Chapter 403 Family Reunion(two)

Gu Shangyan asked. He was really curious to know what both of them had in mind. They were even thinking, "Then, who will be holding that post until then?"

"Isn't Shen Yue handling that fine?" An Qinyan asked. She believed that Shen Yue was more than capable. Moreover, Shen Yue was a trusted ally in the office. Shen Yue waa close to their family. She would not betray them. Moreover, the second group in office that was vying for power would not try to drag Shen Yue to their group, given how close Lu Xuan and she were.

All this while An Xiulan who was eating her food quietly raised her head as something clicked in her head, "Why is Yue looking for Lu Xuan's work? Doesn't she have her department? Isn't it too much for her?"

Actually, she was not very aware of what was happening in the office. She did not keep her up to date with it. She tried to do that but she failed. Her own work was stressful enough. Whenever Lu Xuan, Gu Shangyan and she would be with their family. Lu Zhaolin and An Xiulan would usually have their own conversation as they had many things to talk about while Lu Xuan and An Qinyan would have common topics to talk about.

Gu Shangyan praised his sister in his heart.He raised her well. If anyone's voice would be listened to, it would be hers. An Xiulan always had this magic to logic to make everyone listen to her.

An Qinyan said, "She is the best person for now. If she hadn't been best for her department too, I would have considered asking her to take over Lu Xuan's department."

Aside from being an ally, Shen Yue was extremely talented and hardworking. Even if she wanted to, she could not find someone as good as Shen Yue. That girl was filled with talent to the brim. She was a great asset to the company and An Qinyan had a feeling that if Shen Yue stayed with the company for long, the girl would go places.

"But we can't do that, "Gu Yanxi reminded her.They had a great plan in mind.

"So, Yue is overworking these days, "An Xiulan came to the conclusion. "No wonder she has no time to pick Xueyun's calls."

Song Xueyun had been calling Shen Yue because she wanted to tell her about the development in An Xiulan's life. She had been so excited but Shen Yue had no time to even take anyone's calls. She would just text saying that she had no time to take calls and she would call when she had time.

Anyways, it was working well for An Xiulan. She did not want Song Xueyun to tell Shen Yue as she wanted to do it herself.

"Why is Xueyun calling her?" Gu Shangyan asked.

"Nothing special, Yan Ge, "An Xiulan said.She could not tell her brother the real reason 22:01

behind it. It was not the time yet. She was looking for a good time when she could tell her family at the same time that she was in a relationship. She was not fearing that they would not accept it. It was just that she wanted to date Han Zixin without involving the entire family. It was thrilling this way, she would say this.

"What happened to the vacation that she was planning with her mom?" An Xiulan suddenly asked.Suddenly, she recalled that Shen Yue was telling them that her mom and she would be leaving for Europe. Shen Yue's mother wanted to see Europe and now that she could afford a Europe trip, she planned it. An Xiulan did not know what happened to that trip with new work responsibilities.

"What vacation?" An Qinyan asked. She had no idea about what An Xiulan was talking about.Shen Yue's mother was her secretary, she had no idea about it.

An Xiulan answered her mother, "She was planning a vacation with her mom. A long vacation. Actually. Her mom has been working for too long. She just wanted to give her time to relax. But it seems she has postponed it."

An Qinyan answered after listening, "The office can't survive without her right now. But we will compensate her with a long vacation sponsored by the office if she waits for a while."

Although she understands the heart of a daughter and a mother, she could not forget that the office was in trouble at this time. They had to think about bigger things at this time. The most she could do was to make sure that Shen Yue went on a trip with her mother later and that too for a long time. The office would sponsor it.

"Mom, you will have to talk to her, "An Xiulan said. She was just feeling bad about it but she could understand her family's helplessness too,"I can't help it."

It sucked to be stuck in between like this.

"Zixin, how is your work?" Gu Yanxi asked later. Now the conversation shifted from Shen Yue to Han Zixin.

"It's good uncle, "Han Zixin said in a respectful tone. He was the only one who was quietly eating while everyone was focussing on the conversation.

"I saw your picture in the newspaper the other day, "Gu Yanxi said, making everyone look at him. Oh, they did not know about it?How was it possible that An Xiulan did not know about it? Then again, if she had known, wouldn't she have screamed about it to the entire world? He should have thought about it but with other things in his mind, he failed to notice this.

"Which newspaper?" Both An Xiulan and Lu Xun asked at the same time.When did this happen? How did it happen? Why did no one tell them about such a big thing?

"It was just a small interview, "Han Zixin said. Seriously, it was not even a big deal. They just wanted to interview the youngest officer that occupied the office. He did not think that it was worth mentioning. He did not even tell his grandfather as he did not want to sound like he was boasting about his position. Moreover, he did not like too much attention. He was worried that the interview would bring him unnecessary attention but thankfully nothing of that sort happened.

"You did not tell me?" An Xiulan asked, looking at her boyfriend.How could he do this to her? Don't tell her that he did not feel that it was a big deal? She would sweetly murder him if he felt like this!

"I didn't think it was important, "Han Zixin answered her by saying.

Ugh! How could he say this! Did this man not know that everything he did was important to her!! It could be a little thing for him or others but if it was related to him, it was never a small thing.

An Xiulan said, "Who said it was not! Everything related to you is important to me!"

As An Xiulan said this, the entire room fell silent. Well, shoot! An Xiulan! You are crazy.

Anyways, it was not important. She had to find the important thing.The newspaper! She had to find it and see her handsome boyfriend's picture there.

Gu Yanxi cleared his throat and said, "I made sure that I saved a couple of newspapers of that day. If you guys want to see it, it is in my room and..."

Before he could complete his sentence, An Xiulan and Lu Xun ran to his room to see the newspaper.

"They did not even listen to which date the newspaper was." Gu Yanxi said. How would the kids even find it if they didn't know what they had to find?

"Let them find it." An Qinyan said. She knew that those two, the two over excited kids Would be able to find whatever they wanted to. Nothing could stop them at this time.

"How is your grandfather?" An Qinyan asked.

"He is good, "Han Zixin said. "Too good that he can meet all of his grandchildren, especially the younger one."

"I heard about her, "An Qinyan said. "How is she?"

"What can I say?" Han Zixin says, "The girl has my brother wrapped around her little finger and she is this tiny herself."

An Qinyan smiled. She could see in his eyes how much he adored that girl even though he did not say it. The boy was opening up his heart to the family that only brought him hurt. Not everyone was as brave and big hearted as this boy. Each time she meets him, her opinion of him just goes well.

"Younger sisters have this super power of making you fall for them like this, "Gu Shangyan said. "And if they are cute, you are a goner then!"


A/N: Someone texted me one day just to say, "Thank you for existing." I did not know that four words could hit me this hard that I would be in heaven the entire day.

Right now all I want to say is, "Thank you for existing."

Couple of months were the hardest in my life. I could barely survive tbh. I had seen so much that I can no longer recognise myself. You can just see it how my writing changed in this book from beginning to now.

You guys are the reason why I am still living tbh. When I think I have no one who is waiting for me or caring for me, I see the comments asking where I am (even though you are scolding me for not posting)

Sometimes, I can't write. So, I just post unedited chapters because if I don't, I won't post the entire month. If I post that unedited chapter, I know I have to post and give you double update. I am trying not to give up even though the water us above my head.

Once again, thank you for being tolerant, understanding, little strict at times, most of all thank you for being here for me. I am forever grateful for you!


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