"What are you doing here?" Lu Zhaolin asked his ex-wife. He had not expected to see his wife coming inside with his ex-wife with her. The first question was why was she here even in the first place? 

An Qinyan answered him, "I heard you are sick. So, I came to see you. It seems like you are not that sick."

Lu Zhaolin said looking at his wife, "I am not. My wife is just making a big deal out of it."

An Qinyan retorted, "I don't think your wife is unreasonable enough to make a big deal for nothing."

"If you are here to taunt, please return," Lu Zhaolin answered. He was not here to listen to the taunts of his ex-wife. They had a pretty weird relationship. Oftentimes, they were at each other's neck but they still cared for each other in their own way. As for An Qinyan and Song Yifei, they were also on friendly terms. 

An Qinyan picked an apple from the basket and bit on it. She made herself comfortable on the couch and said, "I wonder how your children will react if they see you behaving like a brat on a hospital bed."

Lu Zhaolin panicked and said, "Don't involve them. You will only make them worried."

He did not wish for his kids to find out that he was in the hospital. When Lu Xuan left, he had asked him to take care of himself. How could he let his son down? 

"Is he crazy?" An Xiulan asked Song Yifei. 

Song Yifei shrugged, "The doctor said the medicines will affect his brain."

An Qinyan nodded her head, "I think they are."

Lu Zhaolin was annoyed with their attitudes, "Both of you stop ganging up on me."

They looked at each other and asked, "Are we?"


Lu Zhaolin was troubled. What has he done to come across this? 

An Xiulan told him, "If you don't want us to be like this, then you have to stop acting like a kid and act more like the fifty-year-old man that you are. Even Xiaobao is smarter than you."

She took a deep breath and added, "What will Lu Xuan feel if he finds out that his father is in a hospital bed because he is blaming himself for nothing? That boy will be broken."

Lu Zhaolin said, "I am not blaming myself."

An Xiulan remarked, "Oh, you are."

Lu Zhaolin sighed, "What else can I do? If I was a good father—"

An Xiulan told him, "Lu Zhaolin if you think you are not a good father, work hard to become one. Don't give up your weapons and start playing this blame game. It will make you feel more shitter. If you are worried about Lu Xuan, talk to him. Share your heart and problems. 

Her words made him ponder for a while. He began thinking about what he was doing and what he was planning to do.

"Am I wrong?" Lu Zhaolin asked An Qinyan. 

An Qinyan looked at Song Yifei and asked in utter shock, "What happened to your husband? He is accepting his mistake. Where did the sunrise from today?"

"I guess it was East, "Song Yifei answered. 

"Why did you call her here?" Lu Zhaolin asked his wife. 

"Because you were not listening to me, "Song Yifei answered. "I was tired of telling you that there were some things over which we have no control. But you were not listening. We have a lot of problems in adulthood that we can't solve. Lu Xuan was also going through the same. He chose to leave his home to work on himself because he thought it was not a favourable environment. But you don't want to see it. You want to blame yourself. I don't understand why you have to be the bad guy all the time."

An Qinyan sighed. "Our kids have forgotten what happened when they were young. They no longer blame you. Why are you making everything difficult for yourself? It's time you stop blaming yourself. If you feel bad, you should talk to Lu Xuan and ask him the reason. I am sure he will not lie to you. If you know the reason behind his step, maybe you can help him."

"Will he let me help him?" Lu Zhaolin asked. 

"You are his father. I am sure he will be happy, "An Qinyan said. 

"How is Xiulan?" Lu Zhaolin asked her. 

"She is fine, "An Qinyan said. "Let me guess, you have been avoiding her too?"

Lu Zhaolin sighed and looked at his hands. 

An Qinyan shook her head at his silliness. "You know what? If she found out that you were avoiding her, she would make your life hell. She will ignore you until you are on the verge of tears. She can be this ruthless. Zhaolin, our kids are sensible. If we started acting like kids ourselves, how will we do justice to them? We were already toxic parents half of our life. I think we need to stop doing it."

"You are right, "Lu Zhaolin agreed. He paused for a moment and then added, "Do you know she is dating that Han boy?"

"No, "An Qinyan said, furrowing her brows. "Who told you?"

"She told her grandmother, "Lu Zhaolin said. 

Song Yifei raised her brows. She had nothing to do with this topic. She did not want to comment. She would just act like she did not hear anything. It was something they were discussing and she had no obligation to give her views here. Currently, her loyalty lies with the girls. They would not come to her if she leaked their secrets. 

"I think she just bluffed with Madam Lu, "An Qinyan said. "Was she trying to step Lanlan on a date?"

"Yes, "Lu Zhaolin said. 

"Maybe, that's why she said that, "An Qinyan said. 

"He comes to drop and pick her up daily, "Lu Zhaolin said. "I have my doubts about that boy."

"Why don't you ask her?" An Qinyan said. 

"As a mother, it is something that you should ask her, "Lu Zhaolin said. "How awkward would it be if I asked her about that boy? I don't want her to be awkward. Why don't you ask her?"

Girls usually tell this kind of stuff to their mothers. An Qinyan and An Xiulan were very close. He knew that his daughter would easily talk about this thing with her mother if the latter asked. As a father, he wanted to know what his child was up to. 

"And after asking her, I have to tell you, "An Qinyan questioned. 

"Of course, "Lu Zhaolin said. 

Song Yifei rolled her eyes. What a master plan!

"Lu Zhaolin! Why are you pushing big task over me?" An Qinyan said. "Why don't you ask her? Is she my daughter alone? Do you have no part in making her? Should I remind you that she is just a syour daughter as she is mine. Why don't you share the same responsibility!"

"An Qinyan! I am her father. There are many things that I am not comfortable with while talking to her, "Lu Zhaolin said. "You are her mother. Why don't you ask her? Why are you making mountains out of molehill?"

Song Yifei sighed. She was just waiting for these two to start an argument. It was very difficult for these to be in a same room without their kids and not break into an argument. 

"Both of you! Keep calm. We are in hospital, "Song Yifei said. "If you are so curious to know, shall I call her and ask?"

Those two fell silent. They just realized that they were acting like these. These two always brought out the worst in each other. 

"Zhaolin, did you forget you are sick? How can you raise your temper like this?"Song Yifei said. "And An Qinyan don't provoke him."

"I provoked him?" An Qinyan asked with a scoff. 

"Of course, you are provoking me, "Lu Zhaolin said.

"Now you are provoking her to provoke you, "Song Yifei said. 

"Just talk to her once, "Lu Zhaolin asked An Qinyan. 

"I will see, "An Qinyan said. "So, what if she is dating him?"

"How can she date him?" Lu Zhaolin said. "She is too young to date anyone."

"Zhaolin, she is twenty five, "An Qinyan said. 

"So, you have no problem with them dating?" Lu Zhaolin asked. 

"I have no problem with my daughter dating anyone, "An Qinyan said. "What's the worse that can happen?"

"She might end up marrying the wrong person, "Lu Zhaolin said. 

"There is always divorce, "An Qinyan said. "Anyways, I am not worried about her. She has good taste in people. The one I should be worried about is Lu Xuan who has questionable taste."

"How can you be so casual about Xiulan?" Lu Zhaolin said. "Marriage and divorce are big things. She can't mess with these. A good partner is important. I don't want her to date the wrong person."

Song Yifei said, "Zhaolin, she is a wise girl. She knows what she is doing."


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