An Xiulan shivered as she heard his tone. She had never heard him talk like this. It was actually scary. She could not imagine that someone could speak like this. This man did not sound like her usual brother. What had someone done to her mean but cute brother? And why was he suddenly so scary?

“Director Lu, we do not want your woman prancing herself in the lobby of the place where we work and sing your praises all day, “Mr Jiang said. “The kind of woman you are associated with should be thrown out of the building. It’s not the brothel thwg you frequent. It is a place of work for normal people like us.”

“Lu Xuan, leave me!” An Xiulan said angrily when he held her by her waist. “I want to scratch his face.”

“Teeny, calm down, “Lu Xuan said, holding her back. He whispered in her ear, “Don’t give him what he wants. He is trying to anger you to do something stupid so he can prove his point. We can’t get him what he wants.”

An Xiulan took a deep breath as if stopping herself from doing something extremely stupid. She did not want to create trouble for her brother but she did not want to leave this man without teaching him a lesson. How dare he talk about her brother and mother like this? She would be a stupid bitch if she did not teach him a lesson.

Much to Lu Xuan’s surprise, An Xiulan calmed down and smirked at the man. She asked, “Mr Jiang, I heard your daughter was one of those women. Now what do you have to say?”

Before she could give that man a chance to speak, she went on, “First of all, I hate everyone who classify women into categories. What do you mean by the kind of women? Is woman someone you can easily categorize? Mr Jiang, you are borned by a women, you are wed to one and your had one child of the same gender and yet you are the one to use the term the kind of women.” She looked at the employees standing behind him and said while tsking, “And you have so many of them in your team yet you are so narrow minded. I wonder if they knew what kind of thoughts you have regarding them.”

She was not done yet. This man had insulted her brother and mother and she would be damned if she did not do anything. And he used such a tone for women. How would she leave him now? She had all the reasons to give him An Xiulan special speech.

“As for the brothel comment, Lu Xuan’s lawyer that is me, An Xiulan, would see you in court, “An Xiulan smiled. “My assistant would send you a legal notice for defaming my client.”

Everyone looked at the women with wide eyes. What was she doing?

“She has lost her brain, “Mr Jiang said, looking at Lu Xuan. He knew that Lu Xuan would never send him a legal notice.

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The room burst into a fit of discussions. Everyone was looking at the twins with wide eyes that could not express their shock. They could not believe that a woman suddenly appeared to defend Lu Xuan and now she was sending a legal notice to Mr Jiang and the former did not even say a word. It was as if Mr Lu was giving all the liberties to the woman and asking her to do whatever she wanted to do. This was the kind of scene that nobody expected to see in the office.

“I will see both of you, “Mr Jiang said, before leaving. He was angered to death. But he was angry enough to destroy An Xiulan, therefore he went towards An Qinyan’s office to snitch on the girl.

As he entered the office, he saw An Qinyan and Gu Yanxi discussing something. They stopped when they saw Mr Jiang.

“I am sorry, President An, “The assistant said from behind. She was flushed and worried. She tried stooping Mr Jiang but he was so angry that he pushed her aside and entered the office without her permission or announcing his presence. He actually dared to barge into the door of President of the company.

“You can leave, “An Qinyan said to the assistant. When the assistant left, she turned to look at Mr Jiang but did not say anything. It was Gu Yanxi who said, “Mr Jiang, it seems you forget how you are supposed to behave with the head of the organisation you are working in.”

Mr Jiang pursed his lips and looked at An Xiulan. “Your son dared to drag me to court.”

“What did you do that my son has to chose this way?” It was An Qinyan answer. Although she was upset with Lu Xuan, it did not mean that she would let anyone badmouth her child.

“You are taking his side, President An, “Mr Jiang said.

“Mr Jiang, who are you here to complain to? Lu Xuan’s mother or President An.” It was An Qinyan’s question. “Because the behaviour and approach to deal with the matter will differ. If you are here to complain to An Qinyan, Lu Xuan’s mother, she will take her son’s side for sure abut if you are here to complain to his boss, I will not say a word because it is your personal matter and I have nothing to do with it. It is up to you how you deal with it.”

“You are talking like that girl, “Mr Jiang said. “He brings his woman to office and she insults me infront of the entire office. Wow, president An. You sure have ways.”

“Which girl?” Gu Yanxi asked. He did not think that Lu Xuan would bring any of his ex-girlfriend to office. Lately, he had been hearing how the boy was trying to get rid of them. And Mr Jiang was eloquent with his speech and no normal person would be able to render him speechless especially to the extent of angering him to death. This special talent could not be possesed by anyone. He knew someone extraordinary who could do that.

“An insolent girl whose parents did not teach her manners, “Mr Jiang said. “She is the example of how parents fail to discipline children.”

Gu Yanxi rang the assistant and asked her to find out which girl Mr Jiang was talking about even though he had an inkling. If it was the same girl who he thought it was, lord knew what his wife would do to Mr Jiang. An Qinyan had boundaries and she was reasonable person. But there was one person who could trigger her unreasonablity instantly. If it was her, then he also did not know wgat he would do.

“Mr Gu, it is Miss An, “The assistant amswered and Gu Yanxi heaved a sigh. He turned to look at An Qinyan and could see her eyes changing shade.

“What happened downstairs?” Gu Yanxi asked.

The assistant did not even bother to look at Mr Jiang and snitched, “Mr Jiang called Mr Lu a man who frequents brothels and Miss An ‘that” kind of women. He accused President An of nepotism. Miss An dealt the situation rather calmly by only announcing that she would be suing him for defemation.”

“Mr Jiang, I expect an explaination, “An Qinyan said. “And a public apology for using these ambiguous words for my children. If I don’t get it as soon as possible, do not expect me to stop my daughter of she decided to charge you for more crimes that also includes emotional distress, ruining the peace and harmony of the office and calling women names and trying to stain her charcter.”

“President An, “Mr Jiang looked at her, horrified.

“I had no clue that she was your daughter, “Mr Jiang said.

An Qinyan just stared at him without saying a word. She was angry enough to roar at him but she did not want to use her words on a man who did not even deserve them. This man just tried to ruin the image of her childrens and she was thinking of all the possible ways she could ruin him by the end of the evening. She gave him chance again and again but he kept on touching her bottomline.

“Please see yourself out of the office, “An Qinyan said. “And next time, when you come in. Make sure you have an appointment.”

“I will go and see An Xiulan, “Gu Yanxi said.

An Qinyan shook her head and held his hand. “Do not do that. This time, she needs to spend more time with him. We should not intervene.”

Gu Yanxi realised what she was saying and nodded his head. “You are right.”

“Where is Shangyan?” An Qinyan asked him.

“I have no idea, “Gu Yanxi asked. “He is heartbroken. He must be doing what he usually do to nurse his broken heart.”

“Then, I will text Shen Yue to ask her to find him, “An Qinyan said. “These kids thinks we don’t know what they are upto. How long will we pretend that we know nothing?”

“Until they tell us?” Gu Yanxi asked and she just heaved out a sigh.

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