, he couldn't let her take the risk on his behalf even though she was quite capable on her own.

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