Instead of going back to her place, An Xiulan went back to Han Zixin's place. It didn't feel right to her to go to her mother's place because she felt that she and Han Zixin needed to talk to each other. There had been a lot of misunderstanding being created because of this Yang Zi incident. What if she went back to her house without giving him any explanation and began overthinking about it? She didn't want to do anything that would make him upset. 

Somewhere in her heart, she was feeling that she had already made him mad beyond words. 

She opened the door to his apartment. The empty dark apartment was creating a sense of fear in her heart. However, she chose to not dwell on the fear and ignored it's existence in her heart. 

She put her bag on the sofa and walked to the master bedroom. She knew that she must be looking horrible. Yet, she went to the washroom to see the harm that Yang Zi had inflicted on her. 

"Damn, "An Xiulan muttered as she looked in the mirror. "Thankfully, Amanda sent someone to drop me home or I would be a laughingstock of everyone on the street."

She looked at her untidy hair and cursed Yang Zi in her heart. Then, she looked at the scratches on her face. She had more scratches that she inflicted on Yang Zi. Suddenly, she had an urge to call and cause more harm to that old woman. 

"I swear my parents raised me better than this, "An Xiulan said to herself in the mirror. They didn't raise me to raise the hand on the elderly. Today, I lost my contact and engaged in a fight with a woman who is my mother's age. If mom finds out, she is going to whoop my ass. Not that I don't deserve it."

"Sir, I am still investigating the matter. I only have half truths. Would you please wait for sometime before I give you a full report?" The assistant said from the other sjde. 

"Alright, "Lu Zhaolin said. 

As he hung up the phone, Amanda Li called him. 

"Mr Lu?" Amanda Li said as soon as the call was connected. 

"CEO Li, "Mr Lu greeted her. "I just received a call from Chairman Li."

"Mr Lu, the situation is not as grave as my father is making it, "Amanda said. "I will be frank with you. He is going to politicise the incident to prove my incompetency and your daughter might fall victim in all of this. I could either protect me or her. Thus, I will protect me. I am sure you are capable of protecting your daughter."

Lu Zhaolin took a deep breath. "I told you many times before do not drag my family in your succession battle. I do not care who among your father sits on CEO position. Just do not drag the Lu family."

"It is not me. It is my father, "Amanda said. "Two high profile people are involved in this incident. You know him. He knows how to make potential use of everything. He will not stop at using An Xiulan and Yang Zi to gain what he wants."

Taking a small pause, she added, "Mr Lu, do not worry about your daughter. She was not hurt that much. It's just few scratches. You can be rest assured that she gave few scratches back to that woman too and the latter had to be hospitalized."

"I do not know details about Yang Zi but please handle the things before they turn grave, "Amanda said over the phone. "I have sent my driver to drop An Xiulan at home and I received the call that she had reached there. You can call and talk to her. Please prepare a strategy for dealing with the situation your daughter created. Otherwise, she would be used by someone for their benefit. I am sure that she will not like this."

With this said, Amanda hung up the call. Lu Zhaolin threw his phone at the couch and sat down, taking deep breaths.  This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

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