Chapter 547: Chapter 547

No matter how powerful he was, he was already old. After coming all the way to Japan and getting off the plane, he had been discussing the matter of Ah Biao being injected with the poison. His body was really tired.

When Chen Meng’er saw Elder Liu’s expression, she knew that her grandfather’s body was a little overloaded. “Since everyone is unable to come up with a reason for this discussion, I think everyone should go back and rest for a while. After resting, we can think about it and discuss it again. Who knows, there might be progress.” Chen Meng’er suggested.

“Yes, Little Miss is right, Sir. I think we should go and rest first.” The attentive Zhuge Yu also noticed his master’s fatigue.

“Listen to Meng’er. We’ll talk about everything when Ah Biao wakes up.” Elder Liu knew his own body, so he did not object.

When Chen Meng’er sent Elder Liu back to his room to rest, she was thinking in her heart that she would make some medicinal food later. When her grandfather woke up, she would help him replenish his body.

After Chen Meng’er sent her grandfather back to his room to rest, she turned around and went back to Ah Biao’s place.

“Auntie Minzhu, have you fed the medicine to Uncle Ah Biao?” Chen Meng’er looked at Jin Minzhu, who was sitting on the edge of the bed and staring blankly at Ah Biao, and asked.

“Meng’er, you’re here. I just fed it to him. However, he has had no reaction at all.” Jin Minzhu’s face was filled with uncontrollable worry.

“This medicine will need half an hour to take effect. Auntie Minzhu, don’t worry. With me around, I won’t let anything happen to Uncle Ah Biao.” Chen Meng’er comforted her. She knew the burden Jin Minzhu had been carrying since Ah Biao had been poisoned and fainted.

“Thank you.” Jin Minzhu couldn’t help but wipe her eyes.

Chen Meng’er also found a seat and sat down, waiting with Jin Minzhu. “Auntie Minzhu, do you feel that there’s anyone around Uncle Ah Biao who’s been acting strangely?” Chen Meng’er thought that Jin Minzhu, the person closest to Ah Biao, should know something.

“Acting strangely? Hmm, I’ve never heard him mention any such thing before. What’s wrong? Meng’er, do you think that this was done by someone close to him?” Jin Minzhu raised her head in surprise, she looked at Chen Meng’er and asked a question.

“It can’t be ruled out. Otherwise, how could Uncle Ah Biao not even know that he was injected with a poisonous reagent?” Chen Meng’er analyzed.

After Jin Minzhu heard Chen Meng’er’s words, she fell into deep thought. She racked her brain trying to recall who had been acting strange around her husband recently. However, after racking her brain for a while, she could not find any clues. “I’m sorry, Meng’er. I really can’t remember who was acting strange around him.” Jin Minzhu was a little annoyed.

“It’s fine. It might not have been done by someone close to Uncle Ah Biao. After all, Uncle Ah Biao needs to be injected with the reagent. It’s impossible for him not to know.” When Chen Meng’er said the last part, an idea flashed through her mind, she seemed to have realized something. Of course, whether this was feasible or not was not certain. Chen Meng’er raised her head to look at Jin Minzhu and asked, “Auntie Minzhu, recently, like in the past two days, has Uncle Ah Biao gone to see a doctor?”

“See a doctor? Oh, yes. Just the day before yesterday, he caught a cold from the rain and went to see Dr. Lin. When I came back, I heard from him that he received an injection.” Jin Minzhu’s eyes suddenly widened. Could it be what she thought it was?

“Dr. Lin? It’s that doctor from the Green Gang, right? The doctor who came to examine Uncle Ah Biao and said that he was poisoned?” Chen Meng’er could not help but ask.

“Yes, it’s that Dr. Lin. Meng’er, are you saying that he was the one who injected the poison into Ah Biao?” Jin Minzhu looked at Chen Meng’er and asked.

“I’m not sure yet. This is just my guess. I still have to investigate further to confirm if it was him. Auntie Minzhu, before the matter is clarified, you must remember not to say anything to others to avoid alerting the enemy,” Chen Meng’er reminded her.

“Yes, I understand,” Jin Minzhu nodded in agreement.

Just as Chen Meng’er was talking to Jin Minzhu, Ah Biao, who had been lying unconscious on the bed, finally moved.

“Ah, it hurts,” Ah Biao couldn’t help but whisper.

“Ah Biao, where does it hurt?” Jin Minzhu asked anxiously.

“Auntie Minzhu, don’t worry. Uncle Ah Biao’s whole body is sore now. He’ll be fine soon. This is also a sign that he’ll wake up,” Chen Meng’er said very calmly.

Jin Minzhu heard Chen Meng’er’s words and was relieved.

After a while, Ah Biao opened his eyes. “Huh? Minzhu, how long have I been sleeping? My whole body hurts,” Ah Biao said as he struggled to sit up. Jin Minzhu quickly went forward to help him up.

“Uncle Ah Biao, it’s not as simple as sleeping. Look at yourself. What time Is it now?” Chen Meng’er saw that Ah Biao had woken up and she finally let out a sigh of relief.

“Little Miss?” Ah Biao was very surprised when he heard Chen Meng’er’s voice. Why did he wake up after a nap to everything suddenly changing?

“Yes, it’s me, Uncle Ah Biao. How are you feeling now?” Chen Meng’er walked to Ah Biao’s bedside and asked.

“I’m fine. Other than the pain all over my body,” Ah Biao was still a little out of it. “No, Little Miss, why are you here?”

“You’re still talking nonsense. Do you know that you scared us to death? For two days you didn’t wake up no matter how much I tried to rouse you. A doctor said that you were poisoned. So, I called Sir and they rushed over.” As he said that, Jin Minzhu’s eyes couldn’t help but redden.

“What? Sir and the others are all here? Minzhu, you said that I was poisoned? How did I get poisoned?” Ah Biao said in surprise. “How could I not know?”

“If you knew, you wouldn’t have been poisoned.” Jin Minzhu rolled her eyes.

“We still have to think long and hard about how you got poisoned. Uncle Ah Biao, you should also think about it carefully. What has been unusual recently?” Chen Meng’er asked.

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