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"What are you doing?" Yang Zi said to him. What made him think that he would do this, and she would happily accept it? No, she was not going to do that. She had everything planned and she knew that she just had to be a little more persuasive to be with him. She understood that he was mad at her. By all means, he should be mad at her. She accepted it. But she could not accept that he was trying to put distance between them. They were mother and son, how could she let it happen? 

Yang Zi added, "If you are thinking that I will go back with someone other than you, trust me, you are misunderstood."

She thought being persuasive would work in her favour here. She had to be persuasive to be with him or he would cast her aside so easily as he did not possess any kind of feelings for her. 

Han Zixin said with a straight face, "Miss Yang, it is getting late. You should go and not cause any trouble to my officers. They just returned from a difficult mission. I would not tolerate them to be troubled like this." 

Today, he was on a mission. The officer standing here was from the special team too. He was not a regular police officer. When he called his junior for a favour, he instantly appeared. He was grateful for this. And he would not let anyone give troubles to his soldiers who just came from a dangerous mission. 

"Why are you doing this to me?" Yang Zi asked sadly. Her heart was hurting so much that her son was putting unnecessary distance between the two of them. She wanted to be close to him but he was not letting her come closer. 

An Xiulan had become a villainess in her life. It was her who stole Han Zixin and Mu Wanwan from her. Both of her children were not with her because of that little witch. How could she not hate An Xiulan? She had all the reasons to hate that little witch! 

Han Zixin pointed out, "Please do not make allegations against someone. She will not shy away from starting a defamation case against you if you keep on talking like that."

Han Zixin had a tiring day. All he wanted was to retire to his bed already. He did not want to deal with all of this. He was not anticipating such a mentally exhausting day when he left from work. He wanted Yang Zi to go to her home and live her life peacefully and let him live too. But she did not want to do that and disturb his peace too. 

He called his officer to take her home because he knew that sending her with an unknown person at this time would not give him a peaceful sleep at home. What if she didn't reach her house and went somewhere else? How would he explain himself that because of his personal feelings a civilian was hurt? It was his duty to keep the citizens of his country safe. How could he let a civilian get hurt on his watch? Especially the one with poor mental health. 

Yang Zi went on to say, "I am not scared of her. So what if her parents are influential? I am also Yang ZI! I lost once against her. She already broke my family. I will not give her another chance."

She was not shying away from speaking anything. She felt like it was a win-loss situation. If she could not win anything, she would not let An Xiulan be the winner too. She would bring as much damage to that girl as she had brought to her life. Maybe, even more than that. 

"Do you have any clue about what you are saying?" Han Zixin said. She was making some big allegations against his girlfriend. He had enough with this woman. He would just call her husband. If he wanted to come, he could. He was just leaving. His officers would see that she doesn't go anywhere. Or he could just call her agency. 

Yang Zi accused him of ignorance, "It is you who don't seem to have any clue about the kind of person you are dating."


AN: She is annoying, isn't she? but she is good drama. I want to ask you all which character you want me to focus on except for mains? 

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