Chapter 545: Chapter 545

“Other than a few higher-ups of the Green Gang, no one else knows. After I found out that Ah Biao had been injected with a poisonous reagent and was unconscious, I had people seal off all information,” Jin Minzhu said. She had long put away her previous appearance as a rich young lady. Now, she was a strong woman who could completely take charge of her own affairs.

“Thank you, you did well.” Elder Liu was very satisfied with Jin Minzhu’s way of doing things.

“Sir, Meng’er, Ah Biao is inside. Please come in.” When they reached the bedroom door, Jin Minzhu stopped and let Chen Meng’er and Elder Liu go in first.

They went straight to Ah Biao’s bedside.

“Girl, are you going first or should I go first?” Elder Liu asked Chen Meng’er.

“Grandpa, you go first.” Chen Meng’er gestured for Elder Liu to diagnose Ah Biao first.

Elder Liu did not decline. He went forward and put one hand on Ah Biao’s wrist. Then, he closed his eyes and calmed his heart down to take Ah Biao’s pulse. Elder Liu had an increasingly ugly expression. This made Zhuge Yu and the others, who had followed Elder Liu and Chen Meng’er in, feel their hearts sink. Jin Minzhu, who had been pretending to be very strong, could not help but tear up.

Elder Liu withdrew his hand from Ah Biao’s wrist and said to Chen Meng’er without turning his head, “Girl, come and check Ah Biao’s pulse.”

“Okay.” Chen Meng’er looked at her grandfather’s expression and knew that Ah Biao’s situation was not very optimistic.

Chen Meng’er stepped forward and stretched out her hand to put it on Ah Biao’s wrist. Her mutated brain displayed Ah Biao’s current physical condition. And the large red words on the mutated brain made Chen Meng’er shout out in surprise, “This…!”

“What? Girl, what did you find out?” Elder Liu did not expect his granddaughter to be able to diagnose it so quickly. If he had not encountered a similar situation before, he would probably only know that Ah Biao had been poisoned until now. He did not know anything else.

“Yes, you also found out, right?” Ah Biao was obviously injected with the reagent that she had stolen from the military base. However, it was not the same. The concentration of the reagent that Ah Biao had been injected with was slightly lower than the reagent that she had stolen from the military base. Otherwise, if it had been the reagent that Chen Meng’er had stolen, Ah Biao would have died. There was no way he would have survived until now. He was still breathing.

“Mm. I never thought that in my lifetime, I would see someone injected with this reagent. And to think it was one of our own people too. The Japanese are really going too far,” Elder Liu said through gritted teeth. Everyone knew how much Elder Liu hated the Japanese. And Elder Liu hated the reagent that the Japanese had developed even more.

“Sir, Meng’er, do you have any way to treat Ah Biao’s current condition?” Jin Minzhu did not understand what Chen Meng’er and Elder Liu were talking about and she did not want to understand either. She only wanted to know if the poison in her husband’s body could be countered and if her husband could wake up.

“If it were me, I would really be helpless. My comrade was injected with this poison back then. He died in front of my eyes.” Elder Liu thought of his former comrade and his words were full of sadness. When Jin Minzhu heard Elder Liu’s words, her body swayed a few times and her face turned pale.

“Then... Sir, Ah Biao...” Jin Minzhu couldn’t even speak.

“Don’t be anxious. I can’t save him, but that doesn’t mean that no one can save Ah Biao. Girl, this time it really depends on you. The Green Gang and the Liu family really depend on you, girl,” Elder Liu said and couldn’t help but reveal a gratified smile.

Elder Liu knew that Chen Meng’er had developed the antidote for that reagent. Therefore, the expression on his face just now was not because Ah Biao’s situation was hopeless, but because Ah Biao had been injected with the poison that the Japanese had developed.

“Yes.” Chen Meng’er had never thought that the antidote that she had developed on a whim would actually come in handy. Chen Meng’er could not help but feel fortunate. If she had not had nothing better to do before and persisted in developing the antidote for that reagent, would she be like her grandfather, Elder Liu, back in the day, watching her Uncle Ah Biao die right in front of her eyes, just like that? “However, Uncle Ah Biao still can not use the antidote that I have developed.”

“Why?” Elder Liu frowned when he heard Chen Meng’er’s words.

“The reagent that I brought back previously was much denser than the one injected into Uncle Biao’s body. If you want Uncle Biao to take it, you have to remove a few of the ingredients. Otherwise, it will damage Uncle Biao’s body.” Chen Meng’er had already started to recall in her mind which drugs had to be removed, and which ones had to be reduced in dosage.

“If that’s the case, then do as you see fit. As long as you can get rid of the poison in Ah Biao’s body, it will be fine.” Elder Liu wanted to sit down with Chen Meng’er, tand have a good chat about the formula of the antidote for these two different concentrations of reagents. However, the current situation did not allow it.

Chen Meng’er also wanted to know how Ah Biao had been injected with this reagent unknowingly. Moreover, if her guess wasn’t wrong, this reagent should only be available in the military. However, what she needed to do now was to concoct Ah Biao’s antidote. She had to save his life.

Ah Biao might be lying down right now as if he was asleep, but that was because the drug had just begun to take effect. When it truly took effect, it would be so painful that it would make one wish they were dead. Chen Meng’er wanted to prepare the antidote before it took effect, and then let Ah Biao take it.

Every branch of the Green Gang had a pharmacy that belonged solely to Chen Meng’er. This was prepared for her by Elder Liu when she was very young. Chen Meng’er went to the pharmacy, closed the door, and began to work. In order to prevent Ah Biao from leaving any side effects, Chen Meng’er had added the spring water of her space when she was preparing the antidote.

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