Chapter 413: Chapter 413

George’s assistant, who had been anxiously looking around, turned around after hearing Chen Meng’er’s words. He looked at Chen Meng’er in surprise, he couldn’t help but ask, “How did you know there were mercenaries? Could it be that you knew about my Master’s plan all along?” The more he said the more horrified he grew.

Chen Meng’er didn’t reply to George’s assistant. She turned her head slightly and looked at the people who were walking out of the other car one after another with guns in their hands. Chen Meng’er looked at their eyes with traces of killing intent. Although Chen Meng’er had tried her best to control it, the person who led the way still felt a chill down his spine.

The bald man with sunglasses who led the way shivered. Just as he was about to turn around and talk to the person beside him, he felt a pain in his shoulder as if he had been pricked by a needle. Then, his eyes turned white and he fell to the ground. Fortunately, the person behind him was quick enough to catch him. “Sir! Sir!” The person held the bald man and called out a few times, but the bald man did not react at all.

The people who got out of the car saw that their boss had fainted for some unknown reason. They could not care less about Chen Meng’er, their target. Instead, they were worried about their boss’s condition.

The noise outside finally alerted George who was in the car. George frowned when he saw Chen Meng’er standing in the open space in front of him, unharmed. He opened the car door and got out, “What’s going on? “Why is she still standing here? Where are the snipers that I hired? Where are they? And you guys, what are you doing? Hurry up and help me catch her. I’m going to take care of her myself,” George said. He needed to see Yuwen Jing lose the most important person in his life. He was in a great mood. He looked at Chen Meng’er and said, “You have to blame your bad luck for what happened to you today. You’re in the same boat as Xibo Buyano.”

When Chen Meng’er saw the car, she recognized the person who stopped her. She also guessed why George stopped her.

“George, don’t you think it’s a little too early for you to be happy? Don’t you know that I have another identity?” Chen Meng’er glanced at George unreservedly.

After being reprimanded by George, the few people who had just gotten out of the car regained their senses and raised their pistols again, aiming at Chen Meng’er.

“Oh, right, didn’t your family head tell you that I hate being held at gunpoint the most?” After Chen Meng’er finished speaking to the few people, she turned her head and looked at George’s assistant, she said, “Didn’t you just want to know why your master’s snipers haven’t made any movements? I’ll explain it to you now.”

After Chen Meng’er said that, while George’s assistant was confused, she moved. She moved toward the people who were pointing guns at her. Chen Meng’er was so fast that the people who were holding guns forgot to react, until the guns in their hands were knocked to the ground by Chen Meng’er. Then, they felt a white powder coming toward them. Then, they lost consciousness.

The gifts that Chen Meng’er gave them this time were all enhanced knockout powders. This was not because Chen Meng’er was kind enough to not make them suffer, but because this was a new product that Chen Meng’er had developed some time ago, in the space, this enhanced version of the powder was the most abundant, so Chen Meng’er chose this powder.

The people who got out of the car were all knocked down by Chen Meng’er. Chen Meng’er’s attack was so fast that George and his assistant didn’t even see how Chen Meng’er attacked. Even the driver of Chen Meng’er was so surprised that his mouth was slightly open. He didn’t expect that the Little Miss of the Green Gang was so powerful. He was sure that the Little Miss of his family was not inferior to their employer at all.

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