Song Yifei nodded her head as if she understood. "There is never a good time. You have to make the time good. You should tell your family about him now. We have known him all our lives. We love him. He is such a good boy. And how can we forget how much your mother loves him? I am sure that she will be at peace when she finds out that you and Han Zixin are the endgame. Although we never thought you will end up with him in the end, it does not sound surprising. It just sounds right. You guys are made for each other. I am glad that you found out about it before wasting more years or feelings on other people."

"Han Zixin has been in love with her all his life, "Song Xueyun said. "We all could see it."

"We could also see how much Han Nanxian had loved you but you were so hell-bent upon loving Lu Xuan, "An Xiulan scoffed.

"Why? Didn't you want me as your sister-in-law?" Song Xueyun grumbled. "We would have been sisters if I and Lu Xuan had ended up together."

Song Yifei and An Xiulan tsked.

"I love that boy to death but he is not for you, "Song Yifei said. "I am team Han Nanxian."

"Me too!" An Xiulan said. "My brother is not good for you."

"As if I want him now, "Song Xueyun said and when the two ladies gave him a look, she ended up blushing.

"Tell me did you kiss Nanxian?" An Xiulan asked in a teasing tone. "Oh, you are living together. You must have done more than just mere kissing."

"Auntie, look at her, "Song Xueyun complained, hiding her face in her hands.

"What? You, girls, are not young anymore, "Song Yifei said.

"Exactly, "An Xiulan grinned. "Give me details!"

"The only thing you will be getting is a punch, "Song Xueyun moved to tickle An Xiulan who stood up and ran all around the room to save herself from Song Xueyun's tickle attack. Song Yifei looked at the two girls and sighed before smiling. It was so good to see these two together here again. When they were in high school, they would come here and play like this all the time. Seven years had passed in the blink of an eye and the two girls had grown up a lot. They are now career women with boyfriends. Soon, they would get married and one day they would have their kids. At these moments one wondered how small life was yet it was so huge at the same time.

She hoped that whatever happened in the future, would bring a lot of happiness to these two girls that she loved so much.

The door to the room opened and Lu Xun craned his neck to see what was happening inside. When he was sent out, he saw his father who scolded him for playing video games when he should be studying for his exams. He told his father that he was studying but his mother sent him out of the room because she wanted to talk to his sisters. Of course, he did not tell him about the boyfriend talk. Not because his mother threatened him but because he did not want to put his sisters in trouble. Such a good boy he was, wasn't he?

"What happened?" His mother asked him. "Why are you peeking inside?"

"Mom, I am hungry, "Lu Xun said.

"Go to the kitchen and ask someone to give you food, "Song Yifei said.

"Mom, why don't you go and bring me food?" Lu Xun asked dumbly and received a sharp gaze in return.

"I am busy with your sisters. I cannot go out, "Lu Xun said.

"Mom, dad is looking for you, "Lu Xun used the other means. "And he is hungry too."

"Lu Xun!" She said in a stern tone and he pouted. After a moment, he said, "Mom, are you free tomorrow?"

"Why?" Song Yifei asked. She knew her child. She knew that he was up to no good. She knew this look. He was planning something sinister. But the question was what and against whom?

"Mom, you and dad are always busy with work. I know how hard you work to give me this lifestyle, "Lu Xun said like a wise man and she knew that he was aiming at something. Her child was not this kind to his parents. How could he say something like this without having something in his mind? Did he want a new toy?

"I want to go to the waterpark and I know you guys can't take me there because of work, "Lu Xun said. "Why don't you ask Jiejie to accompany me? We will be able to spend some quality time together. What do you say, mom?"

Song Yifei looked at the girls and then at her boy. Something was fishy here. She asked, "Xiulan, what will you be doing tomorrow?"

"I am planning a date with Zixin. I haven't spent much time with him lately. I also told Xiaobao about it, "An Xiulan replied without looking back.

Lu Xun scratched his head. "Mom..."

"Don't you mom me, "Song Yifei said strictly. "You knew it yet you were planning something like this? Xiaobao, your Jiejie is so nice to you. She makes time for you even when she is tired. She takes you out. She brings you things that you like. How can you do this to her? She now has a boyfriend. She has to think about him too. She will not give him your time but you should not take his time from her either. If you keep on doing this, it will hurt your sister. Do you want to see your sister hurt?"

Lu Xun immediately shook his head. "I never want to see her sad. I love her the most!"

Song Yifei and Lu Zhaolin had long accepted the fact that he loved An Xiulan more than anyone else on the planet. He did not care about the people who parented him but say a word against his sister, he would set the world on fire.

"And she loves him. And shouldn't we respect her love for him?" Song Yifei asked and a few moments later, he nodded her head.

Good. One Lu man won. Two more to go.


A/N: I need your urgent prayers. My result can be announced anytime now. I am dying of stress. If I die out of stress, the book will be uncompleted. Pray that I come in cutoff list. �


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