“It has nothing to do with us, “Han Zixin said, turning his gaze. He also made her look at him rather at the entrance of the restaurant. “Ignorance is bliss. The more you want to know something, the more it will trouble you. Sometimes, it’s better to not know anything. Let them handle their own matters.”

Although it would be better to have knowledge of things most of the time, sometimes it was better to not know about things. The more you stay away from those things, the better it would be for you.

Similar was the case with Gu Shangyan and Shen Yue. If An Xiulan decided to know their equation, she would have to be part of it, willingly or unwillingly. Therefore, it would be better for her if she didn’t raise any sort of questions and mind her own business.

“Yoona is accusing the two of them of dating. She is blowing up my phone all day and night, “An Xiulan sighed. She was so irritated with the dynamics of these three that she wanted to lash out at them but it was her fault for not blocking Yoona’s number even though Gu Shangyan asked her to. She was just thinking that she should be friendly with Yoona even though the couple broke up but they were making it hard for her to act nice and friendly. “I am tired of being forced to behave as the middleman between the two of them. I hope they become sensible enough to act rightly.”

“She is still calling you?” Han Zixin asked.

“She never stopped, “An Xiulan answered. She was pissed over this topic and he could hear it in his tone, “I have been denying that those two are not dating and even if they are its none of her business but I don’t know what to answer anymore.”

Initially, she was sure that Shen Yue and Gu Shangyan had nothing between them but she didn’t know anymore. Those two were always together. She still decided to trust her bestie and brother. They would not lie to her. But then she was reminded of the time when her brothers hid about Yoona from her. However, she could trust Shen Yue, right?

“You will still answer her that it’s none of her business, “Han Zixin said in a hard tone. He didn’t like how this Yoona girl was harassing his girl. If it was up to him, he would have given her a piece of mind. “They broke up. So, they must act like that. Why don’t they take responsibility for their own words and actions?”

How great would the world be if people decided to take responsibility for their words and actions? No war would occur anywhere. No bloodshed would take place. This world would become a peaceful place. Maybe, it was the reason why people didn’t do this. Maybe, they thrived in chaos and peace was not something they could live in.

“I hope everyone can take responsibility for their actions and words, “An Xiulan said with a sigh. Even while saying this, she knew how difficult it would be to do this. But she could be idealistic, right? There was no harm in being an idealist or was there one?

It was not easy to change a lifestyle. Sometimes, it was not about the someone we love but the life we had with them. Gu Shangyan lived one kind of life the entire decade. Yoona had been the closest person to him all this time. It was not easy to let her go even though the love between the two of them had dried up like the last drop of water from a well. They both are good people and now they are mistaking the goodness of each other as remaining feelings.

“You are worried about everyone’s life but ours, “Han Zixin said with a hint of irony. Turning to look at her, he asked, “What about us, Xiulan?”

“What about us?” She questioned.

“What will become of us?” He asked.

“What will become of us?” She asked herself. She pondered for a long time and then said. “Truth be told, I don’t know what to do or say at this time or about this matter at any point in time.”

Taking a pause, she went on, “Like I asked you to give me some time to think about us, I have been doing that. I was not lying about it. I have been thinking about us so much that I don’t know what to do anymore. Do you know that thinking too much about anything is like a deadly disease? It has been eating me up.”

He held her hand, urging her to speak more. He wanted her to share her heart with him. He wanted to know everything that was worrying her. Maybe, he would find a solution to their problem.

An Xiulan continued, “What if we take a step back and suddenly realize that it’s not what we wanted.? How will we go back to our best-friend dynamic? I know everyone says it’s okay and we will be back to being the best of friends but no one more than me knows that it is a lie. We will never be able to go back to what we were in the beginning. It will be impossible to do so. Even if you were willing to go back to being best friends, I would not agree. I don’t want bitterness to coat our sweet friendship.”


A/N: Congratulations, they are finally saying the right things!!

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