Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 848: The Strongest BOSS in the World

Chapter 848: The Strongest BOSS in the World

"Suxiao regrets something—not the distribution ratio nor the missed opportunity to recruit people. His situation doesn't allow him to recruit people. He doesn't like managing subordinates; it's too troublesome. Being a lone wolf is more reliable. updates the fastest.

What he regrets is not selling the 'Hundred Faces Mastery' earlier. Ordinary people wouldn't buy it because it carries the risk of causing schizophrenia when mastered. However, within the current Twilight Palace, mental illness, or lunacy, is abundant. If he auctions the 'Hundred Faces Mastery' now, it would sell for an astronomical price!

"I sold it too soon."

Suxiao kicked a large stone, causing a loud thud against the wall. Ol' Beauty quivered, thinking she was in danger, but it was just Suxiao kicking a rock.

Ol' Beauty looked around at the lunatics and mentally unstable people, feeling a sudden pang. She wanted to go home to her gentle mother.

Meanwhile, Yan Chen, Fake Joker, and Black Blood engaged in a battle in fierce competition for the leadership position. This wasn't a simple spar; there was intense hatred among them.

Half an hour later,

Fake Joker lay on the ground, blood gushing from his mouth. Next was Black Blood, cut into eight segments.

Yan Chen pulled a dagger from his arm, feeling dizzy from the explosion.

Approaching the fake Joker, Yan Chen held the dagger to his throat.

"Who's the leader?"

Fake Joker's mouth moved, but he couldn't say anything except spit blood.

"Well, it seems you admit it."

Yan Chen stood up. However, Fake Joker's fierce gaze seemed to say, 'I didn't admit anything.'


Yan Chen kicked the fake Joker unconscious. Then, carrying a bucket of gasoline, he headed toward the chopped-up Black Blood...

This scene might become the norm for the Twilight Palace in the future. Ol' Beauty needed time to accept all this.

Earlier, Yan Chen was like a trapped beast in a cage. But now, the beast had broken free and found similar creatures.

Bubu Wang lay beside Suxiao. Having seen everything, he felt sleepy. Having met all kinds of people, this scene didn't surprise him.

Suxiao got up and headed towards the Palace's exit. He was ready to find the small force from the Heavenly Paradise faction. Merits would be helpful.

As he exited the Twilight Palace, Suxiao looked at the magnificent building. Undoubtedly, significant secrets were below, but neither Hei, Suxiao, nor Yan Chen chose to explore. The secrets beneath the Palace were too dangerous, beyond their current capabilities. Even if the three teamed up, it wouldn't be enough, and they couldn't team up, especially now that Hei was dead.

Four days later, on the outskirts of an ancient relic,

Suxiao sat by a bonfire, roasting fish on a wooden stick.

During these four days, he almost scoured the entire relic, but he didn't find a single member of the Heavenly Paradise faction. They seemed more disheartened than he had expected, having already left the relic.

With no progress in four days, Suxiao felt disappointed. However, he couldn't leave the relic to search for the enemy faction's members worldwide. Leaving the world core unattended might lead to irreversible consequences.

"The time is almost up."

Suxiao put out the bonfire and headed back towards the Twilight Palace, holding the grilled fish. Beside him, Bubu Wang stared at the fish in his hand.

Soon, Suxiao returned to the Twilight Palace. As he entered, he felt a spatial force enveloping the entire building.

He quickly ascended to the seventh floor, where over a hundred contractees gathered around the throne. Yan Chen led the group. It seemed Yan Chen had successfully recruited these lunatics using some unknown method.

"What's the situation?"

"Not bad. The 'Large-Scale Spatial Fixed Coordinates' have formed to 99.7%. It'll be completed soon."

"That's good."

Suxiao surveyed the throne. A skeleton sat atop it, and the world core at its brow emitted a faint glow.


The skeleton on the throne suddenly spoke, causing everyone to step back.

"This is all yours."

The skeleton lifted its arm and pressed it against the world's core.


A roar emanated below the Twilight Palace as a giant claw emerged from the circular pit.


An energy web appeared in the circular pit, instantly causing the claw to retreat. Anyone nearby could smell the rotten stench of decay, like the odour produced by the decomposition of some creature.

A dragon, skeletal and decayed, was sealed beneath the Twilight Palace. The dragon would stay imprisoned if the king's bones in the Palace remained intact.


A muffled thunderclap resounded, covering the sky with dark clouds, indicating an impending apocalypse.


A golden light beam descended from the sky, piercing the Twilight Palace. The Palace's top shattered instantly, and the light enveloped the throne, leaving only the world core floating mid-air.

Witnessing this, Suxiao felt it would be better to leave the Palace. The beam from the sky instantly shattered the once formidable castle.


From the pit below the Palace, the Palaceaying dragon flew out, its eyes filled with excitement and rage.

It was Ignatz, a dark sub-dragon from Purgatory. After nearly a millennium, just as it was about to conquer the world, it got sealed by a human dwarf. For Ignatz, it was a naked deception.

Today, the dark sub-dragon, Ignatz, finally broke free. It sought revenge on this world to destroy everything it laid eyes upon.

Dragging its decaying, enormous body into the air, Ignatz suddenly spotted a group of humans.

"All humans must die."

Ignatz spoke in human language, surrounded by black smoke.

In the now-open Twilight Palace, many contractees curiously observed the dragon.

"When did this relic become an antique?"

"I don't know. Probably a few thousand years old, all rotten."

The contractees didn't care about the dragon. They had completed their wartime tasks and were waiting inside the Palace Palaceurn.

Surprised by the contractees' indifference, Ignatz's nearly decayed brain began to ponder. Were humans not afraid of dragons anymore? In its time, all creatures except a particular human would fear it. It wanted to make these humans fear it.

Just as Ignatz was preparing to let these 'ignorant humans' experience the terror of a dragon, another beam of light descended from the sky, swiftly enveloping it.

"Hmph, magic and..."

It turned into ashes before Ignatz could finish speaking, gradually dissipating into the air. The light beam was the Reincarnation Paradise's mechanism to eliminate foreign beings. Though powerful, before the Reincarnation Paradise, Ignatz was insignificant and instantly turned to dust and smoke.

The dark sub-dragon Ignatz, the world's biggest boss, a monster with over 80 points in five attributes, appeared and disappeared in just 25 seconds, leaving no trace behind.

"Antiques are just antiques. Times have changed."

Suxiao had suspected a dragon might be beneath the Palace; the Palace hadn't expected it to be alive.

[The World War for Dominance has ended.]

[The Large-Scale Spatial Fixed Coordinates have been completed and are owned by the Reincarnation Paradise.]

[World Core Fusion is in progress...]

[Fusion completed. This world has been integrated into the Reincarnation Paradise for trials, evaluations, and breakthroughs for contractees.]

[War Result: Victory!]

[Surviving members: 247. Continue reading...]

[War Tasks: All Completed.]

[Teleportation preparations are underway.]. Destination: Reincarnation Paradise.]

[As the 'Large-Scale Spatial Fixed Coordinates' have been established, this Teleportation does not require the 'Starry Sky Transfer Station' and will directly return to the Reincarnation Paradise.]

[Teleportation initiated. [Please prepare, contractees.]

Upon reading the last line, Suxiao's mouth twitched.


Suxiao's vision plunged into darkness.

PS: (There's one more chapter, which will be completed in 20 minutes.)"

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