She was not going to pretend that she did not hate this girl. Oh, she hated her with every fibre of her being. She hated An Xiulan even more now because she found out about the relationship that she had with her son. Han Zixin had a good family background and yet he found her of all people. If it was up to her, she would never approve of An Xiulan for Han Zixin. 

If An Xiulan knew what was going inside Yang Zi's head, she would have laughed until her stomach started hurting. People really love daydreaming, don't they? 

An Xiulan said with a cheeky smile, "Not yet. But you can be the first person to say this. People usually find me adorable and cheerful."

She literally believed that she was pretty good. It was not her fault that some people did not liked her. She could not force people to have taste, right? 

Yang Zi said, "Should not you be talking nice and kindly to me?"

Yang Zi was certain that An Xiulan knew about the relationship that she had with han Zixin. Yet, this girl was not giving her the respect that she deserved as Han Zixin's mothers. This showed how poor upbringing this girl had. As they said money could not guarantee good upbringing. 

"You did nothing to deserve my niceness and kindness, "An Xiulan's answer was as sharp as it was nonchalant. 

What made Yang Zi believe that she would respect her? What had she done to deserve respect? She did not even like her music! One could earn money easily but respect was very hard to earn. And she did not think that Yang Zi could ever deserve or earn her respect in this life. 

Suddenly, Yang Zi said when had been irking her a lot all these years, "It was you, wasn't it? You snitched on me to tell the Han family that I had come to An City seven years back?"

Yang Zi had her doubts all these years. But she never bothered to check them. She believed or doubted that it was An Xiulan who snitched on her to the Han family. How could Han family know that she was back in her son's life? She did not know why but she had full faith in her son that he did not tell the Han family about her interest in his life. He cared about his mother but it was this little evil girl who was the reason why a son was taken away from her mother. She would never forgive An Xiulan for this. 

She and Han Zixin would have been living such a perfect life had this evil girl not ruined anything! Her son would have been ruling the music industry. He had a talent that could put those big musicians to shame. He was an uncut diamond and she would have moulded him into a successful musician by now!

An Xiulan looked into her eyes and said, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

By no means she felt guilty or remorse for what she did years ago. She did not know how Han Zixin would react when he would get to know about this. But if he asked her if she had changed her decision back then? She would still have done what she did. 

This woman had ruined her man like she did once! 

She just told Han Nanxian the truth and she knew that he would do whatever was best for Han Zixin and that was what happened. 

However, Yang Zi did not need to know all the details. She was just an outsider who wanted to cast her evil eyes to the good life that Han Zixin was living. 

"That eldest son of the Han family was not even in An City at that time," Yang Zi said, "How did he find out that I was trying to get close to my son? You used to be with my son all the time. You snitched on me, didn't you?"

She would be a fool to believe what An Xiulan was saying. 

An Xiulan scoffed, "Does your conscience hurt calling him your son? What have you done to call him your son?"

Literally, how shameless was this woman to call Han Zixin as her son? What had she ever done for him to claim that she was his mother? She left him with a monster and never looked back! If she so loved her son, she would have returned when she was stable with her career. She would not have bothered to only show interest in him when she found out that he was a talented musician. Why did her motherly instincts only ignite then? 

Where was she when Han Zixin was so alone? Where was she when he was ruining his life? Where was she when he used to cry himself to sleep? Did she ever ask Han Ziqiu about how their son was doing? Did she ever look back?

"I gave birth to him!"Yang Zi screamed. 

"Then, sold him for money and fame!"An Xiulan screamed back. If screaming could prove one right, she could do it as well. 

Yang Zi temper raised and she slapped An Xiulan. As she realised what she did, she took a step back and said in a scared whisper, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to."I think you should take a look at

Yang Zi looked terrified of her own self. One could see in her eyes that she did not mean to do it but her buttons were pushed so hard that the slap came as a reaction to the accusations thrown at her. The slap came out as her defence! 

An Xiulan met her eyes and asked, "Did you slap your daughter too when she tells the truth?"

"Shut up!" Yang Zi said, taking a step back. Her entire body was shuddering. She was muttering under her lips that she did not mean to do this. It all happened on its own. This was not what she wanted to do!

"Why is your daughter getting mental treatment when it should be you!"An Xiulan said. She pushed the last button and she knew what would follow ahead. 

Yang Zi began screaming, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! How dare you! How dare you! I am a good mother. I am the best mother. I did everything well for my kids. My son is a son of a billionaire! My daughter is at her house not with some wanna be artist who is willing to leave everything behind for a simple life! My daughter is made for big things like my son! She will be the next star of the century! My son is a little stupid to leave fame but at least he is Han Ziqiu's son."

An Xiulan did not even have pity left for this woman. "I don't care what you think about your daughter. But Han Zixin is not your son. He is not Han Ziqiu's son either. Han Zixin never accepted or saw Han Ziqiu as his father. And do you know what? Han Ziqiu never treated him as his son either. You ruined his life. But it's okay, then he met me and now he has the best life one could ever ask for. So, what if his sperm donor or birth giver could not love him? My family and I are here to make him the most loved person in the world. We do not need you in our lives. How well it would be if you never came to his life."

"You are wrong, "Yang Zi said. 

An Xiulan shook her head and said, "And you are delusional."

"Madam! Madam! Madam!"

The bodyguards came running to her side. She did not know what happened but the bodyguards looked terrified. 

"What happened?"Yang Zi asked. She had a bad premonition about all of this. She could feel it in her bones that something was not right. 

"Miss Mu ran away,"The bodyguards said. 

"What?" Yang Zi asked, shocked.She ran towards the doctor's room while An Xiulan was left behind. 

"What the hell just happened?" An Xiulan muttered to herself. She called MIng Jun who picked up her call instantly. 

"Where the hell is she?"She asked him, 

"Apparently, she ran away,'' He told her. "And I have no hand in it."

"How did she run away?"An Xiulan asked him. 

"She forgot to ask her. The next time I see her I will certainly ask her, "Ming Jun said. 

"You are not helping the case, "An Xiulan said. "You went inside the doctor's room. Did you see her inside?"

"I did, "Ming Jun said. "We had a small conversation. I came out. She was still lying on the bed inside. I did not know what happened after I left."

"This is weird, "An Xiulan sighed. "Why would she run away from the hospital?"

"This is something only Mu Wanwan can answer, "Ming Jun said. "And she is on the run. When her stepmother catches her, we can ask her why she ran away."


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