“Are you missing your parents?” Song Xueyun asked the little girl whose eyes were stuck on Han Nanxian.

The girl didn’t even bother to look at Song Xueyun and much less answer the question. It was clear that she was not going to say anything to her.

Song Xueyun sighed. The people of the Han family were so weird that she had no words to explain. Han Ziqiu left his two and half years old girl with a couple who she never met. How could a father leave his daughter with a person who didn’t even meet her before?

What the hell was going through their heads? Thankfully, he said that he would pick his daughter later in the evening and if she cried, they could call him and he would come to pick her up.

“Where are you going?” Han Nanxian asked as Song Xueyun stood up.

“I will cuddle with Leo, “Song Xueyun said as she laid next to the big dog and he helplessly smiled at her. His wife and her love for their dog was endless.

“Does Qiqi want to play with Leo?” Han Nanxian asked the little girl who was now climbing on his lap.

Qiqi shook her head and sat on his lap while playing with her face. It was something that she used to do with her father and was now doing with Gege who she met for the first time but seemed to love a lot. She liked everyone who looked like her father.

“What does Qiqi want to do?” Han Nanxian asked and the little girl once again shook her head at him.

When the girl was in deep pondering, she would remind him of Han Zixin who used to look the same when he was young. The little Qiqi looked exactly like Han Zixin when he was young. Both of them were as cute as dumplings. He had so many pictures of Han Zixin when he was this small and in every picture, he resembled the little Qiqi.

Playing with Qiqi reminded her of the time when he was so obsessed with little Han Zixin. Now it seemed that time was returning.

While Han Zixin and Qiqi were spending time with each other, Song Xueyun was doing her thing. She had sent a picture of them to someone who was waiting for the doorbell to ring. If her guess was right, it would take that person at most thirty minutes and since she sent the message a fifteen minutes ago, he would be on his way.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang. It was Han Qian standing outside the door, panting.

“Grandpa, did you come here running?” Song Xueyun asked. She knew that he would be here soon but this soon, she didn’t know that he would come in this hurry, ignoring his health.

“Where is she?” Han Qian asked in apparent excitement. He didn’t look anywhere and went straight inside and found his little granddaughter and grandson in the living room.

When Han Nanxian saw his grandfather, he was surprised. He turned to find Song Xueyun who went towards the kitchen and sighed. It must have been her who told grandfather to come here. If she told grandfather about Qiqi, did she also tell Han Zixin about it? And would he be sad that he liked little Qiqi?

“Qiqi, meet Yeye, “Han Nanxian said softly. “That’s daddy’s daddy.”

“Daddy’s daddy?” Qiqi repeated the words while looking at Han Nanxian.

Han Nanxian nodded his head. “Call him Yeye.”

“Daddy’s daddy?” Qiqi said instead.

“Yeye, “Han Nanxian corrected.

“Daddy’s daddy, “Qiqi laughed. She was a naughty kid. She would do things that she was told not to do.

“She can call me anything, “Grandfather Han said, taking a seat next to his grandchildren. He put his hand on the little girl’s head and said, “I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to see you.”

Qiqi blinked her eyes as she didn’t understand what he was saying but he didn’t look mean and little like her father which meant he was not a bad man. He also had a beard that interested her and she touched it to feel it. As the beard tickled her soft hands, she giggled cutely and her giggles were like music to their ears.

“She is so cute, Grandfather, “Han Nanxian said with a wide smile.

Han Qian nodded his head. His eyes were warm and glossy as he was looking at her antics. She would jump in Han Nanxian’s lap to touch his beard and as her hand would tickle she would giggle and repeat this.

“Where do you meet her?” Han Qian asked his grandson. Song Xueyun took the girl to the bedroom as the latter fell asleep on Han Nanxian’s lap while playing. They played for more than thirty minutes before she fell asleep and then Song Xueyun carried the babygirl to the master bedroom so she could sleep in peace.

“I met him in a restraunt, “Han Nanxian told him. “I was returning but then I met her. Can you believe that he sent a girl as little as her with us? What kind of careless man he is? Did he do that with everyone? I would never let our family’s girl to leave with anyone. Especially for this long.”

Han Qian softly smiled. “You didn’t understand what your father was trying to do?”

Han Nanxian paused. He knew what his father was trying to do but he did not believe it. He did not trust his father enough. Did that man suddenly grew conscience now? Did that make sense to anyone?

“He wanted his daughter to have the love of her family, “Han Qian said with a smile.

“Yeye, are you taking your son’s side?” Han Nanxian asked. His grandfather had never taken his son’s side and he didn’t understand what was so different. His grandfather was trying to make him see his father’s point of view which didn’t make sense to him at all. Actually, nothing that his Han family did make sense to him. They all were a bunch of crazy and weird people who needed therapy to act normal.

“Am I taking his his side?” Han Qian asked himself. “I don’t think so. I am just trying to tell you what I see.”

“He was not a good father to Han, “Han Nanxian said in a bitter tone. “To me, he was more than nice and for that I would always love him. But we should not forget that his love and care comes with conditions and ambitions.”

Han Qian smiled. “How is he with Qiqi?”

“He is different, “Han Nanxian said. “It is like with her he is a different person. When he is with her, he is a changed man. Someone we couldn’t even recognise. But with everyone else, he is the Han Ziqiu that everyone is aware of.”

Even he could not believe that someone could change this way. Maybe, his father fell in love again. However, it was not his wife with who he fell in love with but his daughter. Love changes everyone. Maybe, it was his father’s destiny too.

However, the alterations in his character now could not make him a better person in Han Nanxian’s eyes. The destruction that he had caused on his children was something that he would never forget and he should never forget.

“How do you think Han will react to Qiqi?” Han Nanxian asked. He was scared that Han Zixin would be indifferent to the little girl who had formed a place in his heart. He knew that Han Zixin would not hate the little girl as it was too big emotion and his brother had no time or energy for it.

“What do you think?” Han Qian asked. “Do you think your brother is this unreasonable to take out his anger on a little girl who is as cute as our Qiqi?”

It was Han Zixin who told him that the little girl should not suffer because of her father. His grandsons had hearts as big as occean. One thing he knew that Han Zixin would never take out the anger that he had at Han Ziqiu at Qiqi because he was not raised this way. Han Zixin was raised to be reasonable and kind to everyone. Although his kindness had limit to it, he was mangimanous enough.

“Grandpa, is everything going alright?” Han Nanxian asked. “When everything goes right, I get scared that someone bad is going to happen. I don’t want to feel this. Tell me everything will be fine.”

Han Nanxian had everything that he wanted at this point of time. He was scared that these things would be stolen or snatched away from him.

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