As soon as An Xiulan reached her office, she called her friend. It was Song Xueyun who picked the call first as she had woken up to go to the office too. Shen Yue took a moment to join the two girls. This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

"Hello, who is it?" Shen Yue asked in a sleepy tone. 

"Girls, I'm in crisis!" An Xiulan screamed and both of them sat on their places, alerted all of a sudden. It was in rare situations that she would be in crisis. It would be others whose crisis that she would be solving most of the time. They were surprised to know that she was having problems and that too early in the morning. 

"What happened?" It was Song Xueyun who asked while Shen Yue was trying to wake her up. 

"Yes, why do you sound worried?" Shen Yue asked and yawned at the same time. 

"Yue'r, why are you still sleeping?" An Xiulan asked. "Shouldn't you be in office?"

"I couldn't wake up on time, "Shen Yue yawned. "I just woke up now with your call. I texted my assistant that I'm taking a day off. Sick leave."

"Are you sick, Yue?" Song Xueyun asked. Last night everything was fine. Suddenly, what happened to An Xiulan? Or did they drank too much last night that one of them got sick? It was a possibility given how much alcohol they had consumed. 

"No, "Shen Yue said, shaking her head. 

"Xiulan, look someone is lying to your mom's company, "Song Xueyun said. 

An Xiulan rolled her eyes. Shen Yue deserved a fucking break after tiring herself to the bone. And there was nothing wrong in it either. 

"Why did you say you are in crisis?" Shen Yue asked. "What happened this time?"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "I think something happened between me and Han Zixin last night, "An Xiulan whispered. "And I don't remember anything."

"Oh fuck, "Song Xueyun was the first one to mutter. 

"Girl, you don't even remember your first time?" Song Xueyun asked. 

"You aren't helping me!" An Xiulan pointed out. 

"Oh, sorry, "Song Xueyun murmured. "How did it happen?"

It was not a crisis but a whole catastrophe. She could imagine what An Xiulan was going through. If it was her, whe wouldn't have been able to control herself from being a mess. Both of them were traditional and kind of romantic at heart. Certainly, they were the type to make their first time romantic as well as memorable. 

"I was drunk, "An Xiulan murmured. "So drunk that I didn't even know what I did."

"Is Han Zixin a beast?" Song Xueyun questioned, annoyed. 

"It's not about being a beast?" Shen Yue answered. "The first time is not usually a very nice experience. I mean, it is nice but it is painful nice. Do you feel any pain somewhere?"

"Umm no?" An Xiulan answered. 

Shen Yue sighed, "Xiu'er, there is a high probability that nothing happened between you two and you might be overthinking."

"What about the…"

"About clothes and marks, you have to talk to him, "Shen Yue answered. "You are a couple and I love being the friend that you run to share your problems but baby, this thing, you have to share with him. How will he feel that you are having a meltdown here and he has no clue about it?"

It was bounded that Han Zixin was going to be upset that his girlfriend did not share her problems with him. It was him she should have run to but she did not. 

"I think Yue makes sense, "Song Xueyun said. "If you misunderstood thing and didn't communicate well with him, it will create a lot of problems with him. It will not do any good to your relationships. Call him and ask him what happened between both of you. He will tell you the truth."

"What if something really happened between us?" An Xiulan whispered. 

"Then, we are going to beat him, "Song Xueyun announced. "How dare he take advantage of you when you weren't in your senses?"

An Xiulan muttered, "You are using very hard words for my innocent boy. I am sure that it must be me who initiated things. I know that I can be extremely persuasive when I want to."

"You were drunk but he was not, "Song Xueyun said. "One of you must know the boundary." When An Xiulan just kept silent, she turned to Shen Yue and asked, "How did you come to the conclusion that it might all be a misunderstanding?"

"Well, I just used my experience knowledge, "Shen Yue shrugged. "I mean, I still have memories of that day. Also, I misunderstood like her many times after getting drunk and making out with my ex-boyfriend. In the end, it all turned out to be just my fears. But trust me, when it happens, you will remember it for a long time, drunk or not! Even if your brain will forget, your body will not."

"I hope your knowledge is correct, "Song Xueyun commented. 

"Hey, it is, "Shen Yue was offended. "It is one good thing that came out of my toxic relationship."

Both An Xiulan and Song Xueyun rolled their eyes. "Atleast, you called it toxic after years."

"Just because I knew it inside didn't mean I will call it that and hurt my heart, "Shen Yue muttered. "In my heart, I had one perfect love. I do not want to think otherwise."

"As long as you feel good, "Song Xueyun commented. 

"Now what should I do?" An Xiulan asked. "In my mind, I had thought a lot."

"Like?" They asked. 

"Like what will happen if I get pregnant and my family disowns me and my boyfriend leaves me?" An Xiulan whispered. 

"Oh baby, "Both of them said at the same time. "First of all, you won't get pregnant. Second of all, even if you get pregnant, your family will never disown you and trust me, your boyfriend is a clingy one, he will never leave your side especially for this reason. And most of all, even if all this happens, we are with you. We will raise our niece or nephew! Now put on a smile and go talk to your boyfriend."

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