“Xiao Lan!”

An Xiulan turned her head to find Mona who was running towards her. Oh, she hadn’t seen her friends for a long time except in the examination centre where they were not allowed to talk or even look at each other. Every one of them left the examination centre at different times and so she hadn’t seen them since the first exam and today the monthly tests were ending.

She was in a good mood as she knew that she was going to secure good marks in the English exam that had taken place today.

“Girl, I missed you. I haven’t seen you for so many days, “Mona said in an excessively sweet voice. “Where have you been? How come we never saw you after the exams?”

“Actually, I made a new friend and we went to eat beef noodles in the stall near school,” An Xiulan said with a soft smile.

That day when her new friend Wang Yuxi had helped her apologise to boss Lu, he had approached her the following day with a glass of Oreo shake similar to one that she had given them. After that day, every morning they would coincidentally meet and then enjoy Oreo shake from the school cafeteria. One day he brought her to the best shop that serves beef noodles.

Mona pouted her lips. “I’m offended that you made new friends. But you can coax me by agreeing to the art exhibition I’m going to invite you to.”

This was the main reason why Mona had spent hours looking for An Xiulan all over the school..

Qiao Wei and Song Ci refused to come, saying her art sucked.

It wasn’t her art that sucked but their eyes that couldn’t see what the real art is.

Mona huffed and puffed silently and then approached An Xiulan. She knew that as long as their dear Xiao Lan agreed the entire class would come to her art exhibition.

“You are coming, right?” Mona said in a soft voice. “You will come to support me, right? Please, Xiao Lan. Don’t break my artistic heart. Please say yes.”

An Xiulan was put in a dilemma. She couldn’t say yes because Mona didn’t create art but disaster. She had seen the so-called masterpiece made by her friend and all of them were….


She couldn’t say no either as she didn’t want to break her heart.

However, in the end, Mona won as she ended up saying yes.

“Pretty girl, “Wang Yuxi emerged as he tapped An Xiulan’s shoulder with a wide grin on his face. He had given his paper as soon as he could and began looking for her all over the school to match their answers. It didn’t matter if his answers were right as long as they match hers, he was happy.

Wang Yuxi shook her head feeling giddy.

Mona stood before An Xiulan hiding her behind her frame and narrowed her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips and said, “Wang Yuxi, what are you doing here?”

Wang Yuxi placed his hand on Mona’s face and made a bad face, “Let me see my friend.”

“What friend are you talking about, Jerk?” Mona asked.

“You radish, scram!” Wang Yuxi growled as he tried to get a peek at An Xiulan.

“How do you guys know each other?” An Xiulan asked.

“We are not neighbours, “Both of them said at the same time while realization dawned on An Xiulan.

“Oh, you guys are neighbours?” An Xiulan asked.

“Phew, “Mona said as she turned to face An Xiulan while her back facing Wang Yuxi’s back. They were standing in a disapproving posture.

“Pretty girl, do you want to eat corn dogs? I know a very good place for eating corn dogs, “Wang Yuxi said as he looked at An Xiulan with a smile. He couldn’t let this stupid neighbour of his spoil his moment.

Before An Xiulan could reply, Mona bit Wang Yuxi’s arm, making the boy scream and said, “I just bit a dog and it doesn’t even taste good. It tastes like shit.”

Wang Yuxi looked at Mona sarcastically and said, “Oh someone knows what shit tastes like.”

Mona’s place crinkled as she shuddered in disgust.



“Son of a biscuit!”

“You smelly fish!”

“You dunderhead!”


An Xiulan sighed as both sides started firing at each other with vocal nuclear weapons. You know what? She would rather go home than pick up a thing or two. Her mother would always give her lecture about teenagers having potty mouths and she wasn’t allowed to curse.

As she was standing at the school gate waiting for the driver which would take almost ten minutes, she saw Han Zixin across the road kicking pebbles and from a distance, she could see her not so dear tutor talking to a tall man in a suit whose back was facing her. No wonder, Cheat Prince was feeling down.

Han Zixin had an urge to disappear from the face of the earth as he looked at the two people he would rather avoid all his life. To say he was feeling down would be an understatement. Suddenly, someone pinched his hand and he didn’t need to know who it was.

Someone finally realized that she had a deskmate too after getting MIA after the exam.

Not that he was missing her.

He was just telling himself how she was too busy these days.

“What?” Han Zixin raised his brow as he saw her smiling at him with that silly look in her eyes. Do note that she was up to no good.

“Cheat Prince?” An Xiulan called out his name with a ridiculous smile.

“Hmm?” Han Zixin raised his brow again.

“What did the left eyebrow say to the right eyebrow?” An Xiulan asked. She loved riddles.

“Ah?” Han Zixin was confused. What could eyebrows even say to each other? He didn’t mind her asking him silly riddles. It was just that he didn’t know the answer to this one.

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