3353 Accurate Premonition
The next day, Leng Xiaoyao drove the car from the Leng family to pick up Dai Ya.

Dai Zhenjie also followed along.

“Miss Leng, do you mind if I join you? I have an appointment with Tianqi and the others at 2 pm, but I don’t know what to do till then, so I thought I’d tag along with you and see the sights,” Dai Zhenjie said.

“Of course not,” Leng Xiaoyao said with a smile.

Then Leng Xiaoyao took the two of them around to see the sights in City Chang.

There were several lively attractions.

“Yesterday, you mentioned that you’ve just written the National College Entrance Examination. I wonder which university you plan to apply to!” Dai Zhenjie asked.

“The Capital University,” said Leng Xiaoyao.

“Miss Leng, you must be very good at studying,” said Dai Zhenjie.

“Not bad, but I just participated in a national competition and was accepted in advance. I took the exam simply to finish the formalities,” Leng Xiaoyao said. She didn’t bother to keep it a secret.

“Wow, that’s amazing!”

Both Dai Zhenjie and Dai Ya were surprised.

After a tour, they went to a restaurant to eat.
Originally, Leng Xiaoyao was going to treat them, but Dai Zhenjie paid the bill first when they finished eating.

“I just met Miss Leng for the first time. It’s really inappropriate if I ask you to treat me to a meal. Miss Leng can consider it as doing me a favor,” Dai Zhenjie said. He didn’t have the habit of letting women pay when eating with them. He thought it was ungentlemanly to let the woman pay.

At this point, Leng Xiaoyao didn’t argue with him anymore.

After dinner, Dai Zhenjie had to do something serious. “Miss Leng, I’ll leave my sister to you.”

“Mr. Dai, don’t worry I’ll take care of her!” Leng Xiaoyao said.

After Dai Zhenjie left, Dai Ya suggested that they go mountain climbing. She also wanted to spar with Leng Xiaoyao, even though she knew she wasn’t as good.

Leng Xiaoyao didn’t refuse and readily agreed, so they went to the forest park.

It was a hot summer, but the forest park was very cool, so there were quite a few tourists.

They first climbed the mountain, then sparred in a less crowded area.

People around them gathered to watch, not knowing whether they were really fighting or just practicing. However, no one came forward to stop them. Instead, many people took out their phones to film.

After about ten minutes of fighting, they stopped.

Dai Ya’s skills were quite good, and it took a while for Leng Xiaoyao to completely restrain her without using any magical power.

“I know you went easy on me, but even so, the gap between us is still quite big,” Dai Ya said, not at all angry about losing, rather she was impressed with Leng Xiaoyao.

Leng Xiaoyao smiled but said nothing. The gap between them was indeed quite big.

After the onlookers realized that they were just playing around, they breathed a sigh of relief and praised them.

As they continued walking, they came across a lake with many people boating on it.

Neither of them was interested in boating, but… Leng Xiaoyao looked at the surface of the lake and saw a dark shadow passing underneath. She immediately released her magical sense to cover the area and sensed an evil power. She was immediately unhappy.

The evil power was hovering under a pedal boat, and the people on board were in danger.

“Miss Dai, how good are you at swimming?” Leng Xiaoyao asked.

“I’m a good swimmer.” Dai Ya replied.

“Then let’s go boating!” Leng Xiaoyao said.

“Okay!” Although Dai Ya wasn’t interested in boating, she didn’t object. They came here to have fun, so what was wrong with trying new things?

Leng Xiaoyao immediately rented a pedal boat and set off. Fortunately, there were few people at this time, so they didn’t have to queue up.

As soon as Leng Xiaoyao set off, she quickly pedaled towards the middle of the lake. Dai Ya noticed something was wrong and asked, “Miss Leng, what’s wrong?”

“Miss Dai, to be honest with you, I had a premonition that the boat in the middle is in danger. My premonitions are always accurate, so I want to go and take a look,” Leng Xiaoyao said. Although what she said was true, it was only half true.

“What?” Dai Ya was surprised and couldn’t believe it, but since Leng Xiaoyao said so, they went to take a look. Dai Ya also wanted to know if Leng Xiaoyao’s premonitions were really that accurate.

On the pedal boat were four fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls, one of whom was a girl with an all-yin birth chart, the target of demons and ghosts for cultivation.

However, when they were still seven or eight meters away from the other boat, the pedal boat suddenly overturned. In that instant, Leng Xiaoyao jumped into the lake.

Dai Ya was shocked and couldn’t believe that Leng Xiaoyao’s premonition was really accurate.

However, at that moment, she couldn’t think too much and immediately followed Leng Xiaoyao into the lake to save the people.

Two men from another pedal boat also jumped in.

They quickly rescued three girls, but Leng Xiaoyao and the other girl were still missing.

After Dai Ya placed the rescued girls on the pedal boat, she threw herself into the lake again, looking for Leng Xiaoyao and the other girl. The two men did the same thing. One stayed to appease the two rescued girls, while one continued to go into the water to find the missing girl.

The girl who was entangled by the black shadow was already far away, so Dai Ya and the man couldn’t find Leng Xiaoyao and the other girl no matter how hard they looked. It made them very worried.

However, Leng Xiaoyao quickly caught up with the black shadow and fought it.

The opponent was a mass of black gas with no shape, so Leng Xiaoyao didn’t know what it was.

The girl was entangled by the black gas. No one knew whether she was alive or dead.

Leng Xiaoyao didn’t care about that and directly shook it with her magical power. The black gas was immediately shaken apart and Leng Xiaoyao took the opportunity to grab the girl.

The girl fainted, but she absorbed some spiritual energy. Fortunately, she was still alive. After Leng Xiaoyao poured some magical power into her, she just needed to rest for a while to recover.

The black gas was obviously very angry, but because it was afraid of Leng Xiaoyao, it could only run away.

Leng Xiaoyao didn’t pursue it too much because she was concerned about the safety of the girl.

Anyway, it was injured by her, so it couldn’t do bad things within a short time.

There was a distance from where they fell into the water, so she couldn’t surface directly to avoid unnecessary controversy, so she quickly returned to the vicinity of where they fell into the water before pulling the girl up to the surface.

“Leng Xiaoyao, are you okay!” Dai Ya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Leng Xiaoyao come out and asked worriedly.

“I’m fine,” Leng Xiaoyao said. She pushed the girl on to the pedal boat before returning to the shore.

After returning to the shore, the girl Leng Xiaoyao saved woke up quietly, but she had no strength to speak. She remained afraid and trembled all over.

“Don’t be afraid. Everything is fine now.” Leng Xiaoyao comforted her.


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